Revelation - Studying the in-game races: Falmari. Character classes in Revelation Online and how each of them is suitable for a new player? Revelation by whom to play solo

Let's start...

Hi all!

To begin with, I would like to introduce you to a gear maker, a former player of Demon Slayer and Blade & Soul /where I actually met him/ comrade FiiNom, recently an ardent fan of the game Revelation.

So ardent that he even created his own guild and began to persuade everyone to start playing this game.

Actually, this is how the idea was born to make a small /or big, as it turns out/ cycle of introductory articles on Revelation on his behalf, to introduce people to this wonderful and entertaining client-side MMORPG from the Chinese company NetEase, whose localizer is the well-known

In general, I pass the word...

So, on our agenda we have a game - Revelation. The producers promise that it will be a HIT, because it has EVERYTHING you need! Now NetEase employs about 400 people and, as the developers themselves claim, for Revelation they took the best from WOW, Aion, PW and other top games. By the way, this company, among other things, is also famous for publishing World Of Warcraft in China.

Character Creation.

What should I start with? Of course, from character creation. Many of you have probably seen the editor in the game Black Desrt, where players were even able to create Seryozha Zverev (yes, he is now there too). IN Revelation the developers have proposed an even more improved editor, in which there is a whole section for the female breast alone, and, for example, for the ass - even two. Naturally, other parameters are at the proper level.

Of course, there are ready-made character presets, as well as various stands in which you can see what your hero will look like in clothes.


In the game you will be asked to choose one of 6 classes - let's look at them in more detail:

Reaper in Relation.

A man or a woman with a braid, which is not at all for beauty.

Mainly a support, he deals significant damage in battle, throws buffs on group members and debuffs on opponents. Can attack both close and from a distance.

Druid in Relevation.

He's a pretty healer, but he's quite capable of attacking with attack spells and various summoned creatures.

Shooter in Relevation.

Or as he is also called Gunner, he carries two pistols and knocks everyone out from afar.

Being a damage control class, it deals decent damage both to one target and over an area.

Guardian in Relevation.

A man with a shield (or not a man), accordingly, plays the role of a tank in all dungeons.

It has a high level of defense and HP - vital in high-level dungeons.

Knight in Relevation.

The name may suggest that this is the same Guardian, but this is not the case. The knight performs both the role of a damage dealer and a tank.

Has two swords in his hands and a third one behind his back (it's so big...).

A unique class in its own way.

Mage in Relevation.

Or, in another way, the Elementalist, although he runs around the game with a sword, can call upon the powers of three elements to help him: ice, lightning and fire.

Depending on the chosen stance, gains access to the skills of a certain element.

In addition, it has a fairly large supply of other skills and is the most damaging class in the game.


As for races, there are quite a lot of them in Revelation. But, at the same time, you can only play for people. The remaining races belong to different factions. For example, there is a faction of bears that lives in the forest.

All factions are different from each other and each of them has its own unique tasks, exclusive items and resources. You can also strike up a “friendship” with one faction or another. This is facilitated by reputation points, which can be obtained by completing daily and regional quests. In addition, reputation points can be exchanged for resources and other useful items.

Invitation to the guild.

Guild registration is currently open on the Revelation website. There are 50 people in the guild to complete the verification (confirmation procedure), but of course more are possible. The more people we have, the higher our chances of getting access for the entire guild to Beta. The fact is that every week a competition is held, according to the results of which the top 4 guilds are guaranteed access to Beta.

Using this link you can register in the game, but using this link you can apply to join the guild. Thanks to all!


Winged in Revelation Online

The series of stories about the inhabitants of the world of Revelation continues! Today it’s the turn of the winged ones - the brave and majestic inhabitants of the continent. These beautiful creatures were given wings by the luminous goddess Akari herself. They are brave and honest, and valor and justice are the highest values ​​for them. But the winged ones also have disadvantages: they are arrogant and consider other races to be inferior beings. In addition, these creatures are very hot-tempered and will always find a reason (real or imaginary) for a duel. So guests of their camp should carefully monitor their speech!
Representatives of the winged people can be found in different parts of the continent. For the first time you will have the opportunity to communicate with one of them in Sulan. But this meeting will not be the last. And if you want to get to know this race better, you can visit their training camp, which is located in the northeast of the mainland. The winged ones are sharp shooters who are taught to use a bow from childhood. With deadly weapons in their hands, they stand guard over the justice of the world of Revelation.
But with their excessive pride, these people have earned themselves many ill-wishers. For many years now, the inhabitants of Bear Mountain have been waging a bloody confrontation with the winged ones. Day after day, rivals converge in battle on the “Top of Eternal Snows.” Adventurers who wander into these regions can also join one of the sides and take part in the battle. In addition, to win you will have to defeat monsters and complete various tasks. The most successful fighters will receive a pleasant reward for their exploits.

To earn reputation with the mighty winged people, help them clear their lands of wild creatures. In gratitude for your help, they can give you the right to wear a beautiful hunting bow - the real pride of the flying race. An additional reward will be elegant accessories and useful Consumables, such as feathers or extra experience stones.

We are glad to introduce you short review all 6 classes of the new MMORPG Revelation. Publishers report that they will announce very soon new class, we will definitely edit this material when appropriate. Follow

Explore all Revelation game classes on the website

At this stage of development of the Revelation game in Russia, 7 game classes are planned: Guardian, Knight, Mage, Druid, Shooter, Reaper and one more, but the announcement will be later. Each class has its own history and role in the game, which we recommend getting acquainted with - this will certainly help you decide on the choice of the main class.

At the official launch of the game, the publisher plans to add all 7 classes to the game, many of them will seem familiar, because these are standard classes of the same WoW. There are classes in Revelation for both solo players and team play. We recommend that you get acquainted with each class separately; our fan site for the game will help you with this.

See you in the game!

» Classes

Answers on questions

Revelation release date in Russia Group became the publisher in Russia and the CIS. The game is distributed using a free-to-play model.

The official opening of seven servers (Kuromi, Krytos, Gordon, Hangmarr, Raelis, Atum, Morfida) has already taken place on December 26, 2016 (early access holders entered the game on December 23).

Official system requirements

Minimum requirements:

Intel Pentium 2.4G+
GeForce 9500GT / GT610 / Intel HD4000
DirectX 9.0c+
HDD: 16 GB

Windows XP/ 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x32/x64)
Intel Core i5 3.0G+
GeForce GT650Ti / GTX750 / GTX950
DirectX 9.0c++
HDD: 16 GB

Play Revelation

Where does any role-playing game begin? The choice of race and class is correct, although the developers of Revelation decided to take a simplified path and left us only class variety, which at this stage of the game consists of six types.

Revelation classes carry specific roles, and a newbie is faced with a very reasonable question: which class is better to choose? Below I propose to analyze all the characters and talk about the advantages of each in terms of PvE and PvP gameplay.


This is a true representative of steampunk, possessing two main types of weapons - a powerful rifle and rapid-fire pistols. At the same time, he can call on robots for help, as well as install turrets and traps.

The main advantages of this class are the longest attack range and the highest physical damage to a single target, which makes the shooter very dangerous in PvP battles and very useful in battles with bosses.


In common parlance, a guard is a typical tank. This is the most durable class in Revelation. It has at its disposal defensive and attacking stances, the first helps to aggro mobs and be as useful as possible in dungeons, the second allows you to reveal your potential in attack.

It is worth noting that the guard's attack abilities are more focused on physical area damage, which makes him dangerous for entire groups of players and mobs. Thus, we have at our disposal a versatile warrior who is sure to be in demand in any battle.


The specialization of this fighter is high physical damage in close combat. Thanks to the stance with dual swords, critical damage increases and its massive and single attacks become very dangerous for the lives of others.

Additionally, the knight class can take on the role of a tank, although not as well as the aforementioned guard; he is helped in this by a stance with a large two-handed sword, which increases the chance of parrying enemy attacks.

In the right hands, a knight is very dangerous and this manifests itself absolutely everywhere. In PvP, you can use instant approach to the target and control skills to chop enemies into pieces and retreat in time, and in PvE you can easily scatter crowds of monsters.


Master of the Elements - this is the title that can be awarded to magicians who command fire, ice and lightning. Each element provides its own benefits, making the mage class good at attacking and controlling enemies.

Fire spells have high damage to a single target and cause huge area damage (the highest among players), ice allows you to freeze everyone and everything, and lightning will make the enemy’s life unbearable, taking away vitality for a long time.

Playing a solo mage is not very comfortable due to his low defense, but in a group you can seriously influence the outcome of the battle - this applies to PvE and PvP modes equally.


The main purpose of a druid in a group is to heal allies and remove negative effects from them. This is the only class in the game that can not only heal, but also raise comrades who have fallen in battle.

Of course, weak defense and low attacking abilities do not allow you to fully play alone, but in team fights you will be in great demand. Treating your comrades, you know, is a very responsible and necessary thing.

At higher levels, summoning skills become available to the druid, using which selfless animals will stand in your defense, ready to tear apart everyone in your path.


Another magic class that combines two directions - causing damage and secondary support for allies. Playing a reaper is not easy, especially at high levels, but no less interesting.

The Reaper class will allow you to subjugate two elements - darkness and light. Spells from the world of darkness are aimed at attacking and strengthening the attack of allies, and the forces of light are intended to restore vitality and strengthen defense.

To become a good and sought-after reaper, you will have to master both directions of his essence perfectly; you simply must quickly switch between darkness and light and, depending on the situation, use the necessary skills.


Choosing a class in Revelation, as in others role playing games requires the player to have a clear idea of ​​what role he wants to take on. Think about what is closer to you. Should you be the first to engage in battle and scatter your opponents, or stay behind your comrades, covering the rear and providing support in every possible way?

Undoubtedly, each of the characters will be useful in the group, the main thing is to master all his skills and understand the principle of his behavior on the battlefield. By the way, on one server you can create several heroes at once and try all the classes in action. The choice is yours, take action.

The world of MMO RPG does not stand still and develops daily. Revelation is a game that combines the best of other projects. The game's online presence is growing every day, and players are wondering which class to choose so as not to have to download again later.

Good afternoon Dear friends. Today we will analyze Reveletion, which class is better to choose for the game.

7 classes

Revelation features 7 classes that are standard in any MMO RPG. Each class is selected depending on the position you want to go to:

  • DD. The main person who deals damage.
  • Tank. A punching bag, always sent to the front line to absorb all the damage first.
  • Hill. A character who helps restore HP, buff and prevents the rest of the party from dying.
  • Support. Throws buffs on allies, debuffs the enemy and, if possible, deals damage.

Let's take a closer look at the classes themselves that are in the game and see which one is suitable for which position.


The main healer in the game. I warn you right away, if you are a beginner and have never played this game, it is better not to take this character. The Druid is the heaviest class in Revelation. In any game, a competent healer is the key to victory in pvp or reliable passage of a dungeon. If you do not have experience playing this class, it is better not to choose it, do not spoil the game for yourself and others.

Now more about the Druid. Compared to other RPGs, the healer here does not act only as a pure support. The Persian is able to call upon various creatures for help, which cause significant damage. Despite the fact that the Druid is regarded as a healer in any party, in a solo game he can also set the heat.

But despite the good DPS, the other cannot be compared with any other damage dealer, and in direct PvP he undoubtedly loses. But don’t forget that this is still a support, and if he also dealt a lot of damage, it would be a little unbalanced, don’t you think?

In general, a good hero if you have direct hands and a desire to help in the battle, and not just fight in solo battles.

Shooter (gunner)

Among all the classes in Revelation, the gunner is one of the best ranged damage dealers. The character himself and his skills are very reminiscent of the shooter from Aion. If you've ever played Aion as a gunner, then you'll definitely like him here.

The main advantages of the character are high mobility and strong damage. There are two development options, close combat with two pistols or long-range attacks with a rifle. If you decide to fight from a distance, be prepared that your movements will be limited, but the damage will increase several times. In close combat, all sorts of magicians and healers will become an easy target for you.

The shooter also has traps and mechanical assistants in his arsenal, which buff the hero and cause damage to the enemy.

The character excels in the role of a DD, so if you want fun and dynamic pvp, definitely take the shooter. But remember that in Revelation there are enough classes for the role of DD, and many take them. Therefore, without good gear and straight hands, it will be quite difficult to get into any dungeon.

Reaper (necromancer)

Universal class in Revelation. At the initial stage of the game, he can be in the role of a healer, but his main position is a buffer. The Reaper has a huge number of stuns, debuffs and buffs in his arsenal. With all this, it deals quite decent damage, which can even stand at the level of top damage dealers. In combination with all his goodies, he becomes an excellent hero for PvP and Pve battles, both solo and in a party.

But in order to be able to play this character, you need to choose the right build and equipment. If you run in stock, not a single skill will be able to protect you from the pumped-up syn.

The character has two stances. In the first one you deal damage and debuff the enemy, but after level 20 the second one opens. In it, the damage dealt turns into healing, and debuffs turn into buffs.

A difficult class to learn and play, but if you manage to master it, it won't cost you anything.


Another key link in any party is the tank. Paladin is a typical punching bag. A large supply of health and strong defense allow him to act on the front line, absorbing damage from opponents.

In his arsenal, the hero has attractive, stunning, massively buffing, knocking down skills that can be useful both in PVE campaigns and in PvP battles. Thanks to a huge number of AoE skills, he is able to quickly destroy entire parties, especially if he is being healed at this time.

More than one const is indispensable without a Paladin, so when playing this class, you will always be in demand.

Knight (varior, blader)

Another universal class. It is a DD and a tank rolled into one. It all depends on your stance. With a two-handed sword - a heavy tank, with a large number of AOE attacks, with dual swords - a strong damage dealer with disables and range skills.

This character is suitable for those who cannot decide on their role. Of course, he won’t replace a pure DD, but at the same time he will become a good all-rounder who can dance and kick if necessary.

Shows itself well in mass pvp, perfectly absorbing damage or cutting out enemy supports with a couple of skills.

Despite the fact that he is a good damage dealer, he will always be given a place in the form of a tank to go through dungeons. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid that they won’t take you to the bosses.

A good character for both fun and farming. Perfect for beginner players who are just finding their way in the world of Revelation.


A typical MMO RPG class. Good damage, but very low defense. As a rule, such characters do not live long in solo pvp or pve if there is not enough experience playing for them. To play as a magician, you will first have to play the piano, because you need to quickly move around the area and give out crazy moves, pressing dozens of buttons per second.

Despite his flimsiness, the Persian is very popular in pvp and pve due to his high damage to the target and area.

I think it doesn’t make sense to tell anything else, since the magician is the most standard DD known to players who have at least once played an RPG.


This character is found in most MMO RPGs. Features include invisibility (invisibility), traps and quick attacks with two blades. A typical DD rat that deals good damage, quickly kills the enemy and goes into invisibility to look for the next target.

It’s just perfect for solo play, but it’s very dependent on gear. To start, I recommend looking at another class in Revelation that will allow you to farm for equipment more easily.
It will also look good in mass pvp. The main task will be to kill healers and other weak characters who have separated from their party.

Syn is popular among players, but this makes it quite difficult to find a place to go through the dungeon. If you have a farming base and are thinking about who to take for pvp, then the Assassin is perfect for this role.

In Revelation Online, all classes are perfectly balanced and fit well into the game. Therefore, you can choose any of them, and you definitely won’t go wrong. And this concludes my review of classes in Revelation. I hope my advice will help you make a choice.

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