Review: The Disney Afternoon Collection - nostalgia, but that's all. Review: The Disney Afternoon Collection - nostalgia, but only The disney afternoon collection walkthrough

Who among us doesn't like to be nostalgic? I guess there are few of them. We are pleased to remember joyful moments from our past with warmth in our hearts. Memories from childhood remain especially valuable for many. For many of our generation - children of the 80s and 90s - such memories are also associated with games for the NES and its clones, games that are now considered classics. The Disney Afternoon Collection brings together six of these games and makes them more attractive to the modern player. But, of course, I didn’t forget about nostalgia.

The collection included DuckTales, DuckTales 2, both parts Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and a little less known than other representatives of the list is the shooter TaleSpin. At their core, these are ordinary ports of the original games, made to fit modern platforms, monitors and TVs. You have game resolution options at your disposal and save your progress at any point in the game.

For those who love to recreate nostalgia in detail, Capcom offers the opportunity to customize the display and sound of the game exactly as it was in those good old days, that is, with a wave-like picture and eight-bit sound. For vision it’s still a torment, but if not for long, then why not?

In terms of graphics, the games remain the same. You won't find any improved or redrawn textures here. The only progress is a clearer picture that is stretched without sacrificing quality.

Given the nature of this collection, the entire package feels like a true historical artefact of the gaming industry. At one time, Capcom created very valuable products for the industry, which became popular not only due to recognizable heroes, but also to the incredible level of performance and amazing level design. Another distinguishing feature was the almost universal, uncompromising hardcore nature of the gameplay.

The Chip 'n Dale games were cooperative platformers that were unique in their time. DuckTales offered players large worlds at the time and the ability to return to completed locations to re-explore them. Darkwing Duck focused on a humorous atmosphere that compensated for the game's difficulty level.

In addition to the games themselves, Capcom included a lot of additional content. The Disney Museum invites you to take a trip back in time and discover Interesting Facts about each game, its characters and creation. The Museum features original game artwork, concept art, soundtracks, and many other goodies that will expand your understanding of these classics. Given the historical nature of The Disney Afternoon Collection, this bonus is especially nice because it allows you to imagine that once upon a time these games were AAA projects with a corresponding price.

A nice innovation in the collection, given the complexity of the games, is the time rewind button. When you press the left trigger, the game gradually rewinds your progress, which allows you to go through difficult sections without much loss of time. Interestingly, this function works throughout the entire game, so with its help you can even return to the very beginning.

The final major addition to The Disney Afternoon Collection is the two alternate modes available in each game: Race Against Time and Boss Battle. The first one asks you to rush through levels with a timer, and at the end it compares your time with other players. Boss Battle, as the name suggests, only features boss battles.

The Disney Afternoon Collection is a time capsule covering a very important chapter in gaming history. The developers did not resort to the now fashionable graphics update, but in this case it is even good, since the level of nostalgia that The Disney Afternoon Collection offers is pushed to an unusually high level.

Remember those glorious and carefree times when we, as children, looked forward to “Disney Club” every Sunday on Channel One? Remember how you sang along with Murat Nasyrov and his “Black Cloak”? And many will also probably remember the legendary games created based on Disney's greatest hits - Darkwing Duck, Chip and Dale and Duck Tales. For hours on end, blowing out cartridges, rebooting the hanging Dandy and breaking our fingers on gamepads, we tried to complete these hardcore platformers, where every mistake cost the character his life. If you remembered all this with a warm feeling of nostalgia in your soul, then this collection is just for you.

Disney Afternoon Collection, released recently on Xbox One, PC and PS4, will once again take you back to the late 80s and early 90s to immerse you in that very atmosphere of childhood. The collection offers 6 classic games: Darkwing Duck, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers 1-2, Tale Spin and Duck Tales 1-2.

To be honest, I'm a little confused. Of course, I'm glad to kill a couple of nights again and play through long-forgotten classics, but I don't understand why the publishers assured that the games would be HD remasters. I imagined something in the spirit of Duck Tales Remastered, which came out a couple of years ago. That is, the same game, but with completely new graphics. Here we get exactly the same 8-bit platformers that we had almost 30 years ago. On the one hand, it seems to be a shame that you were deceived. On the other hand, it’s even better, because those same Duck Tales Remastered have lost all the charm for which we loved them.

In short, the collection is certainly notable. Moreover, almost everyone played these games. Personally, it's great to be able to go back to my childhood with the games I grew up with. Alas, now they don’t make such heartfelt cartoons or good games based on them. By the way, they ask for a lot of money for the collection - 899 rubles on Steam, 1299 rubles on the PS Store. On discs, this miracle is not sold at all, only digital. Whether to give that kind of money for games that haven’t changed at all visually is everyone’s business. For me, it’s easier to buy another Dandy clone for 500 rubles with a bunch of built-in games. Well, or use an emulator at worst.

P.S. I almost forgot. You can play together in those games where this is possible - and these are at least two parts of Chip and Dale. No matter what, but multiplayer. And even better than many online ones.

You can still make money from classics.

Tested on PlayStation 4 Pro

Some ten years ago, in the dawn era PlayStation Portable, collections of retro games were extremely popular. Laptop from Sony then not only immortal classics visited, like the anthology Metal Slug, but also modern reworkings of hits from years gone by. Of course, not always successfully, but the trend was set. Surprisingly, after many years it seems to be coming back.

True, the platform has changed. After the Japanese simplified architecture as much as possible PlayStation 4, completely unexpected products began to appear in her library. And, if the indie boom has become the talk of everyone who is waiting for bright exclusives, then collections, like , are a completely different story. To be honest, a few months ago I could not even imagine that I would be launching such an anthology. Immersion in the past, an interactive time machine, the opportunity to replay childhood games - there were not just a lot of epithets in the notebook, but a lot.

The Disney Afternoon Collection is a collection best games times NES/Famicom created under license Disney company Capcom. This is unlikely to surprise anyone today, but I’ll still say: our 8-bit childhood was entirely created by the Japanese. In any case, in that part that directly related to the license of American animators. Why this happened is a question for a separate article. It is fundamentally important to understand that the games included in the anthology are one hundred percent classics. Music, effects, level design, simple plots and the structure itself - everything is familiar, familiar, warm, lamp-like. Call it what you want. It's a completely different story when it comes to valuation. How can we consider such games today and what new can this collection bring to those very memories?

Let's start with the last one. The key features of the collection are the function of rewinding events and the presence of a save system. If the checkable progress is habitual (after all, it is even in NES Classic Mini was!), then what kind of beast is “rewind”? If you've ever played the 3D releases Prince of Persia from company Ubisoft, you will instantly understand the principle. After making a mistake (falling into an abyss, losing your last life, etc.), you just need to press one button, and events, as if by magic, will roll back. All this greatly simplifies the passage of games, albeit for children, but quite demanding on the gamer’s skills.

Here you are walking along the “urban” level in Darkwing Duck, did not have time to kill the enemy jumping out of the ground. Pressed a key - hello, second try. And so it is in everything. With the help of the treasured button, bosses are cleared in one or two steps, levels are completed in seconds... Of course, you can go the old fashioned way - relying solely on your own experience, but let's be honest: who, if there is a legal cheat, will do this? Except for those who consistently complete one of the parts of this Disney collection every year. Just out of “principle”, because “I can.” No options.

The main point lies in this simplification. The target audience of The Disney Afternoon Collection is not so much retro fans as their children born during PlayStation 2. They heard from their father how he once, as a child like himself, begged his parents for the treasured cartridges and completed the second part over and over again Duck Tales or " Miracles on turns" Of course, a child himself will not be able to get through anything from the anthology. It’s simply not enough skills and perseverance. Clip thinking is not subject to concentration on one single moment, which, such an infection, happens in arbitrary sections of the game. I think you all know this feeling when a level you’ve already memorized, seemingly by heart, doesn’t work out on the twentieth attempt. It just blurs the eyes.

This has long been torture for an adult, and even more so for modern children. Perhaps that is why the developers simplified the passage as much as possible by introducing “rewind”. They say that the wolves are full, and the sheep are nibbling the grass in anticipation of a man with a knife. Fortunately, there is something to see. All six games in the collection are unconditional classics, a textbook on game design.

The list of content is as follows:

  • Chip & Dale
  • Chip & Dale 2
  • Duck Tales
  • Duck Tales 2
  • Darkwing Duck
  • TaleSpin

Each of these games has its own formula. Chipmunk Adventure is a classic co-op platformer. Duck Tales— an attempt to create an action-adventure game for the little ones. Darkwing Duck- a shooter with platformer elements, and TaleSpin- a nod to the “flying” classics from arcades and consoles of the past, but with an emphasis on a young audience. From the point of view of content, it is a completely finished and multifaceted product from all sides. Proven temporary, besides.

Another thing is that the approach (minus the “rewind” system) really smacks of marketing. Essentially, we are dealing with a pumped-up version of the emulator. In the games themselves, for example, they didn’t even change the names of the buttons. Frankly, I fell into a bit of a stupor when, instead of the usual “cross” and “square”, I saw A and B with NES. For a moment, we live in the 21st century, and today it is not customary to approach the issue of porting to consoles carelessly.

The second stone in the garden of nostalgia is the image format. In fact, for a comfortable game you will have to agree to an aspect ratio of 4:3, where most of the space is occupied by a beautiful backdrop that matches the selected game. Believe me, you shouldn’t even try to stretch the picture to fill the entire screen - your nerves will be spared. Finally, the most important point for those who got acquainted with 8-bits on the territory Russia— this is the absence of turbo buttons. In some Darkwing Duck this will be very critical, considering the manner in which our gamers play.

Of course, you can challenge the statement about marketing, countering with the fact that the authors added the ability to play against the clock and a boss battle mode. But all this, in essence, is nothing more than a pleasant bonus for those who have played through the “classics” and want something new. Cute, pleasant, funny in places, but doesn’t change the essence of the matter.


The Disney Afternoon Collection is a pure play on nostalgia, where there is more advertising calculation than an attempt to create something truly interesting. You can take this collection at a sale, show it to your child, talk about your emotions in childhood, accompanied by a clear example, but that’s all. No miracle happened. It’s just that childhood has arrived. In the most accessible form.

The Disney Afternoon Collection is an arcade game developed by Capcom for the PC platform. The environment in the game belongs to the retro style, and the following features can be highlighted: action, platformer, classic, retro, 2d, excellent soundtrack, pixel graphics, 90s, steam achievements, trading cards. You will have access to such game modes as “single player” and “co-op”.

Worldwide game The The Disney Afternoon Collection is distributed on a one-time purchase model by publisher Capcom. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 04/18/2017. You cannot download The Disney Afternoon Collection for free, including via torrent, since the game is distributed on a one-time purchase model. The game supports Russian language.

MMO13 has not yet rated The Disney Afternoon Collection. The game is distributed on the Steam store, whose users rate this game with their reviews at 9.1 points out of 10.

The official description of the game reads:

“Starring a cast of beloved Disney characters, The Disney Afternoon Collection takes you back to a golden era of gaming and afternoons filled with adventure. All six classic games feature new and improved visuals and include filtering options that replicate a retro look and feel.”

“The happiest time in the world is when we are still children...” it is impossible to argue with the lines from the wonderful song of the group Mercury. Could there be anything more beautiful than childhood? No worries, just partying, a bike, toys and, of course, consoles! For many modern gamers, their “gaming career” began with 8-bit and 16-bit devices, so there was an eternal debate about which is cooler - Dendy or Sega? Mario or Sonic? Everyone had their own truth. But the world of video games didn't end with Mario and Sonic. Chip and Dale, Black Coat, DuckTales and dozens or even hundreds of other great games that can gently caress nostalgic memories, causing that same childish delight.

Came out last year NES Minireal car time, but not all the games we wanted were available on it. We don’t know whether Capcom sensed this moment or just guessed it, but by teaming up with Digital Eclipse And Disney Interactive Studios, Japanese company released a real bomb - . Previously Capcom And Digital Eclipse celebrated a joint project - Mega Man Legacy Collection, but this time everything is much more serious, and without Disney it was impossible to do without, because the licenses for the franchises of all 6 games from the new collection belong to the company of old Walt - DuckTales, DuckTales 2, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers And Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2.

Since the late 80s, the cartoons on which the above-mentioned games are based have literally attacked television screens around the world. Russia was no exception. And this is one of the factors why almost everyone who managed to hold a controller from NES and its pirated copies, knows about these games. For those who missed all this splendor, let's briefly go through the list and look at each game separately, a paragraph at a time, no more.

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
The first part of the adventures of the Rescuers. Chip and Dale, along with Gadget, Zipper and Roquefort, go in search of the missing kitten and learn that Fatpaw is responsible for its disappearance. A classic platformer without a single unnecessary element. The game has co-op for two players, which has been carefully transferred to . We are given control of two reckless chipmunks, and we go through levels, at the end of each we fight a boss. Chip and Dale's main weapons are boxes, which they throw at enemies and under which they can hide, reflecting damage. The level system in the game was not entirely linear - some stages could be bypassed without visiting them.

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
The funny chipmunks, along with three other Rescuers, are again trying to stop Fat Belly, who this time is trying to take over the whole world. The second part, unlike the first, boasts a slightly more detailed picture and much stronger leaders. The core of the gameplay remains the same: we go through levels solo or in co-op, fight bosses, use our favorite boxes. Unlike the first game, here the branching levels appeared only towards the end.

Darkwing Duck
Residents of Saint-Canard can sleep peacefully, because their peace is protected by the Black Cloak. The legendary drake superhero! A city full of dangerous criminals and villainous bosses familiar from the cartoon at every level. IN Darkwing Duck wonderful cartoon stylization and very powerful gameplay. Not many people know that this project was made on an improved engine from Mega Man 5. Levels in the game can be completed in any order, but the ending in the game is always the same. In addition to a bullet-reflecting cloak, our hero has in his arsenal a universal gas pistol, for which you can select a variety of cartridges that help out the brave drake in dangerous situations. Smell the gas, villain!

Uncle Scrooge is still a miser, but in order to increase his capital, he is ready to spend money, because there are so many caches of treasures in the world! In the first part DuckTales Scrooge McDuck travels to different parts of our planet and even goes to the moon. There are a total of 5 levels in the game, which can be completed in any order. What’s remarkable is that DuckTales has 3 endings! Two of which depend on how much money the game ends with. Although Scrooge is old, his thirst for money gives him strength, so much so that he jumps throughout the game, pushing off the ground and the heads of his opponents with his cane.

DuckTales 2
A sequel that became the ideological successor of the original. Scrooge is back for treasure! According to the canon of the original, it was not linear; you could complete the levels in any order. There were also 5 of them, on each one you could find a piece of a map for access to a secret location. There were also 3 endings in the second part - good, neutral and bad. DuckTales 2 It’s difficult to compare with its predecessor, because they are very similar, and therefore equally good!

Compared to others, this project has become a kind of dark horse. Still, the animated series “Miracles on Bends” was inferior in popularity to the same “Black Cloak”, which was always popular. But that doesn't mean the game was bad. Unlike other projects from the collection, TaleSpin is a scrolling shooter, not a platformer. Baloo flew through colorful linear levels in his tiny plane, trying to get to the bosses. The bulk of the opponents are air pirates led by Don Carnage, hired by tycoon Shere Khan to knock Rebecca Cunningham, Baloo’s boss, out of the transport business. In addition to Baloo, in additional stages you could play as the boy Keith. Between levels, the ace bear got the opportunity to improve his plane using the accumulated money.

IN The Disney Afternoon Collection We carefully transferred all 6 games and added support for filters - TV and monitor. In addition, absolutely every game received a “How to Play” section - these are manuals translated into Russian that reveal all the features of the gameplay, controls and various features. The work was done to a very high quality. At the same time, the “music” and “gallery” sections are admirable. The first contains all the sweet 8-bit compositions from games, and the second contains various kinds of art, illustrations, pictures, covers, sketches that in one way or another affect all the projects in the collection Disney. This whole case is accompanied by interesting information, a tidbit for fans.

The matter was not limited to this; two modes “Race Against Time” and “Battle with the Boss” were added to the collection. In simple terms, this is a boss rush and speedrun. We try to complete the game as quickly as possible and kill bosses from games in a row, by the way, also against time. The beauty is that the results of races and battles are recorded in the global table of records! Moreover, the progress of leaders from the top 50 can be reviewed in the recording or turned on in the background in a small window in order to compare your results with the best players during the game and try to beat them. In terms of gameplay, the game The Disney Afternoon Collection absolutely the same as on NES, but with one little lifesaver in the form of a time rewind button. We fell into a hole - we rewind time, and we are alive and well. Killed by the boss? Hello, magical time reverse! And the battle with the leader is in full swing again. Is it worth mentioning about saving? Yes, they are here.

And now, friends, for the facts. We have something to compare with. Mega Man Legacy Collection in terms of content it was a little richer. There were more than 50 different tests. There were races against the clock, boss rushes, mash-ups, and everything your heart desires. The same saves, additional materials, etc. With a collection from Disney the differences are minimal, although a collection of Mega Man left without rewinding time and an online leaderboard. Competing with other players is always great, but not everyone is interested. And after I’ve played through all the games once, or even a couple of times, I want some more gaming content. IN Mega Man Legacy Collection he is, but in The Disney Afternoon Collection almost everything is the same as what we saw 25-30 years ago. And, paradoxically, this is wonderful, but we would not refuse more.