Reviews about LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455. Smartphone LG E455 Optimus L5 II Dual: review, description, specifications and reviews LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455. Owner reviews

Nowadays, many people prefer to buy smartphones that support the dual SIM feature. But you must admit that for a certain price it's nice not to buy not just a piece of plastic and iron that can work with two cellular components at the same time, but a stylish, beautiful, convenient and functional device. In this case, the “endurance” of the device also plays an important role. It is unlikely that anyone will want to use a phone, the charge of which is enough for 4-6 hours of battery life.


Why is all this being said? Most recently, LG introduced a device called Optimus L5. So, the subject of our today's review - II Dual E455 - has become a logical continuation of the model of the device that was released earlier. Smartphone can be called without exaggeration the second part of this story.


Let's agree to call Optimus L5 the "big brother" of the model being reviewed today. So after all it will be more correct, agree? So, the "big brother" of the object of our review was distinguished by very, very high technical characteristics. If we take the L5 and compare it with similar models from other manufacturers in this price class, then the advantage of the former will be noticeable to the naked eye.

But, as you know, nothing is perfect in our world. And if there is some plus, then there is always a minus for it. In the case of the L5, the downside was the smartphone screen. Indeed, the display was quite modest. Moreover, we are talking not only about its diagonal, but also about the quality of image transmission, as well as manufacturing technology. By the way, we recall that the device was also distinguished by a strict design, which not every user will like.

Earlier it was said that the model was saved thanks only to its technical characteristics, which fully justified the price of the device. Nevertheless, after analyzing the nature of sales and their results, the company's specialists seem to have come to a very disappointing conclusion. It is possible that the decline in demand became a prerequisite for the creation of II Dual E455 White. The engineers wanted to make sure that the shortcomings of the previous model were eradicated, but the advantages remained. But whether they succeeded, we will see today.

About dvuhsimochnyh

In general, the majority of representatives of the Internet audience about phones that support the function of simultaneous operation of two SIM-cards, there was not a very good opinion. Many say that dvuhsimochniki released unfinished and unfinished, with a huge number of shortcomings.

Either someone will not like the case, or the screen works with a resolution that is incomprehensible to us. Very rarely, according to some experts, top-end, powerful and really worthwhile processors are introduced into phones that work with two SIM cards. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that after a while the device starts to slow down terribly. In this article, we will talk more about this and find out if this remark applies to the LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455, the price of which is currently about five thousand rubles.

First impressions of the phone

So, here it is - LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455 Black. It lies in front of us and waits for us to turn it on. But let's not force things. About everything in order. Some users simply cannot get past the name of the smartphone. second model, revision. Well, so what? It would be time to understand a long time ago that the mobile device market does not obey such logic. Immediately, we note that the phone turned out to be more beautiful compared to its predecessor.

With the naked eye, the change in the shape of the Optimus L5 II Dual will be noticed by those who have had the honor of using the "big brother" of our current model for some time. And this fact played, in the opinion of many experts, a positive role. Nevertheless, the appearance of the smartphone does not seem like a toy, such a feeling does not arise. At the first tactile contact, the lightness of the device is felt. Needless to say, this only has a positive effect on the overall assessment of this phone?

There is also no feeling of cheapness of the Optimus L5 II Dual, which could well be. But by some miracle, with the help of some method unknown to us, the ordinary public, the company's engineers do not allow us to think about it even for a second. It can be seen that along with the appearance, the screen size has also changed. LG designers also took this into account, and, accordingly, took care of the resolution of the phone. Almost imperceptible, individual pixels became hidden, although earlier, in the case of the first model, they were viewed very, very clearly. The quality of the image transfer to the display has increased significantly.

LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455. Design Features

In general, in the history of modern smartphones, there is a distinct trend associated with the appearance of devices of a particular line. It lies in the fact that with each new phone that replenishes the corresponding model range, the design changes, but smoothly and almost imperceptibly. However, who said that if there is a trend, then the rest should not be? This is just our case. L5 II has changed, if I may say so, in amplitude and abruptly. The company's designers did not receive their salaries in vain: the appearance of the device has changed dramatically, simply, beyond recognition. Which, by the way, was uncharacteristic for the predecessor of our model.

To name a new form, a smartphone shell can only be excellent, and nothing else. The lines of the case have been smoothed out, and now they do not look strict, but very soft, in contrast to the right angles that distinguished the previous model. Having studied the reviews about the device, you can find a huge number of them about changing the appearance. In general, something, but the idea with the design of LG employees is clearly a success.

About the materials of manufacture

Mostly it's plastic. Of course, it makes no sense to make any sky-high demands on him. However, let's not forget that plastic, like any material, can be of less or better quality. In our case, the latter was used.

Note that users themselves can remove the back cover from the LG E455 Optimus L5 II Dual. The design is based on a considerable number of elements that securely hold it. At the same time, we will not notice backlashes; it will be quite difficult to find fault with anything here. The surface of the back cover is made in a textured form, which has a practical reason. But it is noticeable that the closer to the edges, the smoother the plastic becomes.

What does this method of manufacturing the back cover mean in general? Let's look at it from the side of our daily life. We all use mobile phones, after which we put them away somewhere. We put them on tables and so on. So, in order not to once again cause mechanical damage to the LG E455 Optimus L5 II Dual in contact with another hard surface, the cover was made textured in the central part. Indeed, we put the phone not on its edge, but on the back panel. So it makes sense. The disadvantage of the textured cover is the fact that it is quickly overwritten.

LG Optimus L5 II Dual E455. Owner reviews

It's time to take stock and give a general description of the device so that users can decide whether it is worth buying. So let's talk about the price first.

She's not that big. Five thousand rubles for such a smartphone is a great price, and the company's specialists are well aware of this. In addition, we can always select a certain number of models in the corresponding range in order to compare them with each other. And what will we see in this case?

The display produces a good image, the screen has a good resolution. There are no complaints about the quality of the picture (taking into account the price of the device). There is no need to criticize the performance of the smartphone. It fully corresponds to the declared level, although it is clearly not worth expecting something beyond the average.

For five thousand rubles, the user gets a good device that can be used for business purposes (due to its versatility), for playing undemanding toys, and for surfing the Internet. In addition, let's not forget about the quality of production. As noted earlier, nothing creaks, there are no backlashes.


The weak link of the device was a low-quality camera. And the battery life will not please everyone.

If that awkward moment happened again in life when you really need a two-symbol, then here's another option for this role. This is not just a device for two SIM-cards from LG, it is a continuation of last year's Optimus L5, so to speak, the second part. "Big Brother" had acceptable technical characteristics, but received a rather modest display and a very strict form. With its cost, it was not a sin to boldly turn away in the direction of competitors, and, you see, many did so. But the guys at LG decided to play the shortcomings and have achieved some success.

Two-symbols often sin with a fairly large number of shortcomings. There is either a strange case, or a display with an incomprehensible resolution ... They rarely get top-end processors and, as a result, do not work well enough. But the user is not to blame for the fact that manufacturers do not pay due attention to this niche. And it was the Koreans who undertook to fix it. Today we look at the result of their efforts - LG Optimus L5 II Dual.

First Impressions

Despite the name, the smartphone itself already looks better than the previous version. Shape changes have globally changed the attitude (at least, personally mine) to this device for the better. Its appearance did not evoke the feeling of a toy, as it did with the first variation of the L5 Dual. This time, the appearance of the smartphone evokes pleasant emotions. As soon as the device falls into the hands, attention switches to the lightness of the case. It is as if it is not in the hand, which can cause a feeling of cheapness. But in practice, users are more satisfied with light devices than weighty ones. Changing the size of the display also benefited, and with the display the resolution increased logically, the pixels are almost invisible, the picture quality has noticeably increased.

Compared to other smartphones in this class, LG quickly begins to show its good side. A rather original solution was to manage sim cards using a separate touch button. But there is such a moment: it will not be very convenient for people with a small hand size to reach for the far buttons, controlled with one hand. And in the first place, it will be inconvenient for girls who will surely like such a smartphone very much in appearance. Before turning it on for the first time, I naturally wanted to install a sim and a memory card and was looking for a clue to remove the cover. Here its role is played by Micro USB, which is rather unusual, but, from the point of view of aesthetics, it is quite good. The first inclusion and setting of parameters did not cause difficulties and unpleasant surprises. But not all at once. As usual, let's start with the design.

Design, buttons, display...

It often happens that the design of devices of the same line changes smoothly. And this is not the case. Designers have changed the appearance of the device beyond recognition, I personally expected to see not so smoothed corners. It is noteworthy that L5, a one-symbol variant, did not change its shape so drastically and remained more similar to the previous version. The new shape of the L5 II Dual turned out to be simply excellent. The smoothed lines of the case look softer and not as severe as the right angles of the previous model. Judging by the reaction of users, this has had a very good effect in practice. Personally, I tend to support this point of view. Appearance was a success.

A slightly different conversation is the body materials. Yes, plastic is plastic, but it can be better. Although this will not greatly affect the user experience. The back cover is removable, it holds well on a dozen fasteners and does not play. The surface of the cover is textured, but near the edges the plastic becomes sharply smooth. Thus, it turns out that with smooth plastic the device does not lie, for example, on a table, thereby it does not receive minor scratches and retains its “marketable” appearance longer. Although on my spree sample, scuffs are already visible. On the sides of the device is framed by a silver stripe that takes on fingerprints and places buttons and connectors on itself.

All important controls are placed on the case in the following order. The power button is located on the right side and is clearly under the thumb (when the smartphone is in the right hand). On the left side there is a combined volume button and a QuickMemo button (more on that later). The latter has a very strange placement - above the volume control, but, it seems to me, you won’t need to reach for it very often, since the function of this button is far from being on the list of essentials. Further on the top of the case is a headset jack (3.5 Jack) and an additional microphone hole, and at the bottom in the center is a Micro USB connector and a speaking microphone. The back has a camera with a flash in the upper left corner, a speaker slot in the lower right, and a small gray logo just above the center.

The front side is completely covered with glass. Above is a good conversational speaker, below it is the company logo. Next to them - only the proximity sensor (respectively, there is no auto-brightness and light sensor). Below the display are four non-illuminated touch buttons. They look weak. They are arranged in this order from left to right: "Back", "Home", "Menu" and a button for switching sim cards. Not very convenient, but quite original. The display itself is a 4-inch IPS display with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels (233 ppi). The viewing angles are almost maximum, which in practice is completely usable and does not cause discomfort in use. Half the backlight was enough for me even in sunny weather, and in the evening I removed 5-10%. The display is nice and comfortable for both browsing and watching videos. Picky users might say the colors are a bit dull, but the display does a good job of reproducing colors in my opinion. The sensor perceives up to five touches, sometimes it happened that it did not clearly respond to pressing.

In summary, I would like to say that LG managed to make the design of the LG Optimus L5 II Dual much better than the previous one. The display has become larger and has received the standard resolution for Android devices of this class today. The speaker is loud enough, like the main speaker, so the call will be heard well. There are no quibbles about the location of the working bodies, with the exception of the rather useless QuickMemo button. The dimensions of the device (118.4 x 62.2 x 9.2 mm) allow you to use it with one hand, and the weight of 100 g may seem a bit small (personally, my watch weighs more). The biggest drawback seemed to me the lack of illumination of the touch buttons, but this is a matter of several days until the fingers remember their location. Otherwise, everything is in its place and looks very nice.

Camera, photo and video

For some reason, there is only one camera in the new two-symbol card, that is, there was no front camera for video communication and duckfaces. The main camera of this model is no different from that of the previous one. It's all the same 5 megapixels, LED flash and more. The capabilities of this camera are not very outstanding, there are also stronger 5 megapixels. But if you do not find fault, then the camera is quite a normal one. With good lighting, you will get good quality pictures, but there will be problems with detail. Focusing at close range is lame, as well as with insufficient lighting. For some reason, the video is recorded only in 640 x 480 and less, but it turns out to be normal for such a resolution - we have seen worse. There is a standard set of changeable parameters, a cool bonus with a set of words (for example, Smile, Cheese), after which the smartphone will immediately take a photo. Otherwise, I think a couple of test photos will answer all the additional questions.

Hardware, software and battery

Unfortunately, two-symbols do not get top-end hardware. This is due to the fact that for such a price they rarely buy exactly two-symbols. But that is another topic. So, in our today's guest, everything is at the level of competitive solutions: a single-core MTK 6575 operating at 1 GHz, PowerVR SGX 531 video, 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of storage, a Micro SD memory card slot is in place. All this is running Android 4.1.2 with its own interface from LG. In tests, the device reached the mark of 4946 in AnTuTu, and in NenaMark2 - 23.5 FPS. Of course, this is not the ultimate dream, but what else to expect from a two-symbol. If before that the user has not come across more productive solutions and he has not yet had time to get used to the speed of flagships, then he will be quite comfortable with such a solution.

In practice, it turns out not the most powerful smartphone, but it copes with most everyday tasks. I would not say that the interface slows down, but sometimes it has delays. This is due to a small amount of RAM, and even the launcher on top of Android makes itself felt. But these lags are not so frequent as to call it a problem, the main thing is to unload the RAM. You won’t be able to comfortably play sophisticated games a la RealRacing 3, but, for example, Cut The Rope: Time Travel without problems and excessive heating. But do not get carried away - although the battery has grown to 1700 mAh, it does not survive more than one day. On the other hand, the interface mostly works well with cool animations. Add-on in the form of QuickMemo allows you to take a screenshot and immediately put some kind of picture or text on it. Why a whole button was allocated for this is not clear. I haven't used this item. I agree, there are rare moments when it is useful, but not on the scale of a separate button on the case - you could get off by pressing a couple of buttons.

  • Dimensions: 118.4 × 62.2 × 9.2 mm.
  • Weight: 100 g.
  • Operating system: Android 4.1.2 JB.
  • Processor: single core, MTK 6575, 1 GHz.
  • Graphics: PowerVR SG531.
  • Display: IPS, 4″, 480 × 800, 233 ppi.
  • Memory: 4 GB flash + micro SD (up to 32 GB).
  • RAM: 512 MB.
  • Camera: 5 MP, video recording in 640 x 480.
  • Wireless technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
  • Interface connectors: 3.5 mm headphone jack, Micro USB.
  • Battery: Li-Ion battery 1700 mAh.

Dual SIM

There are not so many conveniences in the work of two operator cards. LG has chosen a relatively original approach to two SIM cards: there are no two call buttons (Sim1 / Sim2) and there is a touch button under the screen that is responsible for changing the operator. As for me, it's easier to remember the number of the desired card than to reach for the touch button. But this is a matter of taste. Also in the settings there is a "SIM Settings" menu, where you can enable / disable a separate card, set network connection settings and color schemes for working with SIM cards. That's practically all that can be said about working with two sim. There are not many settings, the dedicated touch button switches the activity. Personally, I did not really like this experience, but I am sure that this is just a matter of habit.

What did not like

after a few days of use, I found out: charging lasts a maximum of 1 day: (no additional camera, so far I can’t connect to a PC

What did you like

android, design, 2 sim cards, light and very thin, good camera, nice design and much more!!!

What did not like

There are not many shortcomings. The main thing is that some settings get lost every now and then (enrages), all the time you have to set it up like the first time.
The more you put a memory card, the more the phone slows down. The characteristics say that it holds up to 32 kb, maybe it does, but how does the phone work? I bet on 16. The place on the map was not even half occupied, but the phone slowed down terribly. I had to replace 16 kb with 4 kb. More or less. Conclusion - it is better to leave memory free, let it be for show. Navigation icons are not backlit, and there are four of them, it is difficult to work with them in the dark.

What did you like

beautiful, miniature (I have white) The back panel is embossed, does not slip in my hand.

What did not like

sometimes Wi-Fi falls off when other gadgets are still holding it.

What did you like

Lightweight, good display, convenient push-button switching between SIM cards, no glitches and freezes.

What did not like

software assembly

What did you like

size, speed,

What did not like

I think there are no disadvantages! For this price, namely, I bought for 22 thousand tenge HE IS THE BEST IN ITS CLASS.

What did you like

bought for 22 thousand tenge last year, now Yandex writes that prices for it are from 29 to 32 thousand tenge. something!!! The phone is very good, thin, easy, convenient to use, I love LG))) I already have a relationship with the company, and especially with service centers. Such friendly relations))) NO, the products are good! I took my old LG refrigerator in for repair. The thermostat is out of order! They thrashed him for more than a month, after which I wrote a complaint, but the local authorities did not even consider it necessary to read it. I immediately opened the official LG website and write this way and that the whole essence of the problem. did not have time to send a letter (half an hour actually passed) they call from the central representative office and say that your claim has been accepted and all conditions will be met (moral damage, no compensation, etc.) the service director himself immediately calls back (asks when it is convenient for you We will bring You have a refrigerator at home for free). The company is good, the prices for the brand do not break. And the quality is quite decent, a hundred times better compared to the same Samsung

What did not like

Very poor camera focus

What did you like

regular smartphone

What did not like

The phone behaves simply inappropriately: sometimes the call simply does not work (no matter how you try to make a call, it will not work until the phone is rebooted), unstable Internet, problems with wi-fi (a tablet and 2 smartphones work through the router at home, but this phone does not work .. .).
The back cover quickly loses its appearance (I have black). And in general, the phone looks like Chinese consumer goods.
Touch keys without illumination - in the dark they are not visible, you have to poke at random.

What did you like

Price Comfortable screen size

What did not like

The MOST insipid - there is no backlighting of the touch keys !!! This is just bullshit!!! A very weak percentage, even card games such as a fool and solitaires do not pull well. As the navigator is constantly stupid, the GPS does not find it, then the route thinks 3-5 minutes and often crashes !!! The camera is also naked, in the HTC for the same money everything works better. Marky screen.

What did you like

2 sim and easy switching between them. The battery lasts all day.

What did not like

camera is mediocre

What did you like

reliable, holds a charge well, beautiful

What did not like

1. quiet squeaking (high-frequency speaker sound) for such a phone price,
2. very easily soiled case and the mirror display itself,
3. there is no caller voice dialing function (a very convenient function is not to pull the phone out of your pocket to call through the headset while driving a car)
4. There are no backlights on the bottom buttons and in low light you press them at random.
5. Very slow processor. From the moment you select the "phone" or "Contacts" function, "BRAKES" passes for 1 second. Nokia 1996 performs this function 10 times faster.
6. It is not possible to transfer the installed software to a memory card without depriving the phone of the warranty (1.8 GB of internal memory ends after installing a dozen "necessary and capacious applications", not to mention those who like to play different games))

What did you like

regular smartphone

What did not like

slippery like a bar of soap. the network is constantly losing. many applications slow down and hang up. the control buttons at the bottom are not highlighted and not embossed, for some reason all applications with paging pages loop and scroll through the same page in a circle.

What did you like