Horoscope for Aquarius for October

In October 2017, many Aquarians will feel the need for new communication and broadening their horizons. The spirit of adventurism that visits them will become more active and will influence the decision to go on an amazing journey, meeting interesting people.

The horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017 advises not to miss the opportunities that open up and to act as much as possible in accordance with your desires. Perhaps some will go abroad and enter educational institutions. However, the time of discovery and the thirst for knowledge will overtake all Aquarius, regardless of age.

Favorable days for October 2017 for Aquarius:

Love horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius

October 2017 is favorable for communication, for strengthening previously established relationships. Don't be afraid to experiment. The horoscope for October 2017 recommends that Aquarius pay attention to the psychology of communication to prevent possible crises. Harmony in interpersonal relationships can get rid of many problems and establish contacts with people, including your loved ones. Don’t be shy about turning to specialized literature for advice; you can even attend thematic trainings that will definitely benefit Aquarius.

Favorable days for love in October 2017 for Aquarius:

Aquarius financial horoscope for October 2017

In October 2017, the horoscope for Aquarius recommends paying attention to improving your professional qualifications. This can include educational trips, including foreign ones, or attendance at thematic courses according to professional activities. Negotiations with foreign partners or investors will be very successful.

In general, in October 2017, business will largely be focused on foreign business relations. The horoscope for Aquarius suggests paying attention to improving your knowledge of foreign languages. The acquired skills will play a role in the future and will also increase the employee’s value as a qualified specialist.

Favorable days for money in October 2017 for the Aquarius sign:

Health horoscope for the Aquarius sign for October 2017

Given the busy work schedule, in October 2017, your vision and nervous system may be at risk. Try to take a break from excessive communication with a computer or TV monitor. For those Aquarius whose work requires high concentration and is directly related to eye strain, the horoscope for Aquarius in October 2017 recommends studying the basics of eye gymnastics and putting them into practice. It will not be amiss to conduct meditations.

(October 2017)


This month, representatives of the sign must learn to take a new path. All previous methods and work patterns will be ineffective. Therefore, astrologers advise not to be afraid when making any decisions. Dramatic changes are possible in love relationships with a partner.

October is quite a good period for expanding your knowledge, this applies to both training and work. You'll probably have to take on new things. At first they may seem overwhelming, but with the support of loved ones and using all your skills and abilities, it will be easy to bear such a load.

At the same time, you should be extremely careful in communicating with others. Perhaps a person will appear in the life of Aquarius who will somehow want to harm him due to strong envy. Astrologers claim that at some time in the past you already had problems in your relationship with this person.

The spirit of adventure will not leave Aquarius. They will find something new for themselves every day. There is a high probability that towards the end of the month there will be a good opportunity to relax with pleasant people. You shouldn’t hide your emotions and be afraid to say something unnecessary; such people are unlikely to judge you in anything.

Some Aquarians will have a good opportunity to travel abroad. Perhaps the trip itself will not take place this month, but the foundation will be laid right now. It is worth taking this issue responsibly, since there are some risks of being deceived financially.

Aquarius Woman: Horoscope for October 2017

Who knows, maybe in October Aquarius women will have the most luck of all those around them. Some may envy this, others sincerely rejoice. But you won’t care about that, because you will follow your dream.

It is extremely likely that at this time representatives of the sign will rely on their intuition in everything. Moreover, they will be quite sensitive and react extremely emotionally to any situations that happen around them. If you have excessive anxiety, you should pay due attention to this issue, but do not get hung up on it.

Some representatives of the sign will want to go on long journeys. Astrologers do not recommend doing this in the first half of the month. Since this is an extremely unstable period in their life. This is not about some kind of deception, but about the betrayal of a person who is constantly next to you. Therefore, you need to be prepared for extremely unexpected turns.

Aquarius Man: Horoscope for October 2017

Representatives of the sign will not be held back by anything from their previous place of residence. They will feel like free birds, and every day they will want to get more from life. Astrologers recommend that you not ignore your intellectual and personal development, which you rarely pay attention to.

The first half of the month will pass quite calmly. In the second half of October you will have to strain yourself. Aquarius men will be surrounded by not very pleasant personalities, conflict situations and a showdown are possible. This may cause them to lose credibility in the eyes of the public.

It is advisable to be practical in all matters. It is worth thinking about what will happen tomorrow and whether the business that Aquarius is doing now is important in the future. You can make a large number of mistakes at this time, for which you will have to pay too dearly and for a long time.

It’s not worth exposing yourself and your loved ones for the sake of your reputation, risking losing everything that was obtained with such difficulty. It is important to pay enough attention to your loved ones, who will need support and good advice at this time.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017

If you expect any changes this month, there will be plenty of them. Moreover, they will be both pleasant and not very pleasant. Those representatives of the sign who are married and have been experiencing discomfort from living together with their spouse for a long time should not tolerate what fate gives them.

Surely you have long understood your past mistakes, but you don’t know how to fix everything. Solving the situation is quite easy. Astrologers do not advise having long conversations and blaming your partner for something, even if he has made many mistakes. It is advisable to calmly explain your intentions and not stray from the chosen path.

Lonely representatives of the sign during this period may meet a person quite interesting for them, but they are unlikely to seriously think about a romantic relationship with him. Astrologers do not recommend misleading people around you; you should forget about your selfishness and let the other person evaluate your actions and intentions.

Financial (money) horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017

In terms of finances, the situation can change daily. Even astrologers cannot give an objective assessment of what will happen in the life of Aquarius. It would seem that everything is fine today, business is getting better, so there is no reason to worry. But tomorrow everything could change - new ones will appear from somewhere financial difficulties, things will have to be resolved urgently, and people who borrowed money in the past will not want to pay it back.

First of all, you need to trust only yourself and not accept outside help and advice in terms of money. Who, if not you, should know how to earn money and save it correctly. It is also not recommended to put psychological pressure on people; not everyone will succumb to such influence, and unpleasant consequences are possible.

Despite this, representatives of the sign will have many opportunities for additional income. There may not be a lot of money today, but if you put in all your efforts and approach things wisely, the situation will soon begin to improve.

Work and business horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017

October will be a fairly successful month for strengthening your position at work. At the same time, you will have to spend a lot of time at work. This will not affect the salary in any way, but will significantly raise Aquarius in the eyes of others. Although some skeptics will still think that you once again want to prove something to someone.

Any negotiations must be approached responsibly. Even if it seems that the business will develop and there is no reason to worry, then at the very last moment everything can change - the contract will be broken, and the company’s profit will approach zero.

If Aquarians occupy leadership positions, then it is worth paying attention to the employees. At this time, it may be necessary to change the staffing schedule and recruit new employees. Some people won't take it seriously possible work, and see in it only ways for personal enrichment.

In terms of business, astrologers do not recommend opening any new businesses or implementing your plans this month. Quite an unfortunate period for this. If you wish, you can carry out some negotiations, but no more. For those who have been running a successful business for a long time, it is advisable to learn to rest a little; perhaps some of the reasons for problems in business are due to extreme fatigue.

Health horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017

Astrologers recommend at this time to beware of eye strain due to constant work at the computer or with documents. It is advisable to do special exercises for the eyes from time to time, and if necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

There may be some problems with the tonsils; a viral disease cannot be ruled out. Astrologers assure that there will be no complications if representatives of the sign approach this issue with all seriousness. At the same time, October is a rather traumatic period in the life of Aquarius; you will have to carefully monitor the condition of your skeletal system and take additional vitamin complexes.

It is not recommended to overexert yourself at work. A good way out of the situation would be daily meditation or yoga, which will help distract you from pressing matters. Excessive stressful situations can affect the nervous system of representatives of the sign, so they can be extremely irritable during this period. You should not allow emotions to dominate your life.

According to the horoscope for October 2017 for many representatives zodiac sign Aquarius, this will be one of the most successful months of the year. There will be a lot to do, but thanks to an optimistic attitude and a fairly high energy potential, if you wish, you will be able to turn the most daring and grandiose plans into reality.

Horoscope work and finance Aquarius for October 2017

The first half of October 2017 is perfect for negotiations with business partners. Important issues will be resolved easily and naturally. However, turning your professional plans into reality will require determination. You yourself must be convinced of the correctness of what you say to your colleagues. Otherwise, conveying your opinion to other people will be problematic.

But it is also possible that you will encounter intrigues on the part of your colleagues. The heavenly bodies recommend not reciprocating their feelings, but simply doing your job calmly, not paying attention to the squabbles that arise. By focusing on fulfilling your professional responsibilities, you will achieve much more success than if you spend time sorting things out with other employees. Business trips, especially long-distance ones, also promise to be successful in October.

The most favorable financial path will be for those representatives zodiac sign Aquarius who are involved in the business sector. Your business will develop especially actively, which will please your wallet. For all other representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars predict an approximately uniform flow of finances and the same withdrawal. During this period, it is undesirable to both borrow money and borrow money.

Love horoscope for October 2017

For representatives zodiac sign Aquarius those in a relationship, the end of October 2017 will be the most emotional. The chosen one will open up from a new side, which will pleasantly surprise you. So, if you doubted whether you were with the “right” person, surely now such torment will disappear, and you will be able to enjoy the idyll and romance.

But if you have already been married (and for a considerable amount of time), pre-existing conflicts will most likely escalate. The stars advise not to let everything take its course in the future, but to talk frankly with your chosen one, and, if the existing connection is dear to you, do everything possible to preserve it. For those Aquarians who are now alone, the heavenly bodies predict a fateful meeting. There is a high probability of starting a relationship with a person from another city or even country.

Aquarius health horoscope for October 2017

Due to the heavy workload in October 2017, many of the representatives zodiac sign Aquarius health status may be affected. Try to do everything possible to help the body - if possible, get enough sleep, eat right and don’t focus on minor troubles. Remember that nerve cells do not regenerate. At the same time, stars also do not advise spending your free time too passively. A walk in the fresh air (when it is not very cold outside) and a morning workout will only benefit you.

Favorable and unfavorable days for October 2017 Aquarius

Favorable days for Aquarius October 2017– October 3, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 24 and October 31, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Aquarius October 2017- October 1, October 7 and October 15, 2017.

Natalia Rodionova

Aquarians will spend October 2017 in a mysterious and melancholy mood. What does it mean? Yes, only one thing! Once again, your loved ones will have to think and guess what is hidden behind your behavior abstracted from reality, and what you wanted to say with certain ornate phrases. Actually, there is nothing to be surprised about, because you are an Aquarius, who soars in the clouds much more often than lives within the confines of reality! In October 2017, you will build another fairy-tale castle, then settle in it and very rarely leave the confines of this castle.

Meanwhile, your loved ones (“strange eccentrics” who do not know your aerial plans) will begin to whisper behind your back that something strange and inexplicable is happening to you. You will, of course, hear this whisper, but do not pay any attention to it. In general, everything that happens within the walls of your home, within your family, in the families of your friends and acquaintances, will not receive any attention from you in the middle of this autumn. You will give up entertainment events and friendly meetings, since it will be much more interesting (calmer and easier) for you to be in your fairy-tale “castle”. Another question is why don’t you invite your marriage partner to these “luxury apartments”? The reason is simple. The person with whom you once linked your destiny will turn out to be too realistic to constantly have your head in the clouds. After all, someone in your family will have to pay bills, communicate with school teachers, buy groceries, cook dinner, and so on! Your overly down-to-earth partner will become this person. Then, when you finally return from your castle in the air, don't forget to thank your loved one for everything he did while you lived outside the boundaries of ordinary reality!

Aquarians, who do not yet have a permanent life partner, will rarely leave their castles in the air in October 2017. Why do you need love and storms of passion if in your ephemeral fantasies you have much more? But how to explain this to a person who really wants to get to know you? It is possible that you simply will not notice the interest emanating from him. It’s a pity, because this person could easily become your ideal life partner!

Now about how your career path will unfold, dear Aquarius, while you live at the mercy of your ephemeral fantasies. If you are an employee of any enterprise, your superiors will be sincerely surprised when instead of you, an always diligent and diligent employee, an eternal dreamer appears who fulfills his daily duty only half (or even less!). Of course, sooner or later you will be strictly called to order (this is the minimum of what can happen to you). The maximum trouble for you looks like this. To begin with, you will “disrupt” an important report, fail to complete an emergency project on time, or, due to your excessive daydreaming, break the most complex office equipment. After your boss's anger subsides slightly, you will be asked to write a letter of resignation of your own free will, and you will have to meekly agree to this. But everything is in your power (this is just an example of what a negligent attitude towards your official duty can turn into for you!). Dreams are dreams, but you shouldn’t forget about work (at least in those hours set aside for intense, systematic work). Please take this advice into account, and then your October reverie will become just a fleeting period that you will later remember with slight sadness.

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of October 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have full picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Aquarius horoscope for October 2017

General horoscope for Aquarius for October 2017

According to the horoscope for October 2017, for many representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, this will be one of the most successful months of the year. There will be a lot to do, but thanks to an optimistic attitude and a fairly high energy potential, if you wish, you will be able to turn the most daring and grandiose plans into reality.

Horoscope work and finance Aquarius for October 2017

The first half of October 2017 is perfect for negotiations with business partners. Important issues will be resolved easily and naturally. However, turning your professional plans into reality will require determination. You yourself must be convinced of the correctness of what you say to your colleagues. Otherwise, conveying your opinion to other people will be problematic.

But it is also possible that you will encounter intrigues on the part of your colleagues. The heavenly bodies recommend not reciprocating their feelings, but simply doing your job calmly, not paying attention to the squabbles that arise. By focusing on fulfilling your professional responsibilities, you will achieve much more success than if you spend time sorting things out with other employees. Business trips, especially long-distance ones, also promise to be successful in October.

The most favorable financial path will be for those representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign who are involved in the field of entrepreneurship. Your business will develop especially actively, which will please your wallet. For all other representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars predict an approximately uniform flow of finances and the same withdrawal. During this period, it is undesirable to both borrow money and borrow money.

Love horoscope and Aquarius family for October 2017

For representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign who are in a relationship, the end of October 2017 will be the most emotional. The chosen one will open up from a new side, which will pleasantly surprise you. So, if you doubted whether you were with the “right” person, surely now such torment will disappear, and you will be able to enjoy the idyll and romance.

But if you have already been married (and for a considerable amount of time), pre-existing conflicts will most likely escalate. The stars advise not to let everything take its course in the future, but to talk frankly with your chosen one, and, if the existing connection is dear to you, do everything possible to preserve it. For those Aquarians who are now alone, the heavenly bodies predict a fateful meeting. There is a high probability of starting a relationship with a person from another city or even country.

Aquarius health horoscope for October 2017

Due to the heavy workload in October 2017, many of the representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign may suffer from health problems. Try to do everything possible to help the body - if possible, get enough sleep, eat right and don’t focus on minor troubles. Remember that nerve cells do not regenerate. At the same time, stars also do not advise spending your free time too passively. A walk in the fresh air (when it is not very cold outside) and a morning workout will only benefit you.

Favorable and unfavorable days for October 2017 Aquarius

Favorable days for Aquarius October 2017 – October 3, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 24 and October 31, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Aquarius October 2017 – October 1, October 7 and October 15, 2017.