Which kind of sport is the most dangerous? Extreme sports: what is it? Pros and cons of extreme sports

On their own initiative. In this case, he specifically puts himself in danger for the sole purpose of getting a dose of adrenaline into the blood. There is also the concept of "extreme sports".

Extreme - what is it?

Extreme is, as mentioned above, a way to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood, or, more simply, a way to tickle your nerves. In fact, any extreme actions pose an extreme danger to life, which is probably why they excite the blood for some people.

In general, extreme is an image of free time of a certain type of people, a way of their life.

The very word "extreme" - what is it? Translated from English, it means "extraordinary", "opposite" and "highest achievement", but not danger. It so happened that for some reason this word is used to refer to those sports that differ from those long recognized by the Olympic Committee and humanity.

About fear: who is engaged in extreme sports

Extreme activities are a hobby of brave, free and successful people. As a rule, young people just want to stand out, while adults take such sports more seriously and consciously.

Fear is necessarily present in most types of extreme sports. Often riders, parachutists, climbers, etc. answer journalists' questions about the presence of fear that it always exists. Otherwise, a person would part with what leads to a mistake, due to which you can get injured, or even lose your life.

Extreme in Russia and abroad

First of all, it occurs to an ordinary person that the word "extreme" is associated with the word "danger". Any reports and videos demonstrating the sporting achievements of climbers, ski jumpers, rafters, etc. cause people not only to admire the courage of the heroes, but sometimes they even want to express themselves as follows: "Crazy!".

Russian extreme is still only on the periphery of people's consciousness. Although the advertisements use the images of skydivers, parkour masters, skiers and other extreme sportsmen, not many Russians can afford to get carried away with such sports.

A Russian person often in his subconscious denies everything that comes from abroad. In addition, many types dangerous sport- not a cheap pleasure at all, they require considerable financial investments in uniforms, equipment and the trips themselves.

In other countries, everything is simpler with this matter, so a huge number of people spend their free time from work in this way: skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, just going to the mountains, etc. Russian extreme sports are developing in this regard, although lately, but lagging behind.

The most extreme Russian activity is river rafting. For many centuries, for the great Russian rivers the forest was rafted, and prospectors and geologists tried to fight their fast and mighty waters. Officially, the sport of rafting appeared in Russia only in 1995.

Today it is one of the fastest growing types of recreation for Russians on the water. This is due to the fact that the great country is surprisingly rich in beautiful, interesting and complex water routes.

extreme sports

Consider some of the dangerous sports: extreme on the water, in the air, in the mountains and in the desert.

1. Flyboarding(from English "fly" is translated as "flight", and "board" - as "board") - a way of entertainment for people who dream of learning to fly. takes place over water.

It uses a special water blower, a hose that supplies water and water jet boots. Hand stabilizers control flight and regulate the power of the water jet.

A show with several athletes is an amazing spectacle.

2. - riding on special boards on the slope of the volcano. The maximum speed of descent in this case reaches 80 kilometers per hour.

3.Parkour on a trampoline- these are not simple perfectly adjusted jumps, this is a special kind of certain tricks in the air and interaction with other external objects and various surfaces.

4. kite wing- an amazing universal projectile that allows you to move not only on land, but also on water, air and snowy mountain peaks.

Kitewing allows you to accelerate and get off the ground under the influence of the wind.

The world of extreme sports is diverse. ski surfing, kayaking, horseboarding, metrosurfing (hooking) and more. etc. - all this is extreme.


Everyone knows perfectly well that any extreme is dangerous, that such an activity can lead to any irreversible consequences. Any professional extreme sportsman who respects himself and everything that surrounds him will never allow himself to rush to perform this or that trick at breakneck speed. He prepares meticulously. People (viewers) see only a magnificent bold and clever finale, and years of long preparation and training remain behind the scenes ...

It is impossible to unambiguously define the word "extreme". What is a "challenge"? In each of the dangerous sports there is what is called this word. From English, this word means that a person challenges himself, in this way testing his strength and himself for strength. Can I...

Every year people appear more and more extreme sports. People are looking for every opportunity to get a precious dose of the drug adrenaline. And, although traumatization is constantly increasing, but this does not stop crazy lovers of sharp adventures. Of course, injuries are especially high in those sports that a large number of unprepared people begin to practice. Some modern extreme sports originate from the 50s of the twentieth century. They are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of an athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, and a high level of adrenaline, in search of which brave daredevils sometimes decide to be on the verge of death. I present to you the top 7 most extreme sports.

7th place. Slackline

Many extreme people are haunted by the glory of acrobats-rope walkers. Slacklining is walking on a tightrope over an abyss. Of course, there is mandatory insurance. On the rope, you can perform various complex tricks. Someone compares a slackline with a circus rope that acrobats walk on, but unlike a rope that is well stretched and motionless, the line is extremely dynamic, and its degree of tension can be adjusted, thereby reducing and increasing the amplitude of oscillations. Beginning tightrope walkers are able to do incredible tricks in an attempt to maintain balance.

6th place. Paragliding

Paragliding is flying on a special paraglider using the lifting force of ascending air currents. Recently, this sport has been actively gaining momentum, because who did not want to feel like a bird at least once in their life! None of the forms of aviation will give so many unusual sensations and impressions. The desire to conquer the air, fly into the sky, discovering new horizons, soar in the ascending air currents, viewing the earth from a bird's eye view. The movement occurs due to the special shape of the wing, into which air is drawn, due to which it is picked up by the wind and carried in any direction. Paragliding is a dangerous but very fashionable kind of extreme sport.

5th place. Train surfing

Ordinary means of transport, such as trains, can also become worthy objects for extreme sports. Traveling from their outside - on the rooftops, on the side, clinging to the handrails, Of course, is a huge risk to life. But extreme for that and extreme. This sport, of course, is completely illegal. But let's leave the legal side of the law. This type of transportation has a number of undeniable advantages over the usual ride. After all, there is no need to pay a fare, a wide view of the area is guaranteed, and besides, you can leave the train whenever you want, without waiting for the official stop. And of course, such a trip will give a whole set of impressions and thrills.

4th place. Heliskiing

Descent from hard-to-reach places on alpine skis after being delivered to the starting point by helicopter, from where the athlete either jumps onto the track from a low hovering helicopter, or the helicopter drops the athlete on the site, from which the descent is carried out along unprepared slopes outside the paved tracks. The danger of heliskiing is that often the route is unpredictable and generally impassable. Also many times there is a danger of falling into an avalanche. According to statistics, it is one of the most life-threatening extreme sports. This sport is a great pleasure because of the adrenaline that just rolls over and the knowledge that you are making a descent on a previously untouched slope where no man has gone before.

3rd place. Cave diving

This type of diving, but diving into underwater caves. It seems that cave diving is deceptively simple, but in fact it is a very real chance to swim out alive. The caverns and cave networks of central Florida have claimed the lives of more than 400 cave divers. Some of the dangers are obvious - low or zero visibility, inability to quickly rise to the surface, being in total darkness and low water temperatures. There is still such a seemingly simple, at first glance, danger - silt. It is found in almost every cave system. Consisting of clay and decayed plants, it is able to completely deprive the cave diver of visibility. One wrong move with flippers or a hand - and the clear water becomes impenetrable, muddy brown. In this state, she can remain for several days, so you can simply never find a way out of the labyrinth, succumbing to understandable panic ...

2nd place. base jumping

(English “B.A.S.E.-jumping”, or “base-jumping”: “base” is short for “building”, “antenna”, “span” and “earth + jumping”, jump). The building, antenna, bridge, ground and are the main objects for base jumpers to jump. The fall occurs from very low altitudes, and if the parachute is not opened at the right time, the skydiver gets into an uncontrolled rotation and can become tangled in the lines. For base jumping, special parachutes are used, which are significantly different from ordinary ones. They do not have a reserve parachute, since it will not be useful at such a low altitude, and there are no belay devices. There is also the danger of collision with the object from which the jump is made. The height from which the base jumper jumps can be from 40 to 1000 meters, while ordinary skydivers jump from a height of at least 1000 meters. The lower the object, the higher the skill of the base jumper is considered, and the more dangerous the jump. Another difficulty of this particular sport is that you need to open the parachute in just a few seconds, at the beginning of the jump. . registered 159

1 place. bungee jumping

Or the "bungee" known to everyone since childhood. Bungee jumping - jumping from a height on an elastic cable. Towers, cliffs, lookouts and other objects that were previously just vantage points can now be used for a few seconds of completely unrestricted flight. And this perspective often attracts no less than a great view. The rope with the help of special devices is attached either to the legs (ankles) of the jumper, or to the body. Bungee jumping is most often done with a “swallow” or from the rear rack. The most daring bungee jump was held in China - Australian AJ Hackett, one of the main activists of this sport, flew towards the ground from the 233-meter Macau TV tower. Of course, any bungee jumper's worst nightmare is having a rope snap, leaving him flying to his death. This is exactly what happened to 22-year-old Erin Langworthy when she bungee jumped from a bridge over Victoria Falls from a 111-meter height on the crocodile-infested Zambezi River and survived only by a lucky chance ...

Recently, sports have long gone beyond professional disciplines. Such unusual sports as diving, skateboarding, base jumping, parkour and others began to gain popularity. And although these sports hobbies can pose a serious threat to human health and life, their popularity is growing every year.

Speaking about the benefits or harms of extreme sports, first of all you begin to think about the latter. This attitude to this hobby is associated with a large number of accidents that accompany those who like to tickle their nerves. The main disadvantages include a high percentage of injuries.

But let's move away from the negative aspects and move on to the positive. The main plus is the acquisition of inner freedom by a person. These changes occur subconsciously on a psychological level. A person steps over his fear and complexes, thereby proving that he can achieve more. In addition, it increases his self-esteem. Extreme can be a good therapy for stress or depression, as it helps to get rid of negative emotions, resentment, anger.

Until now, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether such sports activities are useful for a person or not. It all depends on the personal beliefs of the athlete.

Separately, the most interesting and unusual plus of extreme sports is the destruction of life stereotypes and principles of behavior. For many people, such a surge of emotions even helps to regain the lost interest in life.

What are extreme sports

Every year the number of extreme types of hobbies is growing rapidly. Now their number has already exceeded a dozen. Extreme sports are classified as follows:

  • water;
  • mountain;
  • air;
  • summer;
  • winter.

Which of these options is the most exciting? List of the 10 most extreme sports in the world:

  1. It is rightfully recognized as one of the most dangerous sports base jumping. This direction originates from parachuting. The main difference is the drop height. In base jumping, the fall occurs from a lower height.
  2. A relatively new trend is parkour. It is based on overcoming various obstacles, such as walls, railings and other structures. Sebastian Foucan and David Bell are considered its founders. Thanks to these two Frenchmen, parkour found its fans in many countries of the world.
  3. Those who love winter extreme will like it heliskiing. The basis of this direction is the descent on slopes not specifically designed for skiing. Athletes on helicopters rise to the most inaccessible places, from which they begin their risky descent.
  4. Among the water sports of extreme sports, the first place was given to diving. This lesson requires careful preparation, as the underwater world can bring a lot of unpleasant surprises.
  5. There are extreme people who find diving boring. Then they descend into the caves, where they engage in a similar kind of diving - cave diving. It is difficult to perform, as well as a high probability of harming the athlete himself. The difficulty is that in the event of critical situations, surfacing to the surface will be difficult due to pitch darkness and narrow passages.
  6. Rafting suitable for those who are not afraid of jolts and are always ready to overcome difficulties, because the basis of this sport activity is descent along mountain rivers and waterfalls. True, it will not work to get out of the water dry.
  7. Surfing belongs to the most famous types of extreme sports. Looking at the surfers from the side, you might think that it is not at all difficult to take a board and start cutting through the waves. But these very waves carry the main danger. And besides them, reefs or even sharks can meet on the way of an athlete.
  8. In addition to water surfing, there is and air. Its main difference is that the athlete glides not on water, but on air waves. This direction appeared not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity among skydivers. The whole process is filmed on camera. Based on it, the performed jump is evaluated. The score is based on how technical and difficult the stunts were performed.
  9. One of the pioneers of extreme sports was skateboarding, which appeared in America about half a century ago. Avid surfers, tired of the endless ocean expanses, decided to put the surf on wheels.
  10. Can't get past climbing, which has long gone beyond mountaineering. Despite the fact that this type of sports hobby has a long history of development, this has not made it any less dangerous and traumatic.

Winter extreme sports

For those who want to relax and go in for sports in winter, there are such types of extreme sports:

  • snowboarding;
  • mountain descent;
  • ice climbing;
  • snowmobiling;
  • climbing;
  • mountain bike;
  • kiting;
  • naturban.

Which of these types to choose is up to the individual to decide. What pleases one person will not interest another.

Why do people do extreme sports?

Some do not understand why athletes choose danger and risk. Why do extremals test themselves for strength and play with death? Psychologists in this context talk about the existence of a gene responsible for craving for thrills, which helps to push the limits of reality.

In addition, such extreme activities make it possible to throw out negative emotions, to overcome their weaknesses, fears, which is why they are useful for the human psyche.

It has been actively gaining momentum since the 1990s. Society is rapidly developing, giving rise to its new interesting types and branches.

Such a sport is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is a risk and adrenaline that pushes the daredevils to reach new heights. Athletes are constantly competing to see who can jump higher, run faster, or fly farther.

Often, love for such sports leads to injuries and even death.

extreme sports

Cliff jumping

An extreme sport with Polynesian origins is cliff jumping. Extreme lovers climb a rock 28-30 meters high and jump from it into the water. Often such jumps end in failure.
In order to tickle your nerves, it is not necessary to jump from a great height, for starters, you can choose a lower rock - in any case, you are guaranteed an adrenaline rush.

Bungee jumping with crocodiles

This unusual and very dangerous sport was invented in Australia. The whole point is that a person is tied with a cable to the bridge from which he jumps. The cable is shorter than the distance from the bridge to the ground, but this does not meanthat such entertainment has no consequences.

If just jumping off a bridge isn't enough for you, then the Australians will give you a small bonus - a river under the bridge, teeming with hungry crocodiles.

Climbing the rock by car

This sport will challenge any driver. You will need to drive your car along a terrible road cut by boulders and ravines.

The slightest miscalculation can lead to a car overturning or, even worse, throwing it off a cliff. Buckle up!

Walking on a tightrope

You have probably seen more than once how the tricksters in the circus walk alongrope under the dome.The slackline sling is not quite the rope we are used to. In fact, it is made of nylonout threads that are able to stretch.

Often it is used as a trampoline to perform various tricks, but some have gone further.The most daring athletes pull lines over gorges or between buildings. The sight is truly mesmerizing.

Higher and higher

Relatively the new kind extreme sport, pioneered by the Russians, is to climb the highest point of any structure.

Many extreme lovers even maintain their own blogs, where they talk about the peaks they have conquered. A place to climb can be a construction crane, a skyscraper, or even a monument.

On the wings of the wind

Those who like to tickle their nerves can not sit still, and they came up with another extreme and very unusual sport. Its essence is that for safety you are tied to the upper wing of a biplane, which will subsequently accelerate to 135 miles per hour.

For extreme adventurers, the pilot will be happy to perform some aerobatics that you will definitely never forget.

base jumping

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of learning to fly. Fortunately, today everyone has the opportunity to feel the beauty of free flight.

Be prepared to be dressed in a special suit, which in its structure resembles a flying squirrel. Such a suit increases the overall area of ​​​​your body, so you can glide for a long time in the air.

For a soft landing, of course, you need a parachute. Mortality among fans of this sport is quite high, as many athletes prefer to fly as close as possible to the rocks.

Train surfing

The creator of this sport is clearly not all at home. Train surfing is banned in many countries.

The fact is that a person involved in train surfing climbs onto the roof of the train and tries to stay on it while moving. People around the world are dying trying to do this. The sport was popular in the 80s and 90s and then reappeared in 2005.


Parkour is the art of overcoming obstacles quickly, accurately and efficiently. This sport does not require special special equipment - it can be practiced in any accessible place.

The steeper the obstacle, the greater the risk and adrenaline rush. Since there is no need for special equipment, parkour is one of the most accessible extreme sports.

speed skateboarding

These unusual skateboarders use long boards with softer wheels and a wide wheelbase, allowing them to reach incredibly high speeds.

They can go up to 70 miles per hour and the slightest miscalculation could be their last.

hang gliding

Although all extreme sports are dangerous, according to statistics, the highest mortality is observed among athletes involved in hang gliding.

Pilots use special equipment - a hang glider, and jump with it from a great height. The large wingspan of a hang glider creates enough lift to keep a person in the air. Sounds pretty fun and relaxing, but it's very dangerous.


For most people who have visited Spain, the encierro, or bull run, is an interesting tourist experience. However, it is worth remembering that the slightest mistake can lead to serious injury and even death.

Angry bulls are released into the streets of the city, and the task of the race participants is to escape from them. Pure madness.

Water extreme sports


Westerners first learned about surfing during James Cook's first voyage, when his ship docked on the island of Tahiti. Surfing has been an integral part of ancient Polynesian culture and certainly predates the arrival of Europeans on the island.

Today, surfing is common in many countries with access to the sea or ocean, and thousands of fans of this sport, despite the risk, consider it the best pastime.

Diving without scuba gear

Many do not even realize that in order for diving to become an extreme sport, a person simply needs to take away the scuba gear. Imagine that some divers dive to depths of up to 100 meters without the oxygen tank they normally carry on their backs.

These athletes have larger lungs than normal people. This is due to the fact that they train long and hard, holding their breath.

Once upon a time, bungee jumping or parachuting from a height of six thousand meters was considered the most dangerous. But today, this is not much of a surprise, because extreme sports do not stand still.

We present to your attention a list of dozens of dangerous types of extreme sports, the existence of which you, perhaps, did not even suspect.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Volcanoboarding

Snowboarding is yesterday! We present to your attention a new sport - riding on a volcano. Volcanoboarding is as insane as it seems at first glance. The only place in the world where you can ride the slope of an active volcano is Nicaragua, Department of Leon. It is here that the active volcano Cerro Negro is located. Anyone can rush down from a height of 725 meters on a special wooden board at speeds up to 80 km / h, knowing that the volcano is still active, and its last eruption occurred just over 10 years ago. This is a truly powerful adrenaline rush! It will take 45 minutes to climb to the top of Cerro Negro, and God forbid you go down not only with a breeze, but in its entirety, because the slope of the mountain is really steep: 41 degrees.

2. Trainsurfing

This activity is completely illegal. But this article is not about laws, but about absolute extreme sports, so we will tell you about trainsurfing. Its essence lies in riding on the roof or on the running board of trains moving at full speed. You have probably seen a lot of shots with similar "passengers" made in Africa or India. An extensive campaign against this type of extreme is currently being launched. Its main hazard is that "passengers" may be thrown off the train at full speed or injured while driving over an overhead contact line or entering a tunnel. Although extreme is extreme, and it is unlikely that such difficulties will be able to frighten truly desperate people.

3. Human catapult

Airkick(R) is another extreme sport that is also called the "human catapult" (I think this name puts everything in its place). A special throwing device throws the extreme up along a pre-calculated trajectory using air pressure and water reverse technology. Extreme presses a button to lift himself into the air by 8 meters, and flies at high speed into a pool of water. At the same time, it is very important to enter the water correctly: if you fall flat on your stomach, you can get serious damage! This activity is clearly for those to whom the usual prefabricated pool for giving is already small.

4. Driving through the dunes in jeeps

Just imagine the most steep and high sand dunes, which are simply impossible to climb, and then imagine that you are overcoming these heights in a four-wheel drive car and at the same time you are overcome by the fear of falling - this is the indescribable feeling of extreme desert jeep tours. This type of extreme is popular in the United United Arab Emirates, and this is not surprising, because local cars are best adapted for this. If you decide on such a trip, do not forget to take a video camera with you: there will be something to show your friends, otherwise they will not take your word for it!

5. Base jumping

For those who have the urge to jump off a very tall building...the help of experts is clearly needed! But for those extreme sportsmen who are already tired of banal skydiving, base jumping will help in search of thrills. It differs from conventional skydiving in that base jumpers skydive from fixed objects, as in paragliding. There are four types of fixed objects for base jumping: buildings, antennas, bridge spans and rocks. The danger lies in the fact that there is very little time for the parachute to open, so you need to pull the ring at the very beginning of the jump, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

6. Speedriding

Speedriding is an amazing mix of paragliding and skiing. Speedriders use special kind parachute and skis to quickly go down the slope and at the same time gain speed. This kind of extreme sport is very dangerous and involves such high speeds that it has already been banned on some ski slopes. Thanks to the use of a parachute, the glide speed is incredibly increased: it is impossible to accelerate so much just skiing.

7. Slacklining

This extreme sport requires strong but not too tight ropes. If the rope is not too tight, then if necessary, it can stretch like an elastic band. But the rope with a stretched string is easier to move, which allows you to perform some tricks! By the way, very dangerous. The slacklining record is held by Christian Schu, who walked a tightrope over a gorge at a height of one kilometer, which is equal to the height of three Eiffel towers.

8. Run with the bulls

is the perfect way to get a truly colossal dose of adrenaline. Not everyone is able to voluntarily run ahead of an angry animal that weighs a ton. Nevertheless, every July crowds of people gather in the Spanish city of Pamplona to participate in the race with the bulls, which are then used for bullfighting. The only criterion that the participant must meet is the age of over 18 years. Therefore, any adult can run a distance of 840 meters along with hundreds of other thrill-seekers. But you need to keep in mind that 14 people who took part in such races have already died.

9. Bird Man

Many of us fly in our dreams, but Birdman does it in reality. Flying made a reality a special wing suit, with which you can control your movements when jumping from a cliff. Using this miracle suit, you can reach speeds from 225 to 240 km / h. The Romsdal valley in Norway during the summer solstice is the most popular place for such flights. As the suit fills with air and the nylon wings carry Birdman forward, he can experience the unparalleled feeling of freefall.

10. Luge street sport

Last but not least is street luge, which originated in southern California among skateboarders. These guys once discovered that they could develop much faster speeds while lying on the board and sliding down very steep slopes. To date, this type of extreme has gained great popularity in Europe. If you want to try, then prepare for possible injuries, namely fractures, which are very possible, because when sledding down a slope at a speed of 96 km / h, the legs often serve as brakes.