Solyanka vegetable lean recipe. Solyanka fast. As filling ingredients

Cabbage hodgepodge, lean recipe from Catherine. it tasty dish cabbage is very rich in fiber, so it is useful to include it in the diet not only during fasting, but also in the weekly menu.

For the recipe for cabbage hodgepodge you will need:

  • Cabbage - ½ a small head of cabbage,
  • Carrots - 2 medium carrots
  • Onions - 2 medium heads,
  • Bay leaf 3-5 leaves,
  • Black peppercorns 5-7 peas,
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil 1 tablespoon,
  • Ketchup (or tomato paste) - 2-3 tablespoons.

Preparing cabbage soup

  1. Chop cabbage, as you like, you can finely, you can medium, as I did. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion.
  2. In a stew pan, I pass the onion in olive oil, add carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns, and ground pepper to it. All together a little carcass, 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then I add cabbage, first I salt it and knead a little with salt. I continue to stew with cabbage for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. I add ketchup or tomato paste and put the cabbage hodgepodge on a slow fire until it is ready.

You can add mushrooms to the hodgepodge according to this recipe (preferably dry), you get a mushroom hodgepodge with cabbage, much more useful than with sausages! 😉

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

To begin with, we put a deep saucepan with the right amount of purified water on medium heat, let it boil slowly. At this time, with the help of a sharp kitchen knife, peel potatoes, onions and carrots. Sweet lettuce peppers get rid of the stalk, gutted from seeds and thoroughly washed these products from any contamination along with tomatoes, as well as your favorite herbs. Then we dry it with paper kitchen towels, put it in turn on a cutting board and continue preparing. Potatoes cut into cubes from 1.5 to 2 centimeters, we throw it into a bowl of cold water and leave it in it until use, so as not to darken.
For carrots, onions, sweet lettuce peppers, tomatoes and pickled cucumbers, we choose the same cutting style, only in a smaller size, 1 centimeter or chop them into long straws with a thickness of 6 to 7 millimeters.

Finely chop the greens, transfer them with lemon rings or their quarters to a separate clean dish and set aside.

Then, using a special key, we open a jar of canned olives, throw them into a colander and leave them in the sink for a few minutes so that the glass has excess moisture. Then we choose, either cut them on a clean board with rings or slices, or leave them whole and immediately throw them into a small bowl. After that, we put on the countertop the rest of the products that will be needed to make the soup, and move on.

Step 2: prepare the lean hodgepodge - stage one.

We return to the stove, on which a pan with gurgling liquid is languishing, and lower the chopped potatoes into it, after draining the water from it. Cook vegetables for 15 minutes, periodically removing white foam from the surface with a slotted spoon.

Step 3: prepare vegetable dressing for lean hodgepodge.

We don’t waste a minute, turn on the adjacent burner on medium heat, put a frying pan on it with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. After a couple of minutes, lower the chopped onion into the heated fat and sauté it for 2-3 minutes until transparent and slightly golden. Then we send him carrots with sweet salad pepper and fry them together 3 minutes. Then we put chopped tomatoes, pickled cucumbers in the pan and keep everything on the stove for another 2-3 minutes, not forgetting to periodically loosen.
After that, pour the vegetables with two ladles of boiling water taken from the pan in which the potatoes are gurgling. We also send tomato paste there, mix everything thoroughly, but gently until smooth, simmer the dressing again 4–5 minutes and immediately proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 4: prepare the lean hodgepodge - stage two.

We put vegetable dressing, lemon rings or quarters, olives, bay leaves, salt and black pepper to taste in a saucepan with potatoes. Mix everything carefully and reduce the heat to a level between the smallest and medium. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer the soup at a low boil. 5–7 minutes. Then turn off the stove and let the fragrant dish brew for 15–20 minutes, after which you can start tasting!

Step 5: serve lean hodgepodge.

Lenten hodgepodge is served hot as a full-fledged first course for dinner. After insisting, with the help of a ladle, pour it in portions on deep plates, if desired, crush each fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro, green onion or basil and put on the table along with lean mayonnaise cooked on apples or semolina, although the last addition depends only on your taste preferences. Also, to make the soup more satisfying, it can be served with eggless bread, pita bread, croutons, crackers or unleavened flatbread. Cook with love, and Fasting will be a joy!
Enjoy your meal!

Optionally, pickled cucumbers and carrots can be chopped on a coarse grater;

Very often, fresh tomatoes are replaced with a glass of homemade tomato juice;

Sometimes olives with capers are added to pickled cucumbers and olives;

A great alternative to water is vegetable broth;

The spices indicated in the recipe are not fundamental, supplement their set with any dried herbs, as well as spices that are suitable for soups.

Step by step recipe for lean vegetable hodgepodge.

pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.,

potatoes - 2-3 pcs.,

carrots - 1-2 pcs.,

onion - 1 pc.,

sour cabbage - 200 gr.,

vegetable oil- 30 gr.,

tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,

salt, pepper - to taste,

greens - to taste,

water - 2.5 liters.

Truly Russian food is delicious, fragrant, rich hodgepodge. There is a great many different types saltwort. Today, during the days of Lent, we bring to your attention the most economical lean version of the hodgepodge with vegetables.

- it's delicious, lean and simple. The main feature of all hodgepodges is that they are cooked with pickles, which give the hodgepodge a peculiar taste, which is so appreciated by all fans of this dish.

The recipe is very simple. If you decide make vegetable gravy then be sure to use our step by step photo prescription.

Preparation of lean vegetable hodgepodge.

How to cook lean vegetable hodgepodge?

To prepare a lean vegetable soup potatoes need to be peeled, rinsed and cut into strips or slices. Then boil 2.5 liters of water in a saucepan.

Add chopped potatoes to boiling water.

Next, peel the onion, rinse and cut into small cubes.

Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into thin strips.

Pickled cucumbers need to be grated on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. Rinse the sauerkraut a little and then squeeze out the water.

After that, heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Put the onions and carrots into the pan. Simmer onions and carrots, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

Then add chopped cucumbers.

Then add cabbage.

Pour a little boiling water into the pan and simmer everything together for 10 minutes.

Then add the tomato paste to the vegetables in the pan and mix well.

In place of tomato paste, you can use tomato juice (0.5 cups). Simmer for 1 minute.

Then add the stewed vegetables to the pot.

Salt, pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Cook lean hodgepodge under the lid for 10 minutes over low heat.

Meanwhile, open a jar of olives.

Result traditional ways preparing vegetable broths lean hodgepodge I honestly don't like it. The feeling when you try these broths is as if something is missing in them. It is clear that there is not enough sugar beef bone. More precisely, a rich fat from it, forcing taste buds to put together a complete picture of the world order in the brain. Or, if you like, harmony. In the order of things laid out on the shelves, in which it was determined by mother nature for a reasonable person. Why, after all, a hitch: beef and other bones have no place, so to speak, in vegetable broth. What to do to fix the picture of the world order?

At one time, experimenting with such a capricious substance as vegetable broth, I settled on its preparation. It turned out very even nothing, albeit with some exotic touch. But after all, there should be simpler, more mundane ways to our “Danish soil”, especially when it comes to cooking on the basis of such a broth ... hodgepodge soup. Not meat, fish or mushroom, with which everything is clear. And vegetable. And, of course, the team. So that everything was there from the belly (within the framework of the chosen direction). To make it a national team not only because of the variety of products (again, in the chosen direction). And so, of course, that it would not differ much from the best samples of other mixed hodgepodges, while remaining within the framework of the chosen direction.

This, it turns out, is quite possible if, at the stage of preparing the main broth, we combine the technologies of different culinary cultures and recall the classics. Let's follow this on the example of such a combined vegetable hodgepodge (4-5 servings), for which it is desirable to take:
As components of the main broth:

1. About one kilogram of ripe ground tomatoes
2. Half a kilo (4-5 pieces) of onions
3. 1-2 medium eggplants
4. 2 medium carrots
5. 2 medium sweet (Bulgarian) peppers
6. 1 small turnip or green radish
7. 2-3 stalks of celery or half a root celery
8. A couple of small parsley roots, or parsnips, or a root (100 gr.) Ginger
9. 1 head of garlic
10. Approximately 200 gr. cabbage.
11 Bunch of parsley

As filling ingredients:

1. 2-3 medium bulbs
2. 2-3 ripe tomatoes
3. 2-3 medium pickled cucumbers (barrel salted)
4. 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil
5. 100-150 ml cucumber (barrel) brine
6. A tablespoon of chopped greens

As components of the vegetable collection:

1. Small eggplant
2. Half sweet (Bulgarian) pepper
3. 200 gr. salted or pickled mushrooms
4. A few rings of hot pepper (optional)
5. Olives, capers, a few slices of lemon, herbs to decorate the dish, salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste

Part of the way to create the main broth, if you look at the shock proportions of tomatoes and onions, I think is clear. The cooking technology (or, in other words, basma) was chosen as a start, with the exception, of course, of meat, animal fats and seasonings, including salt. After all, what is damlama? These are products, more precisely, the addition of products prepared exclusively in own juice by the languishing method, despite the fact that the products are squeezed by the lid. The role of vegetables (mainly tomatoes) in this dish is extremely high - they mainly act as a juice-forming component, and subsequently a sauce-forming component. And the very technology of creating damlama not only, so to speak, intertwines and multiplies the taste and other qualities of products, but also preserves them as much as possible, which, in fact, is what we need. We will only slightly change the order of laying vegetables, since we do not use fats, we will exclude potatoes, which are useless here, and we will conditionally divide the preparation of the main broth into two stages. That is, first, using the “damlama method”, we will obtain, so to speak, an extract of this broth, and then we will bring it to mind.

Are you sure you have carefully read how the damlam is prepared in the link above? Then let's go!

So, on the bottom of a cauldron or steel pan, we put randomly chopped tomatoes. A lot, almost a kilogram. It should be remembered at the same time that tomatoes are different in taste. In some varieties, sour clearly prevails over sweet, in some it is the other way around (“plastic” tomatoes, of course, we do not take into account). So, if there is clearly a bust on the sour parameter, the proportion of onions will need to be increased to balance the acid.

Put the onions on top of the tomatoes. Also a lot. Onions, like tomatoes, are cut arbitrarily. Better - directly with the skin (removing the ponytails and rhizomes). For why waste goodies when you can keep them?

Now - bell pepper. Relative to the proportions of onions and tomatoes, it needs quite a bit so that in the taste of the future broth it does not pull the blanket over itself. We also cut the pepper randomly.

Then - "roots-petioles", without which vegetable broths do not exist. I put carrots, ginger root, celery stalks, green radish. Here you can vary as you like.

1-2 randomly chopped eggplants on top - you can not peel them, keeping in mind the preservation of goodies. If you come across an “outstanding”, elephant-sized eggplant, you will have to remove bitterness from it by briefly sprinkling the slices with salt and then washing off the salt with water.

On top of the eggplants, put quite a bit of cabbage - ordinary, white. Its quantity should not be abused: cabbage in broths is also not averse to pulling the blanket over itself.

We complete the vegetable composition with a head of peeled garlic and a good bunch of greens. Parsley is the most preferred here: it gives off the taste more fully and is not as aggressive in spicy aromas as, say, dill or basil.

I repeat: when preparing the broth in this way, despite the fact that the broth will act as the basis for the hodgepodge, we do not use any salt or seasonings.

So, the dishes are filled with vegetables, now the main thing is to cover it tightly, and not just with a lid, but with some domed bowl of a suitable size. At the same time, the edges of the bowl should go inside the dish so that, on the one hand, the gap between the edges of the bowl and the walls of the dish is minimal, on the other hand, it remains possible to press down the vegetables with the bowl, and install some kind of load on top - for example, a pot of cold water, so that pressure the couple did not raise the bowl.

Initially, under the dishes themselves, we will set a fairly intense temperature - until distinct gurgling sounds appear, indicating that the released juice is starting to boil. Now the temperature can be reduced to below average values, and the whole economy can be left to languish for about 40 minutes.

In the meantime, let's deal with other components of the future hodgepodge.

In two or three tablespoons of heated vegetable oil, gently sauté the onion sliced ​​into thin rings until translucent and add skinned, finely chopped tomatoes.

Remove the skin from the number of pickles indicated for dressing, cut the cucumbers into strips and send them to the tomato-onion dressing. Continue sautéing until the moisture is almost evaporated.

Putting the prepared dressing aside, we will prepare a vegetable collection - directly for the hodgepodge. I settled on a small eggplant, which I peeled, cut into small cubes and for the time being filled with cold water so that the cut did not darken. I cut half of the bell pepper into thin slices, arbitrarily chopped salted mushrooms, cut off several rings from hot pepper. You can choose other collection options, but this seemed to me the most optimal.

After 40 minutes, we will return to the main broth, carefully removing the lid from the dishes and adding a little boiling water to the vegetables stewed in their own juice - just enough to just cover the contents of the dishes. We return the lid to its place and boil the vegetables on low heat for another 15 minutes.

And only after that we will transfer the vegetables to a sieve or a colander placed on a saucepan in which the hodgepodge will reach, strain the broth through a colander, carefully squeeze the vegetables with a crush or other suitable object. “Pure” broth should be at least one and a half liters - that is, enough for the chosen proportions of the hodgepodge.

Then, in fact, we will “collect” the hodgepodge itself.

First, pour about a quarter cup of boiled cucumber brine into the broth, leaving part of the brine for the final correction of the hodgepodge, if necessary.

Following the brine, add the cucumber-onion-tomato dressing.

Let's put the "collection" of raw eggplant, pepper and salted mushrooms, bring the hodgepodge to a slight boil and carry out all the necessary actions to correct its taste. That is, if necessary, add salt and a little cucumber pickle, or, if excess acid is felt, balance it with a pinch of sugar.

Season the hodgepodge with freshly ground black pepper, a tablespoon of chopped herbs, close the lid tightly and send it to the oven preheated to 120 degrees for 15 minutes. It will be quite good to send it to the oven, pouring it into clay pots or into a faience tureen.

Everything else - olives, olives, capers, a slice of lemon, herbs - as usual, already in a serving plate. Fans of cold soups like gazpacho, chalop or okroshka will be able to appreciate this hodgepodge cold, even with ice cubes. In it, after all, there are no animal fats, so there is nothing to freeze. Well, when hot, it is luxurious, like any other properly prepared hodgepodge.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Solyanka is a thick, rich soup, in which there will definitely be pickles. All other additives can be anything. For lovers of meat soups, there are recipes for chicken hodgepodges, those who prefer meat to fish will like fish hodgepodge, but for vegetarians and those who fast, they will like lean vegetable hodgepodge. Once upon a time, this particular type of dish was the most common in Russia and served as an alternative to lean sauerkraut soup. Over time, olives or capers were added to the simplest ingredients from which lean hodgepodge was prepared, and the soup itself was served with a slice of lemon. But still, pickles give a peculiar taste to any hodgepodge, so they must be included in this dish. Well, whether to add olives or olives is up to you.

Lean vegetable hodgepodge - recipe with photo.


- water or vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
- pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs;
- cucumber pickle - 3-4 tbsp. l. (if needed);
- potatoes - 3-4 medium tubers;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- onion - 1 pc (not very large);
- sweet bell pepper - 1 pc (you can use frozen);
- tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- olives - 3 tbsp. l (optional);
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- lemon slices - for serving the finished dish.

Recipe with photo step by step:

There is one feature in the preparation of lean vegetable hodgepodge - before adding pickles to the pan, you need to give the potatoes time to cook until fully cooked. Otherwise, it will remain solid. The same applies to carrots - first simmer the carrots until soft, and only when it becomes soft, add cucumbers to the pan. However, if you like crispy carrots, then this condition is not necessary to comply with. Let's start with the preparation of vegetables - wash, peel and cut everything. We will cook both potatoes and vegetable roast at the same time. We cut potatoes into strips.

Cut the carrots into circles, then chop into strips (or cut into thin strips).

Cut a medium-sized onion into small cubes.

Cucumbers can be cut into small cubes or even grated. But, since we cut all the vegetables into long strips, we will cut the cucumbers in the same way.

Bring water or vegetable broth to a boil. We lay the potatoes, let the water boil again, remove the foam that has risen. Add half a teaspoon of salt. Cover with a lid and leave to cook until fully cooked (15-20 minutes, depending on the type of potato).

Let the potatoes boil, and at this time we will prepare vegetable dressing for hodgepodge. Heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan. We send the onion to the oil, fry it slightly (until soft and transparent). Add the carrots, make a small fire and simmer, stirring the vegetables occasionally, until the carrots are fully cooked. This will take 6-8 minutes.

We try carrots for readiness. If soft - add sweet bell pepper, cut into small cubes. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Following the pepper, we put pickles in the pan. Stir, simmer covered for 5-6 minutes.

Add the tomato sauce to the vegetables, stir and sauté the sauce lightly, about 2 minutes. Then pour in a little water or vegetable broth, cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables for another 4-5 minutes.

We send the stewed vegetables to the pan with the prepared potatoes. Let the soup boil, cook over low heat for a couple of minutes.

Add the olives to the hodgepodge, bring to a boil again. We try for salt, if salt and acid are not enough, pour in cucumber pickle. Season with pepper to taste and turn off the heat. We let the hodgepodge brew under the lid for at least 10-15 minutes.

Lean vegetable hodgepodge is ready. It remains to pour it into plates, put a slice of lemon in each serving, if desired, you can sprinkle with herbs. And bring to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
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