Methods of divination by candlelight for Christmas and Christmas time. Accurate and simple Christmas divination with cards, paper and candles Divination with a candle and water for Christmas

Grandmothers say that fortune-telling during the Christmas period is considered the most truthful and accurate!

They are held from January 6 to January 18, that is, from Orthodox Christmas to the feast of Epiphany. The tradition of divination in this period is rooted in the deep past.
Fortune-telling on "prophetic" days becomes the most accurate - Vasiliev evening, January 13, and Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18.

***** Christmas ritual to meet a loved one *****

This ritual can be called not so much a fortune-telling, but a way to overcome painful loneliness, to meet a person who will make you happy. At Christmas midnight, go to the church (whichever is closest to home) and go around it 12 times.

***** Divination at home on a gold chain

Wait for everyone to go to bed at home. Sit at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply to the floor. The chain forms various figures, which are interpreted as follows.
Circle - soon you will find yourself in a difficult position, as in a vicious circle.
A flat streak is a streak of luck and good luck.
Tangled knot - disease losses.
Triangle - promises great success in any business, and especially in love.
Bow - fast wedding.
Snake - warns of caution in dealing with people, even loved ones, you can be betrayed.
Heart - a figure of this form indicates that you are loved, love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

***** Divination for the future with cups *****

For divination, you will need several cups corresponding to the number of fortunetellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in the cups, a little water is poured into one cup. FROM eyes closed, each of the fortune-tellers, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the near future are as follows: ring - for the wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

***** Divination for the future with candles *****

You will need a bowl of water, halves of a walnut shell, in an amount equal to the number of fortunetellers, and the same number of small candles or their pieces. Candles need to be inserted into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns first will be the first of the fortune-tellers to marry; accordingly, the girl whose candle burns last will be the last to marry. If someone's shell with a candle sank, that girl will not be married at all.

***** Fortune telling *****

At midnight on Christmas Day, girls leave the house and ask the first man they meet for a name. The name that he calls will be the name of the betrothed.

***** Divination on paper *****

Take a sheet of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf in the bottom of an upside-down plate or saucer and light it. After that, bring the saucer with burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some kind of shadow appears on the wall, according to the outlines of which one judges the near future.

***** Fortune telling on wax *****

This fortune-telling is one of the most ancient and beloved by our great-grandmothers (and many poets). Pour water into a transparent glass or deep plate and put a ring without a stone, taken from the fortuneteller's finger, on the bottom. Melt the wax or paraffin in a spoon over the flame of a candle with the words “Burn-burn the candle, burn-burn the wax, tell me the name of the betrothed” sharply pour the melted wax into the water in the center of the ring. And then carefully examine the shape of the frozen wax figure. Another interpretation of fortune-telling for wax is as follows: if the wax spreads in strips, you will have roads, crossings. It will fall like stars - wait for good luck in the service, in your studies. If a human figure is formed, a new friend will appear, and if a beast, be careful: you have a secret ill-wisher. A flower means marriage or a meeting with a new pleasant partner.

***** Divination "yes, no"*****

Above the jar, with any cereal or grain, they hold left hand palm down. Concentrating, you need to ask a question that interests you. After that, take a handful of cereals from the jar and pour it on the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, it means a positive answer - "yes", an odd number means a negative answer - "no".

***** Divination on the ring *****

In the hallway, fortune-telling girls take turns rolling a ring. The girl whose ring rolls straight to the door will get married soon.

***** Guessing the number and gender of future children*****

On Christmas Eve, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken from the cold and the future children are judged by the ice surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

***** Divination by book*****

They took a book at random and asked a question. After that, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book, and served as an answer.

***** Fortune telling on the king of diamonds *****
On the night before Christmas, you need to put the king of diamonds under the pillow and make a wish on the person you want to marry, what you dream about that night will come true.

***** Divination for Christmas for marriage with a thread*****

A company of girls is armed with scissors, a skein or spool of thread, and matches. All of them must cut the same pieces of thread and light them.
That girl, whose thread burned out earlier than the others, will be the first among her girlfriends to put a wedding ring on her finger.
If the thread goes out without having had time to burn down to half, or even immediately, this means that this year the marriage of a fortune-telling girl does not shine.

***** Fortune telling on the material security of the future husband with the help of beans *****

For this divination, three grains of beans are needed, and one of them must be unpeeled, the second - half-peeled, and, finally, the third - completely peeled.
They are placed in three bags and placed under the pillow on which they sleep all night. Waking up in the morning, you need to put your hand under the pillow and take one of the bags. If you got a completely peeled grain, this promises a rich groom - such a forecast is considered the most favorable. Accordingly, an unpeeled bean portends a groom with a very modest income, and a half-peeled bean portends a life partner with an average level of material security.

***** Divination by a person using a candle *****

Use the magical Christmas night to get to know the person you like better. Arrange a candlelit dinner, and this will be the very case when the pleasant is combined with the useful. Watch the candle burning next to this person, from his side.
An even, calm flame speaks of the reciprocity of feelings and the similarity of the direction of your thoughts.
The burning out of a candle on the one hand hints that this person is not saying something or is simply lying.
If the candle “weeps”, a stream of wax slowly flows into the candlestick, this indicates that the life of this man (or woman) is not so easy.
A candle darkening before our eyes, crackling, smoking is a bad sign, indicating the evil thoughts and intentions of this person or the presence of damage on him.

***** Divination for Christmas for the future and for the character of her husband with the help of snow *****

For this fortune-telling, snow is needed and your willingness to wallow in it a little. Its essence is to lie face down on the snow, lie there for a few seconds, after which, having risen, leave. The main thing is not to look back. In the morning, you need to return to this place and carefully examine the imprint of your own body.
If the recess turned out to be deep enough, this portends repeated marriage.
A noticeable imprint promises a long loneliness.
If you saw a marked snowdrift in a place where your body left a depression yesterday, this is a reason to be very careful throughout the year, because. such a result indicates a threat to health and even life.
If the outlines of the trail remain even and smooth, this indicates a flexible future, gentle nature spouse.
If the trail turned out to be as if excised, this suggests that you will have a hard time in the company of your chosen one, because he will have a tough and rude disposition.

***** Christmas divination with different items *****

For this fortune-telling, some rather large container is taken, for example, a bag, a box, a chest, where various objects are put, each of which serves as the personification of the future fate.
Sugar, for example, symbolizes a “sweet”, prosperous life, salt - the need to work hard, an onion portends tears, a potato - difficult times, a simple ring - a fortuneteller has a couple, a golden ring - material wealth, a glass - a carefree, cheerful existence, and so on. .
A company of fortunetellers can take any objects, things at their discretion and endow them with a symbolic meaning. What object, drawn out at random, will get - this will be the fate of the fortuneteller in the near future.

***** Fortune telling with the help of shadows *****

Despite the slightly mysterious name, this divination is very accessible and simple, and therefore is popular.
He needs a clean sheet of paper, a flat large plate, matches, a candle. Taking a blank sheet, the fortuneteller crumples it, throws it on a plate, where it burns to the end. A candle is lit, and thanks to it, what is left of the leaf casts a shadow on the wall. It is on her that they pay special attention and, having connected the imagination, they try to understand from the outlines what fate is preparing.

***** Christmas divination for love with matches *****

Insert two matches into the matchbox (on the sides) and set fire to them. When burning, the matches set in motion, and if the heads “look” at each other, then the girl and the guy who are guessing will be a couple, they have a joint future.
Also, in the direction and angle of the bend of the matches, one can judge the degree of love of the hidden couple.

***** Fortune-telling with the help of cards (king of diamonds) *****

When you go to bed on Christmas Eve, take the King of Diamonds with you. Put the card under the pillow and before going to bed say these words: "Dream, betrothed, dream, mummers."
Before you fly away to the kingdom of Morpheus, “point the marathon”: wash your face, comb your hair. You can put any of the decorations under the pillow along with the map. They consider the future groom of a person who will visit you in a dream on this magical night.

***** Fortune telling on ill-wishers with the help of needles *****

This Christmas divination requires 21 brand new needles, none of which have been used in any way.
They are placed in a plate or saucer, into which water is slowly poured. Flowing water makes the needles take a certain position and create a "picture" that will be the personification of a future life situation.
The needles that formed the crosses speak of hostile or simply unfriendly people, and by the number of such “crosses” one can judge the hostility of the environment in which one happens to live and work.

***** Guessing (yes-no) to a question with a needle *****

This divination helps to answer a question, the answer to which can be given with the words "yes" or "no".
The needle in this divination is used as a pendulum. It is necessary to thread a red silk thread into it. Take a piece of approximately 75 cm, fold in half and tie the ends with a knot. We also need a coin belonging to a fortuneteller. In the old days, a silver coin was considered a prerequisite, but now it is not observed. The coin is placed on the table and the pendulum, made from the needle, is sent to its center (they hold the thread by the knot), while the fortuneteller should sit at the table, leaning on it with his elbow.
If the pendulum has not set in motion, this means that there is no clear answer to this question at the moment. Movement in the transverse direction symbolizes a negative response, in the longitudinal direction - a positive one. A needle moving in a circle indicates a not entirely successful formulation of the question - in this case it needs to be put in a different verbal form.

***** Divination for the future with a nutshell *****

For this divination, you need a bowl of water, paper and a walnut shell.
Attach small paper strips with significant events written on them to the edge of the pelvis, for example, moving, new job, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in the half of the shell, attach the cinder of a candle, but not a simple one, but bought in a church or birthday. The candle is lit, after which the shell is lowered with it to float in the basin.
To which piece of paper she approaches or, remaining in place, leans in her direction, then the event will occur within a year.

***** Fortune telling on the choice of a husband with the help of bulbs *****

The results of such fortune-telling are not immediately visible, but this is the case when you can wait, because the price of the issue is the choice of the best groom!
On Christmas Eve, take a few bulbs according to the number of candidates for the vacancy of your life partner, sign them with the appropriate names. Put them in water and wait for them to sprout. Pay attention to the bulb, which sprouts earlier than all the others: the person with the name that is written on it is the most suitable applicant.

P.S. We removed fortune-telling with mirrors from the list .. They say it's not safe at all, it's better not to risk it ..

Divination by candles, water and mirrors at Christmas time is one of those ancient traditions that are destined to live for more than one hundred years. After all, the mystery of girlish prophecies not only satisfies the eternal interest in the unknown, but also captures with unknown entertainment, excites and frightens at the same time. Winter Christmas time continues from January 7 to 19. And if you fail to tell fortunes on Christmas Day (the day of greatest magical power), there will still be two whole weeks left in stock. During this long period, any girl will have time to conduct several rituals at home in order to independently look behind the prism of mystery and find out about her future, new love and real relationships, about the name of a potential groom or a possible betrayal of her husband.

Fortune telling on water, mirrors and candles for Christmas and Christmas time

Christmas (Christmas) divination on water, candles and mirrors is very popular among both young girls and adult married women. Late in the evening or late at night, girlfriends gather in a close company to find out the name of the betrothed, predict changes in life, read their fate from shadows or mystical signs. But sometimes fortune telling, all participants should adhere to strict rules:

  1. Do not cross your arms and legs, so as not to confuse fate;
  2. Remove all rings, bracelets, beads and other items tied to the limbs or encircling the body;
  3. Let your hair down and take off your shoes;
  4. Remove all sources of light and excess noise;
  5. Be quiet and calm;
  6. Get rid of the protection of religion by removing the pectoral cross and removing the icons away.

Failure to comply with these conditions will at best deprive popular rituals of their vaunted authenticity. At worst, it will make fortune telling on water, mirrors and candles at Christmas and Christmas time unsafe.

Where can you tell girls and girls for Christmas time

Having thoroughly mastered all the conditions of divination, you need to choose a suitable place with the same care. According to folk beliefs in order for the Christmas rites to bring the desired result, the selected corner must be "unclean". One of the most successful options is a bath. It is there, according to ancient legends, that scarecrows, spirits and other evil spirits live. Also, an old attic, basement or abandoned house is suitable for Christmas divination. The bravest can tell fortunes in the cemetery, where the worlds of the living and the dead are most closely intertwined. But the crossroads is still considered the most sinister place for rituals. There is an opinion that each of these road intersections belongs to one of the demons, which means it is fraught with heavy and completely “impure” energy.

If you decide not to go far and stay guessing in your own house, make sure that the room is quiet and dark. A couple of candles will be enough for most rituals. And the Bible and icons, on the contrary, are completely inappropriate in such a case.

Fortune telling on red candles for the future at home

What our ancestors didn’t guess at at home in order to find out at least a little more about their future: on water, mirrors, red candles, seeds, animals, shadows, logs, shoes, eggs. This is only a small part of the materials at hand that were used for Christmas ceremonies. Today, they are unlikely to find out about their fate by listening to the barking of dogs or letting a live rooster into the house. But simpler options, like divination by red candles for the future at home, are still popular and available.

How to independently find out the future at home, guessing on red candles

  1. To find out your future on one of the evenings of Christmas time, perform the following ceremony. Put 7 identical cups on the table and put one of the items in each: salt, sugar, ring, key, button, bread, coin. Thoroughly mix the dishes together and choose any three without looking. The items in them are your prediction for the whole next year (sugar is a sweet life, salt is tears, a ring is marriage, a key is a new home, a button is children, satiety, a coin is wealth).
  2. Pour clean water into a deep plate, light a red candle. Gently drip melted wax into the water for a few seconds. Extinguish the candle and try to interpret the figures at the bottom of the plate in the most logical way. If the wax left a lot of small individual drops - expect wealth. A fan-shaped figure means difficulties in work, tree leaves - for intrigue, grapes - for good luck, an egg or an oval - for replenishment in the family, a mushroom - for health, a bell - for news, etc.

Christmas divination by candlelight for love and a loved one by name

Most of all existing fortune-telling is dedicated to Christmas time. In the period from Christmas to the Baptism of the Lord, the souls of the dead come from the "other world" and all evil spirits are activated. This means that all predictions and small prophecies at this time are especially accurate and reliable. The gates to the "other world" are open - and nothing prevents you from looking into the face of the future. Unlike adult women who are concerned about the prosperity of the family and the health of all its members, young girls are interested in knowing the name of their beloved - this is what they tell by candlelight.

Have you already tried to find out who will make the long-awaited confession and send matchmakers? Not? It's time to spend Christmas fortune-telling by candlelight for love and a loved one by name.

How to guess at Christmas time by candlelight to find out the name of a loved one

  1. To find out the name of your betrothed, go outside on Christmas or Epiphany evening and ask the name of the first man you meet. To make fortune-telling more reliable, hold in one hand the cinder of a festive candle from the home iconostasis;
  2. On late Christmas evening, when the house is quiet and everyone around is asleep, light a candle in an empty room and pick up any book. Guess the serial number of the page and open it. The first male name that catches your eye is the name of your betrothed;

Fortune-telling for girls and girls on relationships on red candles and water

Did you know that even the Orthodox Church, which is harsh to notorious fortune-tellers, during the period of Christmas predictions, changes its anger to mercy. It cannot be argued that the Almighty encourages pagan rites, but in any case he does not show his negative attitude towards girlish divination on red candles and water from January 6 to January 19 by “punishments”. Perhaps because at that time Jesus had not yet been baptized. Or maybe the reason is something else. One thing is known for sure: fortune-telling for girls and girls about relationships on red candles and water is not considered a sinful or shameful thing.

How tell fortunes on the red candlelight in Christmas Christmas time, toto know about future relations

  1. To understand what to expect in a new relationship, do the following fortune-telling. Place two plates (with grain and water), a mirror, a saucer with a candle, a jar of coins, shoes on the floor in a circle. Then release the rooster to the center and see where the bird goes. If for money - the guy will soon get rich, for grain - he will become a good earner, for water - he will drink, for a candle - he will beat, for shoes - he will change, for a mirror - he will love you even more;
  2. Several unmarried girls can participate in fortune-telling, who want to find out who will be the first to establish a strong relationship. Each girl is given a candle of the same length (5-10 cm is possible) and they are set on fire at the same time. The young lady, whose candle burns first, will marry sooner than the rest. And vice versa - whose candle will smolder more slowly than the others, she will have to wait for her betrothed the longest.

Christmas divination by candlelight on the betrothed

Christmas candlelight divination for the betrothed is the most popular type of Christmas predictions. After all, a young unmarried girl can imagine herself poor, unemployed, and even deprived of her girlfriends, but not alone. After all, the true vocation of every woman is to create a strong family with a loved one and maintain warmth in the family hearth. Use the Christmas fortune-telling suggested below for a narrowed by candlelight - find out when fate smiles at you.

How to guess at the betrothed on a Christmas candle

  1. Before going to bed on Christmas Eve, put a new candle and 4 kings under your pillow. Speak clearly: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, that dream to me in a dream” and go to bed. If you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be jealous and scandalous, the cross - a military man, the hearts - rich and handsome, the tambourine - desired;
  2. At midnight, go outside and start cutting the snow with a sharp knife. Along the way, say: "Damn, damn, don't be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I will get, I will have to laugh or cry." Then be silent and listen to the barking of dogs. If you hear angry barking, the husband will be strict, hoarse - old, sonorous - young, cheerful and boisterous barking - kind. If a howl is heard, the marriage will be short and sad.

Fortune telling on logs and candles for the betrayal of a guy (husband)

As hundreds of years ago, so today fortune-telling on water, candles, logs and other objects helps women predict good events (marriage, wealth, the birth of a child) and prevent bad ones (ruin, illness, betrayal of a husband). Have you already performed such magical rites in your home? If not, be sure to try it. Fortune telling on logs and candles for the betrayal of a guy (husband) will help to avoid disagreements and keep the family whole.

How to predict the betrayal of a guy or husband by candlelight for Christmas

  1. The easiest way to guess the behavior of a spouse or boyfriend is to tell fortunes on logs. To do this, on a festive evening, you need to go back to the woodpile and pull out one log without looking. An even and smooth log means that the husband will be calm and meek. If the log is thick - a man will get rich, knotty - to children, peeled or cracked - to ruin, crooked - to male diseases. If you come across a moldy log, expect treason.
  2. Pour water into a large basin, glue pieces of paper with possible events on the sides: wedding, pregnancy, career growth, illness, ruin, betrayal of a guy, etc. Put a lit small candle in a nutshell and let the boat sail. To which piece of paper the shell lands, it will happen in the near future;
  3. Place a bowl of milk at the threshold, light a candle and say: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." Then pour melted wax into the milk and see what shape it turns into. The cross is a disease, the beast is an enemy, a flower is a homeowner, a tree is a betrayal of her husband. If none of the above is seen, you can not expect trouble.

Christmas fortune-telling keeps the ancient magic of our ancestors from the time of paganism. On Christmas time and on Christmas Eve, it is customary to perform rituals that will allow you to find out your future, the fate of further relationships with your loved one, see your betrothed in a dream or in reality and check whether your cherished dreams and desires will come true. Popular rituals that allow you to get the most accurate answers and predictions are those that use candles, paper or cards.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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      The best time and place for divination

      Divination time is essential for getting the most accurate prediction. By tradition, it is customary to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve and Christmas time, which last from January 7 to 19. Spirits are most active on Christmas Eve - from January 6 to 7. During this period, they willingly share information with a fortuneteller, and the predictions received are very accurate.

    1. 1. First of all, you need to concentrate and tune in to the process. You can not show excessive emotions, laugh, shout, talk loudly. The state should be calm, close to a trance - it's easier to focus on issues that are important to you. To get true information, you need to believe in fortune-telling. If you are skeptical, you should not expect correct answers.
    2. 2. It is necessary to clear your head of material and everyday problems, open access to otherworldly forces in your subconscious.
    3. 3. The question must be formulated clearly and concisely, preferably in such a way that it can be answered unambiguously. This will simplify the divination process, and make the prediction more accurate.
    4. 4. You should vacate the premises. Neither other people, nor animals, nor noises from household appliances, TV or radio should distract from divination.
    5. 5. It is necessary to carefully choose a place for the ritual. It is better if it is not lit. In Russia, fortune telling was only in “unclean” places, for example, a bathhouse, an attic, a basement, an abandoned house, a cemetery, a crossroads, that is, all those spaces where evil spirits could live. The boundary places in the house (thresholds, corners, front door, gate or gate), according to legend, also have magical powers, they can be used for various rituals.
    6. 6. Lighting should be soft, subdued, it is best to create the necessary atmosphere in the room using candles.
    7. 7. Women should guess in women's days(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), and for men - on men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). The moon must be in the growth phase, but it is even more effective to perform the ceremony on the full moon, unless otherwise specified by the rules of the ritual. Midnight or late evening is the best time for divination.
    8. 8. There should be no icons in the room, and on the fortuneteller - a pectoral cross and other jewelry (rings, bracelets, belts, everything that can encircle limbs).
    9. 9. Clothing should be comfortable, pleasant to the body, not restricting movement. It is better to let your hair down, or at least not to braid it.
    10. 10. You can’t cross your arms and legs so as not to confuse otherworldly forces answering questions.
    11. 11. After the ritual, it is advisable to immediately go to bed and not do household chores that day, and also not talk to other people.
    12. 12. After divination during the day, you should refrain from washing your hair and communicating with strangers.
    13. 13. If the result suits the fortuneteller, one should not talk about what he saw to outsiders. Bad predictions, on the contrary, must be told to as many people as possible in order to ward off trouble.

    Christmas divination for love

    Divination for love on Christmas Day is the most popular among unmarried girls. With their help, you can easily find out about further relations with the applicant for the hand and heart.

    As a rule, these divinations are safe and are distinguished by their availability and simplicity, and the equipment for their implementation can always be found in any home. However, this does not in any way affect the accuracy of the predictions obtained.

    With candles

    This is a very easy divination for a man's love, which should be done during a joint gala dinner on Christmas Eve. It will help to find out how a joint future will develop with this person. During the meal, you need to light a lit church candle next to it and stealthily observe the flickering light of its flame:

    • a calm and even flame promises mutual love and a happy marriage;
    • if the wax flows only from one side - the beloved has secrets from the fortuneteller;
    • when wax flows down the candle in streams, gradually filling the candlestick, this means that life with the chosen one will be difficult;
    • the crackling of a candle and black smoke from it are considered a very bad sign, portending a separation or a negative magical influence on a companion from the outside (love spell, damage, etc.).

    For another version of divination using a candle, you will need a silver ring, a coin and a red woolen thread. Necessary:

    • light a candle;
    • tie the thread to the ring;
    • place the coin right in front of the candle;
    • hold the ring motionless on a thread above the coin;
    • clearly ask a question of interest about a lover or future relationship (you can not out loud, but to yourself).

    A motionless hanging ring speaks of untimeliness question asked, but if it sways in different directions, then the answer is “yes”. Approaching and moving away from the fortuneteller means a negative result, movement in a circle indicates the need to formulate the question in a different way. In the latter case, fortune-telling should not be carried out again on the same day, it is better to wait for time and repeat it.

    Divination with paper

    For this Christmas ritual you will need:

    • Cut a sheet of paper into several strips.
    • On each write the name of a guy you know (including the one you like).
    • Spread the strips randomly on the table.
    • Thread a thick woolen thread into the golden ring (the color does not matter in this case).
    • Lead decoration over pieces of paper with names. The name on which the decoration will begin to sway the most belongs to a man who has sincere feelings for a fortuneteller.

    Another fortune-telling, characterized by ease of execution. You need to prepare: a sheet of paper, a pen, a compass, a ruler. Then follow the sequence of actions:

    • draw a circle on the sheet (using a compass);
    • draw it into segments using a ruler, each of which corresponds to the letters in the name of the chosen one;
    • write them one on each sector;
    • similarly enter your name in the circle, and if it contains more letters than segments in the circle, then you do not need to write it down in full;
    • compare the positions of vowels and consonants in each segment.

    If two sectors contain only vowels or only consonants - love will pass quickly, in three - there will be mutual understanding in the union. A larger number portends strong love and a long marriage. If there is no such combination in the sectors, then the relationship has no future.

    Fortune telling on cards

    Fortune telling on the January holidays with the help of cards is very simple to perform, even a person ignorant of magic is able to make the desired alignment. And the result of such a mystical event is distinguished by truthfulness and reliability.

    Card divination should be carried out on odd numbers late in the evening or at midnight. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions so as not to make a mistake that can distort the result.

    four jacks

    The order of the layout of cards when fortune-telling "Four Jacks"

    If a girl has several gentlemen, and it is difficult for her to make a choice, then this fortune-telling on an ordinary playing deck will let you know about their feelings and prospects for further relationships. Necessary:

    1. 1. Take a new deck of cards.
    2. 2. Select all jacks from it.
    3. 3. Assign to each the name of a specific young person.
    4. 4. Arrange them on the table in a row, face down, in random order.
    5. 5. Shuffle the remaining cards.
    6. 6. Divide them into four equal piles.
    7. 7. Arrange them in piles from left to right under each of the jacks.

    The contents of each pile means the prospects for a relationship with a particular man. At first, it is worth interpreting the situation according to the dominant suit, which characterizes the general trends in relationships, and then consider the values ​​of the remaining cards. So, worms denote sincere feelings, spades indicate joint children, clubs promise suffering and conflicts, and diamonds - financial prosperity.

    A man who for some reason does not suit a girl can be immediately excluded from the layout by putting aside a stack of cards corresponding to him. Then the three remaining jacks, together with the cards related to them, need to be mixed and laid out again on the table, after which again one disliked suitor should be removed from the layout. You need to repeat this procedure with the remaining candidates until only one of them remains. The cards from his pile should be evaluated to find out the prospects of the relationship. In addition, each card is treated separately.


    • six - a memorable journey;
    • seven - stability and confidence in the future;
    • eight - a happy future;
    • nine - a person very suitable for relationships;
    • ten - good news and surprises;
    • lady - rival;
    • king - passion;
    • ace - the relationship will begin with a romantic correspondence.


    • six - a long-awaited joint vacation;
    • seven - treason;
    • eight - difficulties in relationships, aggression;
    • nine - minor obstacles;
    • ten - a gift;
    • lady - a friend with a complex character;
    • king - the fortuneteller will have a lover;
    • ace - unexpected news.


    • six - empty chores;
    • seven - problems associated with a government institution;
    • eight - unfulfilled hopes;
    • nine - minor signs of attention;
    • ten - profit;
    • lady - a woman who weaves intrigues;
    • the king is a married admirer who will appear at the fortuneteller;
    • ace - ill-wisher.


    • six - an accident on the road;
    • seven - a big quarrel over rash words;
    • eight - lack of feelings, betrayal;
    • nine - betrayal, unworthy deeds;
    • ten - serious illnesses;
    • lady - gossip, spreading bad rumors;
    • the king is the enemy;
    • ace - rash actions will lead to big problems.

    The results of this divination are correct for one year. The next Christmas, the alignment needs to be repeated.

    One card per

    This ritual will also require a new playing deck. After shuffling it, you should move part of the cards towards yourself with your left hand and move it down.

    The card at the top will tell you about the true feelings of a potential partner and further relationships with him. Not only the suit matters, but the card itself:

    • the suit of hearts means love;
    • baptize problems and troubles, a difficult period in a couple;
    • tambourines - happiness;
    • peaks - difficulties;
    • six - news;
    • seven - joyful events;
    • eight - disappointment in the chosen one;
    • nine passionate kiss;
    • ten - a happy future with a partner;
    • jack - true love;
    • the lady is a rival or the man has a mistress;
    • the king is a friend who will support in love affairs;
    • ace - a strong and long-term union, mutual understanding and agreement between partners.

    How to tell fortunes for a betrothed

    The methods of Christmas divination for the betrothed are very diverse and help to find out the maximum information about the future spouse: external data, name, age, character, profession, etc. Some of them are simple and safe, others are more complex and can harm the fortuneteller in case wrong actions.

    Part of the rituals allow you to see the image of the groom in a dream. In order for the dream to be prophetic, and the answers to the questions of interest to be as truthful as possible, you must follow some rules:

    • sleep all alone;
    • do not talk to anyone on the evening of divination, especially after pronouncing a conspiracy;
    • you should go to bed in the opposite direction from the usual;
    • Turn the sheet and pillow upside down;
    • put the shirt in which the fortuneteller sleeps inside out.

    Rituals with cards

    For the ritual, you will need a simple playing deck of cards, but always a new one that has never been played before. Need:

    1. 1. Pull out all the kings and jacks from it - they will symbolize men.
    2. 2. Mix them thoroughly.
    3. 3. Place all eight cards face down under the pillow.
    4. 4. Say a magic spell: "My fiance, dream me in a dream and tell me about yourself."
    5. 5. Go to bed.
    6. 6. In the morning, just by opening your eyes, take out the first card that comes across and get a prediction.

    If a king is caught, this portends a fortune-telling husband, much older than her in age, a jack promises a young life partner or peer. The suit also matters: worms - narrowed either from the girl’s inner circle or lives nearby, the spade suit speaks of a wealthy and successful person, a cross jack or king means an unexpected meeting with a soulmate, and a diamond suit warns that acquaintance will happen through friends or relatives.

    Another way of divination is to hide four kings from an ordinary playing deck under the pillow before going to bed. Then pronounce a conspiracy: " Betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream". The king of spades, who had a dream at night, will tell you that the spouse will be much older and very jealous, the club of clubs means a divorced or widower or a military or businessman, the king of hearts promises a rich and handsome companion, and a tambourine - a desired and beloved one.

    You can also try this option:

    • Remove all kings from the deck.
    • Put under the bed.
    • Press down lightly with the heel of your shoe.
    • Say the magic words: “Narrowed-mummer, I am waiting for you dressed up. Come, show yourself, marvel at me. In a dream, a girl will dream of her future husband.

    on notes

    Using this method, you can find out the name of the betrothed. Necessary:

    • cut a sheet of paper into small notes;
    • write on each male names(you can absolutely any, but you can those that belong to familiar men);
    • roll them into tubes;
    • put under the pillow for the whole night;
    • in the morning, randomly draw out any;
    • the betrothed will be called as it is written on paper.

    With candles and a mirror

    The option of divination with candles and a mirror is perhaps one of the most exciting and dangerous. But thanks to him, you can see the image of the future spouse in great detail.

    It should be noted that the devil comes in the form of the betrothed. Therefore, you need to be very careful and do not forget to say at the end of fortune-telling: “Stay away from me” or “Stay away from this place" in order to drive away evil spirits.

    With one mirror and one candle

    For its implementation you need:

    • Sit in front of a mirror.
    • Light a candle and put it next to you.
    • Place a clean towel or napkin next to you.
    • Look directly into the mirror reflection of the candle. If the image begins to become cloudy, this indicates the imminent approach of the betrothed.
    • Wipe the mirror and continue to look into it.
    • The betrothed should approach the girl from behind. You can not take your eyes off the mirror and even more so turn around.
    • After the fortuneteller has seen the betrothed in all the details, you need to say "Chur this place."

    If the groom had time to approach, he will sit down next to him and put an object on the table. In no case should you look directly at him, you need to wait for his departure and only after that pick up the left thing.

    With two candles and two mirrors

    To conduct the ceremony, you should:

    • Place a small mirror on the table in front of you.
    • Place a second larger mirror behind you so that they form a mirror corridor.
    • Put lit candles on the sides.
    • Carefully look into the reflection of the flame and say: "My betrothed mummer, come to me for dinner."
    • After a while, the face of the betrothed will appear. It is necessary to consider it in all details and say loudly: “Chur, me! ”, cross yourself and blow out the candles.

    The devil in the form of a betrothed will immediately disappear. According to legend, if this is not done, he can materialize from the mirror and take the girl with him.

    With a mirror and three candles

    To perform you will need:

    • prepare a crystal (glass) glass or glass with water or white wine, a mirror and three candles;
    • put it on the table, and install a mirror behind it;
    • arrange candles around the glass and light them;
    • peer into the mirror through the glass;
    • after a sufficiently long period of time, various images, faces, silhouettes will begin to appear in the mirror, and one can judge the future chosen one from them.

    If during the ritual the mirror is broken or cracked, you need to collect the fragments in a container of clean water, without touching them with your bare hands. Then cover the basin or bowl with black cloth, and discard in the morning.

    Divination for the future and desires

    At Christmas, you can guess for the future and for the fulfillment of desires, this will require simple improvised means.

    With wax and candles

    This simple fortune-telling is suitable for girls with a rich imagination. For divination on wax, you will need a cup of cold water and two wax candles. To perform the ritual, you must:

    • light one candle;
    • break the other into separate pieces and put them in a spoon;
    • heat it properly over a burning candle to melt the wax;
    • quickly pour the melted wax into a glass of cold water;
    • to judge the future by the resulting wax figure.

    Much depends on the fortuneteller's ability to interpret the signs received. But there are also approximate meanings of these symbols:

    • stripes - moving, change of scenery;
    • circle or pancake - serene youth;
    • yama is a dangerous disease;
    • mushroom - long years life;
    • ring - wedding;
    • bell - anxiety, trouble;
    • flower - gentleman;
    • star - luck, success;
    • egg or oval - for change;
    • apple - health.

    Another simple divination option is using small candles. It will require a large container of water (basin or bowl) and walnut shell halves, in an amount equal to the number of fortunetellers. Candles need to be lit, put in a shell and carefully lowered into the water.

    The candle will burn out first for the girl who will marry first, and the last for the one who is still very far from marriage. If the shell has completely sunk to the bottom, the girl will never marry.

    The same method of Christmas divination can also be used to obtain more specific predictions. To do this, you need to additionally lay out small sheets of paper around the container with water with some events written on them (new acquaintance, marriage, moving, travel, etc.) The inscription, to which the shells with candles float closest, will become prediction for the coming year.

    Another simple method that will require candles:

    • on the night before Christmas, you need to wash and put on clean and smart clothes;
    • put the purchased candle on a wooden stand;
    • mentally formulate the question of interest;
    • set fire to the wick;
    • watch the flames.

    A dim glow will tell about the upcoming sadness and sadness. A low and even flame promises a measured life without surprises, and a bright and blazing fire portends good luck and mutual feelings. If the crackling of a candle is clearly audible, then the fortuneteller will have a lot of happiness. Yellowish light predicts joy in the future, red-orange light predicts good business profits, and soot predicts misfortune, problems and difficulties.

    paper divination

    To carry out a divination, you should:

    • take a paper sheet or newspaper;
    • crumple it;
    • put the crumpled sheet on a flat dish;
    • set fire to;
    • bring the saucer with burnt paper closer to the wall;
    • turn it carefully until some kind of shadow appears, according to the outlines of which one can judge the near future.

    The next Christmas divination on paper will help you find out your financial situation next year. Necessary:

    • cut about twenty pieces of paper of the same size;
    • leave some of them clean;
    • on others, draw symbols of various currencies;
    • put all the pieces of paper in a hat, bag or cloth bag;
    • to stir thoroughly;
    • pull out, without looking, a handful of pieces of paper and get a prediction.

    If papers marked with the sign of any currency predominate, the year will be financially successful. Otherwise, financial difficulties should be expected.

    Paper and knife method:

    • take a sheet of paper;
    • draw it into sectors;
    • in each, write the following meanings in a circle: “Yes”, “No”, “We should wait”, “False person is nearby”, “A pleasant surprise”, “Love date”, “Luck and success”, “Difficulties, disappointments”, “ Uninvited guests”, “Journey”, “Important news”;
    • get table knife;
    • put it in the center of the sheet;
    • twist clockwise three times;
    • ask any question;
    • get a prediction for the section pointed to by the knife.

    Fortune telling on desires:

    • Write twelve cherished desires on small pieces of paper.
    • Put papers under your pillow at night.
    • In the morning, just by opening your eyes, draw out any three predictions. They are sure to come true soon.

    Another way:

    • cut paper strips of the same size;
    • write your desires on them;
    • put all the sheets in a wide container;
    • fill them with water;
    • wait until the strips of paper gradually begin to float to the surface.

    The piece of paper that surfaced first means the fulfillment of the plan. Sheets that surfaced later indicate that a lot of effort will be required to realize a dream. If the strip has sunk, then the desire is not destined to be fulfilled.

    With a deck of cards

    This very simple Christmas fortune-telling on the cards will allow you to find out your future for the next period. For him, you need to buy a new playing deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle them, remove them with your left little finger and lay them face down on the table. Then concentrate on the question of interest and take out one card at a time. See their interpretation.


    • six - you need to change plans to avoid problems in the future;
    • seven - you should be careful;
    • eight - someone else's influence on fate;
    • nine - to the fortuneteller they experience strong love feelings;
    • ten - there is a need to ask a question again;
    • jack - someone remembers a fortuneteller;
    • lady - you need to avoid confessions of your feelings;
    • king - the wish will come true;
    • ace - love.


    • six - treason;
    • seven - good changes in life;
    • eight - good news;
    • nine - the black bar will end soon;
    • ten - you can avoid sad thoughts with the help of hard work;
    • jack - vain jealousy;
    • lady - conflicts;
    • the king is a deception;
    • ace - the plan will not come true.


    • six - unexpected incidents;
    • seven - praise from enemies;
    • eight - illness of a relative or close friend;
    • nine - bad news;
    • ten - it is not recommended to make new friends;
    • jack - the beloved will bring doubts and sorrows;
    • a lady is a worthy reward;
    • king - in order not to lose everything, it is necessary to act;
    • an ace is a mistake that will not allow success to be achieved.


    • six - the actions taken must be carefully considered in order to avoid unpleasant consequences;
    • seven - retribution for past sins, troubles, misfortunes;
    • eight - danger;
    • nine - you need to protect your secrets and secrets;
    • ten - happiness;
    • jack - empty chores;
    • lady - the speedy fulfillment of a dream;
    • king - great news;
    • ace - you need to trust people.

    You can tell fortunes with the help of a card deck if you wish. It is necessary to carefully shuffle the cards and formulate a brief question about its performance in such a way that it can be answered "yes" or "no". Then draw any card at random and look at its suit:

    • peaks - the desire will definitely not come true;
    • worms - a positive answer;
    • clubs - unlikely;
    • tambourines - it will come true, but at the cost of time and effort.

    Christmas superstitions

    During fortune-telling for Christmas at home, not everything always goes as planned. Unforeseen situations also happen: inventory, for example, a mirror or a glass, can break, candles go out, a deck of cards crumble. For each such episode, there is a certain belief:

    • If during the ceremony with the mirror it broke or cracked, it means that the spirits do not want to talk to the fortuneteller. You should immediately stop guessing.
    • Extinguished candles are a very bad sign. You should protect yourself from future troubles.
    • If the fortuneteller mixed up the text of the spoken conspiracy, fortune telling will not work.
    • Spirits are more willing to make contact in the house where the deceased was in the current year.
    • If the answer to the question does not suit the fortuneteller or is unclear to her, it is forbidden to disturb the spirits a second time. It is better to postpone the ritual for next year.

At home from January 6 to 7, 2019 with a candle that will help you know your future and really excite the imagination. By the way, about the imagination, many fortune-telling associated specifically with candles require the presence of a certain amount of imagination in a person.

On the other hand, most of the candle fortune-telling that we will give in this article can be done with girlfriends. If you combine the creativity of all the girls, you get an entertaining and unique pastime.

On wax

This is an extremely simple and fascinating divination for Christmas with candles and water. To carry it out, you will need a bowl of water, a wax candle and, as we already wrote about this above, your own imagination. Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to guess from Christmas Eve before Christmas, which means on the night of January 6-7. On the night of January 7-8 - on Christmas itself, it is not customary to guess. But then, until the night of January 18-19, you can guess, at least every day.

So everything necessary materials is at hand. Light a candle and wait for some of the wax to melt. Now pour the wax into a bowl of water and let it take its final shape for a few seconds. Get a figurine. By deciphering which, you can decipher your future.

Sometimes, in addition to one large figure, several small figures also appear in the water. This is a good sign, which, in most cases, indicates that next year will be extremely successful for you financially. In general, you can expect a good income. If the main figure is large and round, like an apple, it promises you a satisfying life in abundance and prosperity.

Sometimes in the water you can see an egg - a symbol of fears and fears. A bad sign is the silhouette of a snake or a coffin. Good silhouettes include a swan or a mushroom: they guarantee success in the near future. Grapes are also a symbol of prosperity and love. If you see a house, this is a great sign that you will soon have your own household. This means that you can expect marriage. A wreath or ring also speaks of marriage.

By the shadows

When conducting this ritual, you also need candles, a saucer, a sheet of paper and fantasy. Again, we will have to independently encrypt the forms that the universe will send. A sheet of paper must be crumpled in your hands and constantly think about what awaits you in the future. Simply, mentally ask this question. Now put the paper on a saucer and burn it. Wait until the paper is completely burned. Place the plate in relation to the candle so that it casts a shadow on the wall. It is by the shadow that you have to judge what the future holds.

The interpretation of the meaning of the main figures will be the same as when divining with wax. But do not be afraid to go further and turn on your imagination. Perhaps you will see much more. After all, you are guessing at your fate, and only you yourself can know what to expect in the future with joy, and what to fear.

By egg

Not exactly divination associated with a candle, but also requires the presence of fire. It will be necessary to take the raw egg white and pour it into a glass, which must first be filled with water. Put a glass of protein in a preheated oven so that the protein curdles. Have you already guessed that certain figures were obtained from the protein, according to which one must predict one's fate. A ring and a wreath promise a wedding, a square and a rectangle are not good and speak of illness. The triangle is a good sign that promises well-being in all areas of life.

Along the mirror corridor

One of the scariest divinations. It must be done in complete solitude. Take 12 candles of the same size and two mirrors. One mirror should be larger than the other. Mirrors are placed so as to reflect each other. Put six candles on each side of the mirrors. It will turn out a corridor into which the girl needs to carefully peer. What the universe decides to show you, only you will know. Someone says that he sees the face of the betrothed, someone: their children or their vocation. In any case, as soon as the image appears in the mirror and you decipher it, you must say: "Chur me." Only by these actions can one correctly end the ritual and not anger fate. This is a mystical fortune-telling for Christmas with candles and a mirror.

Believe it or not what you guess during this period, it's up to you. If fate speaks of something good, then faith in a successful future will never hurt. If fortune-telling upset you a little, remember that everything is in your hands, and you can do things to

Christmas is an amazing and mysterious time, which is associated not only with a religious holiday. With the advent of Christmas Eve (January 6) and until Epiphany (January 19), girls who wanted to know their future performed a fortune-telling ritual that was passed down from generation to generation. It has long been believed that it is possible to look beyond the veil of the mysteries of time due to the presence of the souls of the dead, who at this time come from the other world. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that Christmas predictions are particularly accurate.

What conditions must be observed when fortune telling for Christmas

It was believed that not all spirits come with good intentions, so they took the divination process seriously. In this regard, rules appeared, the basis of which were the prevailing signs and superstitions.

  • Before starting the ritual during Christmas time, fortunetellers completely freed their hair from hairpins and loosened them, untied all the knots on their clothes, completely removed amulets, jewelry and belts.
  • It was necessary to have a clear understanding of what the girl wants to find out the whole truth about, which no one could say a word about, so as not to jinx it.
  • Silence was strictly observed in the fortune-telling room, and there should also have been darkness.
  • They believed that crossing limbs during divination would prevent contact with evil spirits.

Both in antiquity and today, the main goal of fortune-telling at home is to find out when the long-awaited love will meet and what kind of life awaits. Below you will find time-tested rituals of Christmas divination, thanks to which you can shed light on the secrets of a foggy future.

Divination for the future

January 13 and 18 were considered especially successful days for accurate divination.

with bowls

To find out what will happen in the near future, they take cups and put salt, a ringlet, sugar, a piece of bread, an onion and a coin into each of them separately, pour a small amount of clean water into another. Closing their eyes, they stop the choice on one cup. A coin promises wealth, salt - grief, sugar - joy, a ring - marriage, bread - well-being. If a bowl of water is chosen, significant events and changes will not happen in the near future.

With candles

As a rule, a group of girls simultaneously takes part in such an interesting fortune-telling at Christmas. They prepare a bowl of water, whole hemispheres of a walnut shell and pieces of candles, the number of which should correspond to the number of fortunetellers. Cinders are placed in shells and floated on water. It is believed that the first wife will be the one whose candle completely burned out first, and the owner of the candle that burned the longest will find family happiness last. If the candle sinks, marriage is not expected.

On wax

Fortune telling on wax is one of the old folk ways to find out the near future.

For the ceremony, a container with water and candle cinders are prepared. white color; both wax and paraffin are suitable - everything except for the festive ones. They are melted in a metal cup and poured into a container. The existing silhouette told about what awaits the girl.

  • Having seen the outlines of the house, they promised marriage and a new household. The symbols of candles and rings had the same meaning.
  • The trees seen, the branches of which are directed upward, predicted happiness, downward - sadness and longing.
  • Wax falling to the bottom of the bowl like a pancake predicted a long girlhood.
  • Those who saw a cave or a pit, according to popular beliefs, expected a serious illness or an early death.
  • Ruins of indefinite shape - misfortune.
  • Dog - you will soon get a friend.
  • A clot, something round - to the imminent addition to the family, pregnancy.

By the shadow of the paper

For this, a paper sheet is used, which is crumpled to a shapeless mass (but not spherical) and placed at the bottom of an inverted plate, and then set on fire. When it burns out, they bring the plate to the illuminated wall and gently turn it so that the shadow cast by the ash takes on a certain shape. The figures were interpreted in the same way as in divination with wax and water.

By groats

To get answers to important questions, hold the left hand palm down over a bowl of grains or cereals for some time, fully focusing thoughts on the question. Then you need to take a handful of cereals and pour out, and then count the grains. If the number of grains turns out to be even, the answer is positive, odd - negative.

Based on the book

Choose literature with an interesting plot for divination, so the ritual will become more curious

With the help of books, they also received answers from the spirits. To do this, they took a book and asked themselves an exciting question. Then, before opening it, they randomly called the serial number of the page and the line located on it. The answer was considered not only a specific line, but the entire semantic segment in which it was included.

On a golden chain

The fortuneteller needs to wait until everyone in the house falls asleep. Then sit down at the table and rub the chain between your palms until it becomes warm. Then you need to take it in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it on the floor with a sharp movement. According to the figure that it forms, and the upcoming events are judged.

What figures predict what:

  • the circle portends an unpleasant situation;
  • the triangle marks a major success in absolutely any business, especially those of the heart;
  • snake - a warning about danger and betrayal;
  • a flat strip symbolizes good luck and prosperity;
  • a tangled knot - monetary loss and illness;
  • heart means that love will be happy;
  • bow - imminent marriage.

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed

For the ritual, you need to follow all the rules: get rid of tight clothes, hair ties, belts, chains and everything that fetters

Divination for the night

Before falling asleep, they eat very salty food, which cannot be washed down. They say to themselves "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink." The person who appeared and gave you a drink in your dreams will become your husband.

By the name

To determine which name the groom will have, with the onset of Christmas midnight, fortunetellers find out how they call the man who they meet first after leaving the house. The wife will also be called the same.

To the profession of a betrothed

The fortune-telling girl is tightly blindfolded. Objects associated with various crafts are placed on the table:

  • textbook (teacher),
  • photography (photographer),
  • ruler (engineer),
  • thermometer (doctor) and others,
  • And of course, a wedding ring.

The girl must randomly take one of the items provided. If three times in a row her choice falls on the same one, the representative of this particular profession will be her beloved. If the choice falls on the ring three times, this means that next year she will definitely be married, but it is not known what specialty her husband will belong to.

For marriage by thread

The red thread prophesies an early marriage, and the black one suggests directing forces towards a career

Three threads (black, red and white) are threaded into three needles and attached to the clothes on the girl's back. She must feel where they are, but must not know where which is. Then the fortuneteller needs to pull out one thread. White will be chosen - marriage is not expected in the near future, red - marriage will be concluded within a year and a baby will be born soon, black - it is better to focus on a career.

When several girls tell fortunes together, they cut off a thread of the same length for each, which is taken with the left hand, and at the same time set it on fire with the right hand. The one whose thread burns out faster than the rest will go down the aisle first. If the thread quickly went out or burned out even to half, marriage is not expected.

For apples

They take apples in the amount that corresponds to the number of intended spouses, and at the bottom of each they scratch out the first letter of the groom's last name, first name and patronymic. In a dark room, they mix the apples together and bite off a piece from each. The initials found on the most delicious fruit will indicate who will become a husband.

By map

Before the onset of Christmas night, the card with the king of the tambourine is hidden under the pillow and mentally represents the very person whose wife they would like to become. What will be seen in a dream will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on the narrowed by the mirrors

Fortune telling with mirrors is one of the most exciting, frightening and dangerous

By midnight, the girl needs to go into a dark room, where there are no animals and strangers, and lock the doors with windows. The presence of one or two friends is allowed, who were not allowed to look at the reflections, approach the fortuneteller and speak.

Two clean mirrors (preferably large ones) are placed opposite each other and illuminated with two candles of equal height from both edges. It is most convenient if one of them is wall-mounted, while the second should be rotated so that a long corridor lit by the flame of candles lined up in the reflections. Then you need to look long and concentrated at the end of the created corridor, where the image of the betrothed will appear. If the fortuneteller did not lose her senses from fear and worries, when he appears, she needs to quickly shout “Chur this place!”, And after that the evil spirits, which have taken the form of a future spouse, will disappear and will not be able to cause harm.

To perform another ritual of Christmas divination using a mirror, the girl places two sets of cutlery on a table located in an empty room and prepares a towel that will come in handy later. Sitting down at the table and placing a lit candle between herself and the mirror, she calls on her fate with the words “Dressed, betrothed, come to dinner with me.” Five minutes before its appearance, the surface of the mirror will begin to noticeably darken, and then you should wipe it with a towel. Having examined the desired features of the sweet face that soon appeared, the fortuneteller should shout “Step away from this place!”, thereby driving away the spirit that has taken on human form.

On the groom with a ring

To carry out this fortune-telling, a simple glass without any pattern is required, with a flat, even bottom, which is three-quarters filled with water. Then the wedding ring is carefully placed in the middle, which should be thoroughly cleaned. After a long and continuous peering into the center of the circle through the water, you can see the face of the future spouse.

On the relationship on the needles

Needles are better to take sewing, not embroidery

To carry out the ritual, you will need ordinary sewing needles of any size and a container of water. Define one needle behind you, and the number of other needles should equal the number of people with whom you are interested in relationships. It's best if they are different sizes. If you are interested in a relationship with a chosen one, take two needles: a smaller one for yourself, a larger one for him. Then you should carefully and thickly grease them with fat (fat cream, butter, lard are suitable) and lower them in turn onto the water surface. By the way they interact, you can draw conclusions.

  • If all the needles go to the bottom, it means that they were not well lubricated.
  • If the needle that you have secured to yourself sinks, in the coming year your environment may completely change and many of the old connections will be lost.
  • The needles that remain floating on the surface symbolize the people who will remain in your environment in the new year, while connections with those people whose needles sink will be interrupted.
  • Two connected needles mean union or marriage.
  • Needles stuck together along the entire length - strong friendship.

For love by matches

Two matches inserted into a matchbox on opposite sides and symbolizing lovers are set on fire. If, after they burn, their heads are turned towards each other, the couple will have joint happiness.

Ritual with water on the character of the future husband

Take fresh, live water, for example, spring water. Boiled or passed through a filter does not have such power

Four glasses of water are prepared, no different from each other, in one of which they put a spoonful of citric acid, in the second - honey, in the third - wine, in the fourth - salt, and mix the contents in each. The glasses are covered with a thick napkin and placed on a tray, and then, with eyes closed, they are twisted so as not to know their location. Then they turn off the light and drink water from a randomly selected glass.

A glass of salt foreshadowed a joyless boring lot, with wine - he promised a frequently drinking husband, with salt - he prophesied a sea of ​​bitter tears. A glass of honey meant that the spouse would be the owner of a cheerful and gentle disposition.

How to find out the temper of the future spouse on the cards

Before falling asleep, four kings are placed under the pillow from a deck that no one has ever played, and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream.” The cross king who appeared in dreams promises a husband-officer or entrepreneur, a red one - young and wealthy, a peak one - jealous and elderly, and a red one - a loved one.

Divination for children with a ring

A ring is lowered to the bottom of a mug filled with water, asking a question about future children, and left to freeze in the cold. If the ice surface is smooth and even in the morning, there will be no children. The resulting tubercles symbolize sons, cavities - daughters. Their number coincides with the number of children who will be born in the future.

Whatever answers and prophecies you receive during fortune-telling at Christmas, always remember that all good things will certainly come true, and you should not even believe in bad things. The secret of happiness is not to doubt it.