Eye makeup with arrows. Makeup with arrows Makeup with arrows and shadows

Your pencil is not sharp

Remember, you need to sharpen your pencil every time you start drawing arrows in front of your eyes. Each! Otherwise, do not expect a perfectly even line - it can only be drawn with a very sharp pencil. And don't tell me that once you managed to do it with a blunt instrument!

You use colored eyeliner on your lower eyelid

Sometimes colored eyeliner on the lower eyelid looks pretty, but in most cases it makes the look somehow harsh ... So leave the color only for the upper eyelid if you are not going to Halloween!

Your arrows are asymmetrical

One is thicker, the other is thinner. Familiar? And it also happens that you start to "adjust" a thinner arrow to the one that is wider, and as a result, the process resembles a vicious circle, until you completely paint over the entire eyelid in black ... How to draw arrows correctly? If you don't want to be a panda, train like an athlete until you achieve the perfect result.

You paint the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliner

Never use liquid eyeliner if you want to define the lower eyelid, otherwise it will end up under your eyes. So, the golden rule: liquid eyeliner - up, pencil - down.

Your liner smudges a couple of hours after application

Liquid eyeliner tends to smudge, especially if moisture, even a tiny drop, gets on the eye. What to do? Or carry cotton swabs with you, or buy already waterproof eyeliner!

You leave a tiny gap between the frog and the lash line

Looks awful, really, like you have conjunctivitis. Always paint over your eyes so that the arrow fits snugly against the ciliary edge. Take your time and make sure that there is no gap between the liner and the lashes. This is real professionalism in drawing arrows!

The corners of the arrows look sloppy

If you have already taken up such a thing as the right arrows in front of your eyes, know that the corners should be pointed, even and slightly upturned. Just like that, there is no other option!

You stretch your eyelid when you apply eyeliner

If you stretch the eyelid too much while applying eyeliner, the arrow will be uneven when the skin returns to its place. In addition, it is harmful to the thinnest skin of the eyelids - well, why torment it so much?

You have small eyes, but you paint over the kajal

Kayal (the mucous part of the lower eyelid) looks beautifully painted over with a black pencil only if you have huge eyes. In all the rest - this kind of makeup with arrows will visually make the eyes smaller. Isn't that what you wanted to achieve?

Every girl can make big expressive eyes of a beautiful almond shape, but many of them are afraid to use arrows for this. Any eye makeup, sophisticated, evening for a celebration or for every day, requires certain skills and abilities. Take advantage valuable advice and the secrets of cosmetologists and beauty bloggers.

Types of arrows for the eyes

Modern cosmetology is constantly developing in the field of decorative makeup. Any flaws in appearance are easily corrected with the help of cosmetics. The same applies to the eyelids: the arrows on the eyes can visually enlarge them, make them brighter, hide overhanging skin and wrinkles. Makeup is performed in the following varieties:

  1. Cat arrows are the most common option. With the help of this technique, you can easily refresh your makeup, or complement it by adding sharpness to the lines.
  2. Colored. In this case, a thin black line is drawn along the ciliary edge, then a wider one is drawn on top - in a different color - as desired.
  3. Arrow to the middle of the eye. To do this, you need to draw a line along the lower ciliary edge up to half the eyelid.
  4. Wide arrows will give the eyelashes extra volume and length. It is performed using the "cat's eye" technique, but the lines must be made thicker.
  5. Egyptian ones visually enlarge the eyes, emphasize their beauty. To do this, it is necessary to extend the line on the lower eyelid, lowering it slightly down, and the upper one extends up to the eyebrows.
  6. The shaded arrow will refresh the make-up, give a languid look.
  7. Double arrows are more difficult to make than classic ones, but the effect is worth it: it looks like the ends of the lines are not connected.
  8. Thin is used in everyday makeup for both work and dates. Does not weigh down the eyelid, gives the look sophistication and romance.

How to draw arrows on the eyes

Regardless of the type of makeup chosen, the technique for applying it is based on the basic rules:

  1. In order for the makeup to last all day and not require adjustment, you must first apply a base under the shadows on the eyelids.
  2. When drawing arrows, care must be taken that the elbows have an emphasis in the form of a flat surface. The palm should rest against the cheek so that the hand is fixed and does not tremble.
  3. It is important to draw arrows on both eyes in parallel, starting with the one that turns out worse.
  4. It is important that when applying the arrows there are no gaps between the eyelashes, so the inter-eyelash contour is first emphasized, and then the main line is drawn.
  5. The tail of the arrow is the most important point, it needs special attention. To make it even, you can use a ruler or self-adhesive tape, gluing it at the right angle.


Eye makeup with arrows using eyeliner is a classic technique for its execution. Many beginners find it difficult to draw a straight line, it can be smeared or come out with gaps. Makeup artists recommend that you first draw the outline of the arrow with a pencil, and then boldly direct it with eyeliner. To create a deep and vibrant look, you should use rich black paint. For daytime or office makeup, gray, brown, dark blue are suitable.


Drawing arrows with eyeliner, although it is the most difficult and capricious technique, but with its help you can make a perfectly even line. Makeup step by step:

  1. If you find it difficult to draw a straight line with liquid or gel eyeliner, you can first mark the outline with a thin brush with shadows, and then draw an arrow.
  2. We draw a thin line along the ciliary edge, starting from the inner corner, moving to the outer.
  3. From above, you can draw a line that continues the upper eyelid. Give it volume gradually.
  4. To soften a sharp line, you need to walk along the upper border with light movements with a soft brush with shadows.

felt-tip pen

Great makeup tool for beginners. With the help of a felt-tip pen, you will learn how to draw straight lines. Thanks to the textured tip, you can paint over the space between the eyelashes and gaps well. How to paint arrows in front of your eyes with a felt-tip pen:

  1. No need to try to draw right away solid line. Start with short strokes, then connect them.
  2. Make arrows from the middle of the century, moving to the outer edge, then work out the inner corner.
  3. Observe the correct parameters: the arrow in the inner corner should not be too thick, it should expand closer to the outer edge.


For makeup, it is advisable to use a moisture-resistant wax-based pencil: it lends itself well to shading, does not imprint on the upper eyelid. It should be remembered that the waterproof lead dries quickly, so immediately after drawing the line, you need to shade it, and then move on to the other eye. Before creating an arrow with a pencil, you need to sharpen it well, then your drawing will be more even and clear.


To create a romantic gentle image, use shadows to create arrows. They should be black in color, well pigmented, so that they do not have to be applied in several layers. Having typed the shadows with a beveled flat brush, draw an arrow, applying it to the eyelid. The line should expand at the outer edge and taper starting from the center.

Which arrows for which eyes

Each person is unique, has special facial features. This also applies to the shape of the eyelids. It should be remembered that makeup with arrows must be applied using a technique designed for your type of appearance. Using this rule, you can visually add depth to the look, and eyelids - a beautiful shape. Professional makeup artists in their work always take into account the type and color of the eyes.

For round

Owners of rounded eyes always try to lengthen them. Eyeliner can help visually stretch the eyelid. How to draw an arrow on a round eye:

  1. The eyeliner line at the outer corner should be extended beyond the natural cut of the eyes, while sharply expanding it.
  2. When working with the lower eyelid, you first need to paint over its inner half with dark shadows along the lash line. Draw eyeliner to the outer corner up, connecting with the top line.
  3. If the eyes are bulging, it is necessary to draw thicker arrows above and below in order to visually deepen them.

For narrow

This no-makeup eye shape creates a slightly surly look. When applying arrows, you must use a technique that will help visually expand and slightly open the eyelids:

  • on the upper eyelid, start drawing a thin line along the ciliary edge;
  • moving towards the outer edge, it is necessary to expand the line, but not to start beyond the natural cut of the eyes;
  • the lower eyelid should be summed up with dark shadows, shading them to give the eyes the necessary volume.

For almond-shaped

Happy owners of this eyelid shape are suitable for any type of arrows. Almond-shaped eyes allow the girl to experiment with images, try new makeup, thereby always staying in fashion. To soften the shape of the eyes when making an arrow, it is necessary to draw a line from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids, bringing it straight, without bending upwards, as in classic makeup.

For little ones

For small eyes, arrows of medium width are suitable: they should not be very thin or too wide. To visually enlarge the eyes, the tip should go towards the temple. Makeup for small eyes:

  1. The arrow should be drawn with a felt-tip pen or liner, starting from the inner corner. Moving to the outer edge with short stitches, fill in the space between the eyelashes.
  2. The tail should continue the line of the lower eyelid and looked towards the temple.
  3. To make the makeup evening, you need to add arrows to the lower eyelid with a pencil. After applying the stroke, it should be slightly shaded.

Video tutorials: how to make beautiful arrows

The first video will be of interest to those who do not know how to choose arrows for brown eyes. After watching it, you will gain confidence in your abilities and firmness in your hands. In the second video tutorial, you will see step-by-step instructions for applying makeup, starting with contouring the face with foundation and ending with stroking with shadows. In the last video, you will learn how to make a festive version of liquid eyeliner.

Shooting eyes almost in the truest sense of the word is again more relevant than ever! Eye makeup with arrows is in fashion. About how to do it right, we'll talk now.

By and large, arrows never went out of fashion. It is no coincidence that makeup artists do not let this make-up technique sink into oblivion - only it can make the eyes as bright, expressive as possible and correct their shape in the most advantageous way. So if you want, using Renata Litvinova’s favorite word, to “beautify” your eyes, you can’t do without arrows. Moreover, there are so many types of arrows that you can easily find one that suits your eye shape and will be appropriate both during the day and in the evening.

7 rules

If you have never drawn arrows before, you will have to practice. To make it easier, I've put together some important tips from makeup artists. These recommendations will be useful even for those who consider themselves almost pros in the “arrow drawing” business - it is always useful to consolidate familiar material

1. Let's start with the necessary arsenal. You will need a liner (liquid eyeliner), or a well-sharpened black eyeliner (bold or medium hardness), or a felt-tip pen. And yet - black shadows, concealer (to correct the arrow), brushes (if shading is needed). The pencil gives you the right to make mistakes that are easy to correct. And the liner, on the contrary, “reveals” all the imperfection of the technique. So use liquid eyeliner only when you are firmly confident in your skill.

2. Draw the arrows after you've applied eye shadow, but before you've applied mascara to your lashes.

3. Draw the arrows in good light and make sure that the hand with the pencil or liner has support - this will allow you to draw the line more firmly and evenly.

4. If you still feel insecure, you can first draw the intended outline of the arrow with a gray or brown pencil with a dotted line or dots.

5. Draw the arrow line as close to the eyelashes as possible. To make the line lie more evenly, you can slightly lift the eyelid to the temple with your fingers.

6. Draw arrows not on closed or wide-open eyes, but on half-closed ones. So you can draw a line more correctly and evenly. Or, for example, outline the outline of the arrow, keeping your eyes open, and then, closing the eyelid, draw the outline more carefully.

7. If a perfectly even line is not yet obtained, try to slightly shade the outline of the arrow with a soft brush or pencil applicator.

Such different arrows

Fashionable varieties of arrows are almost innumerable. But, of course, few of the podium options are applicable to real life:

Or here, for example, several basic types, of which only the classic (classic), simple (simple), everyday (everyday), double (double up) and basic (basic) arrows look the least theatrical:

But if you perfectly master the art of drawing classic arrows (they are always relevant), then all others are more complex types will also be on your shoulder. Here is a visual step-by-step instruction on classic arrows:

Here are some of the hot looks of the season. These are the hottest colored, double and creative whimsical arrows:

When creating makeup, a woman always strives for change. Not everyone considers her face to be perfect, but those who love themselves are not discouraged by this. Make-up exists in order to correct features that seem inharmonious.

Makeup with arrows and shadows is best suited for this. You will find a step-by-step method for applying such makeup in several versions below.

Arrows and eye shape. Which ones are right for you?

If there is a desire to visually enlarge the eyes, black and dark tones of eyeliner will not work - they will “reduce” them. The arrow needs a lighter, “opening” one. With it, the look will acquire shine and sensuality.

Round eyes

Round eyes will visually stretch if you apply an arrow on the upper eyelid from the center to the outer corner, slightly expanding and lifting it at the end. It is necessary to shade the line of the arrow a little so that it does not depart from the eyelashes and does not create the effect of a bulging eye. You don't need to bring your eyes down.

Narrow eyes

Narrow eyes are corrected by wide, dark arrows. They should not be taken out of the eye. The eyeliner lines should be sharp in the middle and slightly softened shadows in both corners, this will create a greater effect of roundness and openness. The lower eyelid is brought in a soft color, without affecting its inner corner.

almond eyes

Thin, classic arrows will add charm to almond-shaped eyes. They are applied along the lash line, their width and brightness depend on the case. If the makeup is everyday, they barely go beyond the eye. For an evening out, you can apply them with a thicker line.

The upper arrow drawn from the middle of the eyelid will visually move the eyes away from the bridge of the nose. It is carried out thin at the beginning, expanding and raised to the outer edge. The effect will be more complete if you shade the inner corner of the eye with light. The lower eyelid is drawn in the same way.

Widely spaced eyes

Eyes set too wide require the opposite effect. To achieve it, the arrow, bright and wide at the inner corner, narrows towards the outer. At the lower eyelid, only the outer side is brought.

Deep set eyes

Deep-set eyes will become more beautiful if they are drawn with a wide, shiny, not very long arrow. It needs to be shaded up to the temples.

The arrows also correct slightly drooping eyelids.. The upper line continues the line of the lower eyelid until it joins the crease. Above, a line is added along the crease of the eyelid until it joins the one already drawn. The resulting corner is completely painted over with eyeliner and tinted with shadows. This deepens the crease above the eye.

Types of arrows

Consider the main types of arrows.

  • The classic option is thin arrows. Their lines gently bring the eyelids along the entire length and rise in the direction of the temples.
  • Double arrows are always bright. Unlike others, here the upper and lower arrows do not connect, but form a thin gap. This is not everyday makeup, it is inappropriate in daylight.

  • Egyptian arrows - the eyelids are outlined along the entire length, the outer tips of the arrows are brought up to the eyebrow, and the inner ones are lowered to the bridge of the nose. They are perfect for evening make-up.
  • "Smoky" arrows are drawn with a pencil and slightly shaded with a sponge.
  • Thick arrows add thickness to the eyelashes. They are applied in a thin line from the inner corner of the eye and thicken towards the middle.
  • Color arrows suggest the use of different tones of eyeliner, from the lightest to bright and saturated. You can combine several colors.
  • Creativity - here the imagination is not limited. It can be arrows with a pattern or simulating an unusual shape of the eyes. There are many options for such arrows. They will look very good at a disco or a theme party.
  • "Cat's eye" and "fox look" - the lines of the upper and lower eyelids from the outside are taken up and connected at the eyebrow. Very popular and impressive image. Below we will take a closer look at this type of makeup, consider the features of applying arrows and shadows, and give step-by-step instructions.

Arrow Tools

The perfect arrow is not a problem if you have the skill and a handy tool. How can you draw a beautiful arrow?

This is the simplest and most convenient tool. It is indispensable for those inexperienced in makeup or when you need to hurry up. Soft texture allows you to confidently apply the line in one stroke. It does not spread, does not smear and, in case of a mistake, is easily removed.

Step-by-step drawing of arrows in the minimum version with a pencil

Such arrows are easily shaded and at the same time look neat. For smoky makeup, it is preferable to take a pencil on a powder basis.

Compact eyeliner

This tool is good for light and natural makeup. It is made in the form of pressed powder, which is applied to the eyelids with a thin, moistened brush. Its structure is often waterproof and lasts for a long time without smearing. Most of all, this eyeliner is suitable for cases where makeup is designed for the whole day.

liquid eyeliner

This tool is suitable for the most spectacular lines of arrows, thin and even. But to use it, you need to have experience. Immediately make a clear outline, most likely, will not work. And this is the only drawback of such an eyeliner.

Eye marker

Like a pencil, it is light and easy to use. With it, you can draw clear and beautiful lines of arrows quickly and in almost any conditions. However, it is short-lived due to drying. This tool has to be updated more often than others.

Helium (cream) eyeliner

And this is a professional tool. It takes time and a special beveled brush with a curved handle to apply it. Such an eyeliner slowly hardens, which allows you to adjust the line of the arrow. This tool lays down smoothly and evenly, but it is difficult to apply at home.

Arrow color

When choosing an eyeliner, first of all, consider your skin tone and eye color. Make-up should also be in harmony with clothes. The classic is the black color of the arrows. Black eyeliner visually narrows and burdens the eye.

In everyday makeup, other colors look more attractive - brown, dark green, dark blue or dark purple. In the daytime, lighter colors are also appropriate. Such a make-up is young and refreshing. Gray eyeliner accentuates the color of the eyes.

Very interesting options with the application of arrows of different colors. For example, if you use a saturated color for the upper arrow, and a couple of tones lighter for the lower arrow, the look will “open up” and become more expressive.

Step-by-step instructions for applying some types of makeup

There are a lot of types and variations of makeup with arrows, the most popular and spectacular images will be considered below.

The shape of the arrow always depends on the shape of the face, eyes and eyebrows.

As no two faces are the same, so the arrows in makeup are always individual. Based on the advice of this article, find "your" arrow and your combination of shadows.

Most of all, such a make-up is suitable for those who have almond-shaped and large eyes. Makeup with "cat" arrows is performed using liquid or compact eyeliner and shadows.

Step-by-step application of arrows for the image "Cat's eye"

It has the following step by step description:

  1. Cover the upper eyelid with white or beige shadows and further to the eyebrow.
  2. Outline the outer liner with a darker shade, such as peach, from the outer corner to the brow. Apply dark shadows just above the crease of the eyelid and emphasize the edge of the arrow with them.
  3. Blend the transitions between the shadows. Take a soft brush for this. After shading, lighten the area under the eyebrows.
  4. Covering your eyes slightly, carefully apply small dots along the lash line, outlining the shape of the future arrow. Its length and shape completely depends on your taste, but ideally it is aimed at the temple.
  5. Connect the guide points into one even, thin line, expanding to the outer tip of the arrow. In the same way, bring the lower eyelid, bringing both lines together. This can be done with both eyeliner and dark shadows.
  6. Pay attention to the eyelashes, especially from the outer edge. Use mascara.

In general, this makeup is identical to the "cat's eye". Only the shape of the arrows differs slightly, favorably emphasizing small eyes with slightly overhanging eyelids. It means golden brown. But the shadows of other colors look no worse.

Making eyes using arrows in the style of "Fox look"

Step by step it is applied like this:

  1. Apply light shadow on both eyelids. Especially carefully lighten the area under the eyebrows.
  2. Give the upper eyelid depth by applying a light brown or light gray shadow a little above the crease.
  3. Blend to a light shadow effect.
  4. The arrow is drawn in the same way as in the "cat's eye", but, unlike it, its outer corner is not very raised. The lower eyelid is brought only from the middle to the outer edge of the eye. And both arrows are connected in the same way.
  5. Eyelashes for such makeup must be curled, lifted up. False eyelashes will give a look of languor.

Arrows in "retro style"

The style of the 60s is associated with the beautiful face of Audrey Hepburn. Many modern fans admire her and consider her the standard of beauty.

If there is a desire, her image is easy to reproduce. To repeat such an elegant makeup with arrows and shadows, the step-by-step guide below will help.

In this style, either the eyes or the lips are accentuated.

Now let's talk about the eyes.

  1. First of all, even out and emphasize the complexion with foundation and powder.
  2. Pick up shadows of the same tone in three different shades - basic, light and dark. Apply the main color to the upper eyelid. With a darker tone, highlight its outer corner, and the inner one with a lighter tone.
  3. With a black pencil, apply an arrow along the border of the eyelashes, and blend in such a way that it is slightly wider in the middle of the eyelid. This will give the look of innocent surprise. Draw the bottom arrow in the same way and connect it to the top one.
  4. Underline the arrows with eyeliner.
  5. Now you need to highlight the eyelashes. To do this, you need mascara with a lengthening effect. Apply it in several layers.
  6. Lipstick is suitable for a neutral color or light - beige, pink.

Arabic style eyes

This makeup is very effective, but requires care. If the arrows and shadows are applied neatly and harmoniously, your eyes will become hypnotically charming.

Arabic style display option with arrows

From the next step by step instructions you can easily do this makeup yourself:

  • Start with a choice colors. Do this according to your eye color and skin tone. Don't limit yourself to one color of shadows, choose a few that suit you the most.

Pearly shadows are suitable for young girls, matte ones for those who are older. You will also need white shadows to create a highlight between the lines of the arrow, and black ones to draw the lower eyelid.

Pencils for drawing arrows, take two colors. One is necessarily black, and the second is the color of the shadows you have chosen - dark gray, rich brown or another suitable one. You will also need liquid eyeliner.

  • First of all, prepare your face for makeup. Remove wrinkles and minor imperfections with a corrector.

Eyebrow shape must be perfect

  • Now take care of your eyes. Apply a little makeup base or foundation and spread evenly over the upper part of the eyelid. Which will prevent the shadows from rolling and make them brighter.
  • Apply light shadows of those that you have chosen, starting from the inner corner. At the middle of the century - bright. Closer to the temple - a darker, more saturated color. Blend the shadows with a straight brush to get a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Take the prepared pencils. Mark the arrow in black in the outer corner in the direction of the tip of the eyebrow. Then with the second line, just above the crease of the eyelid, draw the upper edge of the arrow. Connect both features with a beautiful, smooth bend.

Completely paint over the eyelid in the gap between the lines with another, lighter pencil and blend the resulting arrow base with a thin brush. Do this in a circular motion in the direction of the dark color of the shadows.

  • Now you can start shooting. With liquid eyeliner, apply a clear, even line that covers the lash line. This should be done from the inside of the eye to the outside, without changing the pressing force and observing the trajectory. The top arrow is ready.
  • We draw a highlight-feather with white shadows along the lower border of the end of the arrow towards the eyebrow.
  • We also make out the lower eyelid with an arrow, which will give the eye a beautiful, elongated shape. We carry it out with black shadows. The inner corner of the eye is also drawn in black.

The arrow can be given depth by emphasizing it with dark, saturated shadows. After that, paint over the mucosa from the inner corner to the center of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. And further to the outer corner - white.

  • Soften makeup with a round brush, remove clear borders and transitions.
  • Lengthen your lashes with mascara.

Don't be afraid to experiment with colors when creating Arabic makeup. The combination of unexpected shades will give it luxury and originality. The main thing is that the colors favorably highlight your own eye color, and not clog it.

white arrows

They look very unusual. And like everything unusual, they do not depend on patterns and stereotypes. There is full scope for your imagination. It can be a contrasting combination of white eyeliner and black mascara.

In retro style, a combination of three colors - black, red and white - will impress. All these images imply equal participation of the eyes and lips. Therefore, lipstick should be chosen bright. But if you gravitate toward natural tones, don't accentuate the outline. Mascara is recommended to paint over only the upper cilia.

Bright and expressive makeup with arrows and shadows, using the step-by-step guide proposed above, you will master without difficulty. It will meet and exceed your expectations if you take a few more tips into account.

Important to remember! Arrows always draw attention to the eyes. That's why watch the skin around the eyes, avoid swelling and use concealer or foundation.

The arrows are beautiful, smooth and confident. "Dancing" arrows will ruin the entire make-up. This cannot be allowed. Do not trek when creating arrows. Don't try to draw them with your hands up. The hand for a straight line should have an emphasis.

Arrows in any form and make-up variations will always help to make a woman's look mysterious and attractive.

Place the mirror at eye level and when drawing the arrow, do not turn one side to it, look straight into it. Then the lines will lie evenly, and the arrows will look neat and attractive.


Makeup with arrows is one of the most popular. As you can see, it suits all women and all occasions. The techniques and types of such a make-up described above do not exhaust its diversity. Experiment, show imagination, and create your unique image.

Correctly and quickly draw arrows: tips and tricks. Watch a helpful video:

How to make perfectly straight arrows in 3 minutes? Watch video instruction:

And how to draw arrows with shadows? Find out from the video:

With the help of arrows, you can make a woman's look more seductive and alluring. Also, a well-chosen arrow shape can help make small eyes more expressive, get rid of an impending eyelid, correct the distance between the eyes, etc. But do not forget that the wrong kind of arrows can ruin the image of a girl and distort her natural beauty.

Types of arrows

In the 21st century, almost all girls and women strive to emphasize their natural beauty and the depth of their eyes with makeup. The arrows look chic at an evening event or at a photo shoot. Thin, graceful arrows can be used in everyday makeup.

Common types of arrows include the following:

  • Classics - thin, graceful arrows. The eyelid is brought along the entire length and raised several levels in the direction of the temples;
  • Double lines of arrows. Unlike other types, in this case, the upper and lower arrows do not connect, but form a thin gap. Double arrows are suitable for parties, evening outings. Will look too aggressive in daylight;
  • Egyptian arrows. In this case, the eyelids are outlined along the entire length, while the outer tips of the arrow lines lead to the eyebrows, and the inner ones to the bridge of the nose. Egyptian arrows are also only suitable for evening makeup;
  • "Smoky". The arrows are drawn with a soft pencil, then slightly shaded with a sponge and duplicated with shadows of the appropriate shade;
  • Volume arrows are used when they want to add density to eyelashes. They are drawn starting from the inner corner of the eye, gradually thickening towards the middle;
  • Colored arrows suggest the use of eyeliners of different tones - from the lightest to bright and saturated;
  • Arrows "cat's eye" or "fox look" - this is when the lines of both the upper and lower eyelids from the outside are brought up and connected at the eyebrow;
  • Creative arrows. It can be lines with different patterns, modeling an unusual shape of the eyes. This type of arrow will look great at a New Year's holiday or a themed evening.

How to choose the right arrow shape?

Popular articles:

To understand which type of arrow is right for you, you need to determine the shape of the eyes, as well as the depth and distance of their fit. Look carefully at your reflection in the mirror. Lighting should be good, and a mirror with a magnifying effect. Look at your upper eyelid, if there is no rectilinear fold on the skin when the eye is open, then the eyes are monolid. If this line is present, to determine the form, you need to pay attention to other signs.

Next, visually draw a center line through the pupil and the entire eye. Pay attention to where the corners of the eyes are directed - up or down. If they are directed upwards, then the shape of the eyes is "raised", if downwards - lowered. Open your eyes wide and look at the crease. If the crease is hidden, your eye shape is called "hooded", if it is visible, you will need to familiarize yourself with the following sign.

If none of these forms characterizes yours, the last study of the protein coating of the eye. When the protein is visible on both sides: both from the top and from the bottom - the eyes round shape. If the protein is visible only from one side - almond-shaped.

To determine the position of the eyes look in the mirror so that each eye can be seen separately. Take a close look at the outer corners. If the size of the eye is larger than the distance between them, the eyes are considered close-set, otherwise they are wide-set.

Eyelid is of two types:

  • Invisible. For this type, you should always choose light shades, and dark ones to highlight the fold;
  • Heavy (swollen). Girls who want to make them more invisible should completely darken the entire eyelid and crease.

Depth is defined as follows: look at your reflection from the side, if the eyes are pressed into the eye socket, then they are deep-set. If there is a feeling that the eyes go out - bulging.

Also, when applying makeup, pay attention to the outer corners which can be raised or lowered. Any of these types can be corrected with the help of cosmetics. For example, to visually lift the corners, use dark shades of shadows, if the corners are located inside, use the light colors of the palette.

For almond shaped eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are considered the standard of beauty. In this case, several types of arrows will fit at once. You can draw clear lines or make feathered arrows with an expanding effect.

The arrow in the style of the 60s will also look bright. The line of arrows starts from the inner corner, gradually increases in volume towards the end. However, it is worth remembering that the “tail” of the arrow at the end should continue the cilia growth line.

narrow eye shape

For girls with an Asian appearance, magnifying arrows that do not go beyond the border of the eye are ideal. Most often, the lower eyelid remains unpainted, you can only emphasize the line at the end.

Also, stylists do not recommend using bright-colored pencils for the bottom line. The eastern section of the eyes can be corrected by drawing thin black arrows, slightly thickening them towards the middle. It will be beneficial to look at a slight shading along the edges of the lines of the arrows.

Wide-set eye shape

To emphasize this shape of the eyes, it must be visually reduced. For this eyelid, you need to draw along the entire length, extending the line of arrows to the bridge of the nose. It is desirable to perform such a line for the growth of eyelashes. The lower eyelid is also brought along the entire length.

One of the main secrets when drawing the arrow, do not go beyond the outer corner of the eye.

Close-set eyes

Girls who have this shape of eyes should visually expand the distance between them. Therefore, you need to draw an arrow, starting from the middle of the outer corner and slightly raising it towards the end. Makeup artists advise not to bring the arrow to the outer corner, but to smoothly bend it towards the temple. The line should be thin and neat, slightly widened at the end.

With a close-set eye shape, the lower eyelid does not fail.

How to draw arrows?

The simplest and most convenient means is pencil. Its soft texture allows inexperienced girls to apply the line in one stroke. The pencil does not spread or smear, and in case of inaccurate application it is easily removed. The arrows drawn with a pencil are easily shaded. To get a smoky effect, makeup artists recommend taking a powder-based pencil.

A perfectly straight arrow line can only be achieved with a well-sharpened pencil. Therefore, to draw arrows, the pencil will need to be sharpened before each use.

Eyeliner- great for creating light and natural makeup. This type of cosmetic is made from pressed powder, then applied to the eyelids with a thin, slightly moistened brush. As a rule, the eyeliner has a waterproof structure, it lasts for a long time without smearing.

liquid eyeliner suitable for creating spectacular and bright lines of arrows. However, the first time to make a thin and even contour will not work. This is the only disadvantage of liquid eyeliner. To use it, you need to have experience.

Eye marker– similar to a pencil, also easy to use. With a felt-tip pen, you can quickly draw clear and neat lines of arrows. Its disadvantage is that it is not durable due to drying out. The eye marker will need to be updated more often than other tools.

Gel or cream eyeliner- a professional tool. To draw an arrow with this eyeliner, you will need a special beveled brush with a curved handle. It is also worth noting that the helium eyeliner dries longer than usual. This can be attributed to both minuses and pluses. Since you have the opportunity to correct the line of the arrow - on the one hand, and on the other - in order for the line to be preserved, it will take some time.

If your hand often trembles and makeup with arrows turns out to be crooked, but you don’t want to give it up, you can purchase stencils for arrows. It is necessary to attach a suitable stencil to the eyelid, and apply a liner to the resulting void. In this case, you can not be afraid that the arrow will turn out to be sloppy, since the stencil has clear boundaries.

Makeup with arrows and shadows: the final result

The skin around the eyes is considered one of the most delicate and sensitive, and therefore requires careful care. Before applying makeup, you should first wash your face, then treat the skin of the lower and upper eyelids with a cosmetic cotton pad dipped in tonic. Movements should not be pulling. Professionals recommend supplementing the preparatory procedure with the use of a gel with a cooling effect. This will help the skin to calm down and swelling to disappear.

Step one. To make the makeup more resistant, you need to apply a special base on the eyelids. It also helps to ensure that the shadows do not roll and are not smeared. Further, mother-of-pearl shadows of light shades are applied to the entire moving eyelid. However, older women are better off using matte texture shades.

Step two. Next, the main makeup color is selected (in our case, brown) and applied along the orbital line. A nude or light brown shade will give the eye a natural shadow. If you want to achieve a bright shade at this stage, before applying eye shadow, dip the applicator in water.

Step three. With a flat brush, we emphasize the outer corner of the lower eyelid with the same shade of shadows (brown or nude).

Step four. With helium or cream eyeliner, draw an elegant, thin "tail" that will visually continue the line of the eye. Use a synthetic brush. To achieve this effect, the eyes must be wide open or at least half open. In no case do not try to draw this kind of arrows with your eyes closed.

Step five. At this stage, you will need to emphasize the upper eyelid. To do this, the thin line of the arrow should run as close as possible to the ciliary edge. First, slightly pull the eyelid with your finger towards the outer corner of the eye (not up!), So you can smooth out minor wrinkles.

Step six. Make the tail line a little thicker than the rest, while simultaneously connecting it to the eyeliner line.

Step seven. So that there are no gaps between the eyelashes, you will need to fill the gaps with a black kayal or a special pencil for eyeliner.

Step eight. Apply a little highlighter to the blending brush and mark the inner corner of the eye and under the brow with it. This will help make the look fresher and more expressive, as well as visually lift the eyebrow line.

Step nine. In such a natural make-up, it is very important to carefully make up the eyelashes. To do this, twist them first with a curler, only after that use mascara.

Girls love to experiment with makeup with arrows. After all, it has a huge number of options, each of which can be changed depending on the desire and individual characteristics of the face. However, experimenting with makeup with arrows should be done carefully. After all, incorrect application of cosmetics can ruin the image and make it unnatural. Next, 10 main makeup mistakes with arrows will be considered.

Badly sharpened pencil. It has already been noted earlier that it is extremely important that the pencil is sharpened before each drawing of the arrows. With the pointed tip of the pencil, you will quickly and accurately draw a straight line on the eyelid.

Eyeliner in bright colors on the lower eyelid. Even the most pretty girl, with a colored lower eyelid, will look rude and defiant. Makeup artists recommend applying colored eyeliner to the lower eyelid if you are going to a themed evening.

Asymmetrical arrows. Surely every girl faced this problem. As a rule, on the first eye it turns out perfect arrow, on the second, either too thick, or a slightly different shape. Girls begin to "customize" the arrows to one size, and as a result, the type of arrows that suits your type is completely different. In this case, only one thing can help - to train to draw symmetrical arrows as often as possible.

Liquid texture eyeliner on the lower eyelid. Due to the liquid consistency, the eyeliner will start to drip and smear under the eyes, which will create the effect of bruising and bags under the eyes. Therefore, remember that liquid eyeliner is used only for drawing arrows on the upper eyelid. If your eye shape requires underlining the lower one, use a soft pencil.

Unstable liner. Liquid texture eyeliner tends to smudge, especially if moisture gets on the eye. To prevent makeup from spoiling at the most inopportune moment, be sure to carry cotton buds with you. With their help, you can quickly correct carelessness in makeup. If finances allow, buy waterproof eyeliners.

Spaces between the arrow line and the ciliary edge. It may seem like a small detail, but it can spoil even the most perfectly traced arrows. Draw the line of the arrow so that it fits as close as possible to the ciliary edge.

Stretched eyelid. Many girls are mistaken, thinking that if you stretch the eyelid up, the arrow turned out to be perfectly traced. This causes the opposite effect. It will be smooth only in a stretched position, when the skin returns to its true state, the line of the arrow will be uneven.

Shaded mucosa of the lower eyelid. You can do this effect if you are the owner of large eyes. In other cases, such makeup will visually reduce the eyes.

Strong shading of the pencil on the lower eyelid. You need to shade the pencil in moderation. To avoid mistakes, do not use a large brush when shading.