What is the internet option l. How to connect the Internet on MegaFon: unlimited tariffs. Unlimited services "Internet L" for tablets

Looking for a tariff plan with big packages of minutes, SMS and internet? The tariff "MegaFon - All Inclusive L" includes unlimited calls to MegaFon numbers at home and while traveling in Russia, as well as bulk packages of cellular services. This tariff plan applies to. The tariff provides for an advance payment method. For a fixed monthly fee, you get unlimited calls within the network throughout Russia, as well as a certain number of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators, SMS and Internet traffic.

The purpose of this review is to give you a complete understanding of the All Inclusive L rate and leave you with no questions. At first glance, the tariff is extremely simple and understandable, but in fact it is characterized by features that the operator tries not to mention. We make detailed and honest reviews so that you have the opportunity to choose a profitable tariff plan.

  • Attention
  • Depending on the region, the size of the subscription fee and the volume of service packages may differ. The principle of the tariff, features and methods of connection remain unchanged. When writing the article, data for Moscow and the region were used. You can check the information relevant for your region on the MegaFon website.

Description of the tariff "All inclusive L"

The tariff "MegaFon - All Inclusive L" provides for a monthly fee of 800 rubles (for Moscow and the Moscow region). The subscription fee may be more or less depending on the region. For example, for St. Petersburg and the region, the tariff will cost 1000 rubles. per month, for the Stavropol Territory - 18.4 rubles. per day, for the Kaliningrad region - 900 rubles. per month, for the Perm Territory - 750 rubles. As you can see, the size of the subscription fee varies greatly depending on the region, and at the same time, the volumes of the packages also differ. The article provides data for Moscow and the Region, if you are a subscriber of another region, enter the Megafon website and in the description of the All Inclusive L tariff, specify the information relevant for your locality. The features of the tariff, the principle of operation, connection methods and other aspects are the same for all regions, so this article will be useful for you no matter where in the country you live.

So, for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region, the monthly fee is 800 rubles. Whether it's a lot or a little is up to you. Surely, your decision largely depends on what service packages are included in the tariff.

Tariff "MegaFon - All inclusive L" includes:

  • Unlimited calls to MegaFon numbers at home and while traveling in Russia (from the 1441st minute of calls per day, a tariff of 1.6 rubles per minute applies to MegaFon numbers in the home region);
  • 1000 minutes for calls to numbers of all operators in Russia;
  • 1000 SMS to mobile numbers of all operators in Russia;
  • 7 GB of Internet at home and on trips around Russia;
  • Free connection of the MegaFon.TV service (4 films and a package of channels without a traffic quota).

As you can see, the All Inclusive L tariff includes quite large service packages. If there are too many declared packages for you and you are sure that you will not be able to spend them within a month, then it makes sense to consider a tariff plan with a lower subscription fee, for example,. The All Inclusive tariff line is quite diverse, so each subscriber will be able to choose the best offer for himself.

The cost of communication services on the tariff "All inclusive L"

Despite the fact that the tariff "MegaFon - All Inclusive L" provides for very substantial packages of minutes, SMS and Internet, your expenses may not end only on the subscription fee. If you spend more than you have allotted for a month, you will have to pay extra. Most often, Internet traffic ends, because 7 GB is not enough for all subscribers. However, especially active subscribers are able to use packages of minutes and SMS until the end of the month. In this case, you should consider, which includes more voluminous service packages. It should also be understood that not all cellular services are included in the All Inclusive L tariff. For example, you will have to pay for forwarding and international calls. In order to understand what your monthly communication costs will be, you need to familiarize yourself with the cost of communication services on the tariff in advance.

The All Inclusive L tariff is characterized by the following prices:

  • All incoming calls - 0 rub;
  • Calls to MegaFon numbers in the home region and beyond - 0 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators in the home region after the package is exhausted - 1.6 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region after the package is exhausted - 3 rubles;
  • Call forwarding to all mobile and landline numbers in the Home region - 2.5 rubles;
  • Incoming SMS and MMS - 0 rub;
  • Outgoing SMS to the numbers of operators in the home region after the package is exhausted - 2.9 rubles;
  • Outgoing SMS to MegaFon Russia numbers after the package is exhausted - 3.9 rubles;
  • Outgoing SMS to numbers of other operators in Russia - 3.9 rubles;
  • Outgoing SMS to the numbers of operators in other countries - 5 rubles;
  • After the Internet traffic package is exhausted, the "Auto-renewal" option is automatically activated (200 MB for 30 rubles).

Based on the information above, you can determine the approximate amount that you will spend on communications each month. Perhaps the monthly fee will be your only expense item. In this case, you should compare the MegaFon - All Inclusive L tariff with the All Inclusive S, M tariff plans. These tariffs are characterized by smaller packages of services, and at the same time, the size of the subscription fee is also reduced.

Features of the tariff "All inclusive L"

All operators present their products exclusively from the good side, while the shortcomings are always hidden. MegaFon is no exception. The tariffs of this operator are also endowed with disadvantages and hidden conditions. In particular, the tariff "MegaFon - All Inclusive L" has a number of features, of course, not all of them are attractive to subscribers. Below are all the features of the All Inclusive L tariff known to us. Of course, not all of them are disadvantages, on the contrary, some are even useful for subscribers. What is bad and what is good is up to you, our goal is to provide a detailed description of the tariff plan and highlight all its features.

Tariff Megafon "All Inclusive L" is characterized by the following features:

  1. When the tariff is connected, the amount equal to half of the subscription fee is debited from the phone balance (not relevant for regions that provide for a daily subscription fee). Accordingly, for 15 days the subscriber receives only half of the packages of minutes, SMS and the Internet. From the 16th day, the second half of the subscription fee is debited and the second half of the service packages is provided. Starting from the second month, the subscription fee is deducted and the services are provided monthly in full on the day of switching to the tariff plan. This feature is convenient because the subscriber can test the tariff for two weeks and not pay for a full month if the tariff plan is not to their liking.
  2. When switching to the tariff, a number of additional services are connected, some of which are paid. So, the Kaleidoscope service is automatically connected. Within the framework of the tariff, the service is provided free of charge, however, content requests are charged.
  3. Also, when switching to the tariff, the “Who called +” service is automatically activated. The service is provided free of charge during the first month, after which 0.6 rubles is debited from the phone balance daily. per day. To deactivate the service dial *581*3# on your phone.
  4. If the subscriber does not use cellular services for three months, or during the specified period there is no money on the balance sheet, then the contract for the provision of communication services is considered terminated at the initiative of the subscriber.
  5. When the Internet traffic package available within the tariff plan is exhausted, the “Extend speed” option is automatically activated (200 MB for 30 rubles). If you are an active Internet user, then additional traffic can cost you a round sum. The solution may be special options for the Internet.
  6. When you are in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the prepaid traffic package does not apply to incoming calls and outgoing calls to MegaFon of Russia;
  7. The traffic not spent in the previous month is not transferred to the next month and is not accumulated;
  8. The MegaFon.TV service is provided free of charge. Traffic when viewing content through the MegaFon network is not charged. The exceptions are the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, where the traffic consumption comes from the general package. To watch TV channels, it is recommended to use special free applications from MegaFon.

How to connect the tariff "MegaFon - All inclusive L"

For many subscribers, the All Inclusive L tariff plan from MegaFon may seem too expensive. Of course, the tariff provides for a rather large monthly fee, but it is fully justified by the package of services that the subscriber receives in return. Despite the high monthly fee, the tariff is popular and if you are one of the subscribers who decide to switch to this tariff plan, then use one of the methods below. There is no fee for switching to the tariff. The main thing is that the balance should have an amount that will be enough to write off the monthly fee (for the first time, half of the monthly fee is charged).

You can switch to the MegaFon - All Inclusive L tariff in one of the following ways:

  • Dial a short command on your phone: *105*0035#;
  • Send an SMS with any text to 0500935;
  • Call the short number 0500935 and follow the prompts of the voice menu;
  • Use MegaFon's personal account (Service Guide);
  • You can purchase a new SIM card with a connected tariff at the nearest MegaFon salon or on the official website of the operator.

How to disable the All Inclusive L tariff on MegaFon

The All Inclusive L tariff has both advantages and disadvantages. Can't name this rate. the best offer MegaFon, but it is definitely not the worst either. Some are delighted with this tariff, for others it is completely unsuitable and there are many reasons for this. If, some time after switching to the MegaFon - All Inclusive L tariff, you realized that it does not suit you, then simply change it to a more favorable offer for you. What will be more profitable depends on your needs.

No action is required to disable the All Inclusive L tariff. It is enough just to connect a new tariff, after which the old one will turn off without your intervention. It is impossible to disable a tariff plan without connecting another one. By default, a SIM card needs some kind of tariff to work, otherwise it simply will not work.

Wired Internet is developing more than ever before. However, there are still territories that are not covered by any telecom operator. For this reason, many users have to use special devices such as modems or telephones to access the network.

Today, cellular operators offer to use a whole range of options with which you can access the Internet for a certain monthly fee.

Take, for example, a connection from Megafon. This operator offers its customers a line of options, using which you can access the Internet for a certain subscription fee. So this operator has the following options: Internet on a smartphone, XS, S, M, L, XL. Each option has its own amount of traffic or the number of units of information, expressed in Mb and Gb. In terms of capabilities, the Internet L option is of greatest interest. You can find its description on the official website of Megafon. Also detailed information support will provide you.

Option and tariff

First of all, let's understand what is the difference between the concepts of an option and a tariff. The tariff determines the basic cost of services such as calls, SMS and traffic. At the time of connection, certain conditions of use are provided for each subscriber. The SIM card cannot be activated without a tariff. Tariffs offered by Megafon: Megafon-online, Go to Zero, All Inclusive and others. The option involves connecting a certain subscription fee discounts on something. So, for example, there are packages of unlimited calls and SMS, various Internet options.

Which SIM cards work

Options for connecting to the Internet can be activated on almost any SIM card, except for the one on which the "Unlimited GPRS" tariff is set. It should also be noted that this option is activated on the number where no Internet services are provided. If, for example, the “Internet M” option is enabled on your phone, but the traffic on it has already been exhausted, then the “Internet L” option or any other similar service will not work on it until you disable the previous one. Roaming in the "Internet L" option will only work in the home region. When traveling outside the region, the basic rates for the use of the Internet will apply. The cost of 1 MB in Russia will be 9.90 rubles.

In other countries, 1 MB will cost from 35 MB. To use the Internet with the help of "home" options outside the region, you need to activate an additional service that will allow you not only to access the Internet while traveling, but also save money upon arrival. Activation and operation of any services will begin at the time of the city in which the subscriber is located. So, for example, if a subscriber with a SIM card from Kemerovo left for Moscow and connected some services, including Internet options, then they can be used only after 4 hours.

Connection methods

There are three ways to connect "Internet L". You can connect the option yourself, through the user's personal account, USSD request or SMS. You can contact the communication center. Also, to connect the service, you can use the services of a contact center. It should be borne in mind that Megafon and two other large operators operate in the country. The cost of internet options and conditions in each region may vary slightly. So, for example, if in the Novosibirsk region "Internet L" will cost 700 rubles, and the amount of traffic will be limited to 50 GB, then in Moscow it will cost 890 rubles. The amount of traffic will be limited to 36 GB.

How to independently connect "Internet L"

To activate the option that the subscriber intends to use via modem, you must send a CMC, since the device program does not support USSD requests. To activate the service, you need to send a message with the text "1" to the number 05009124. On your phone or tablet, you can send a request through the hash and asterisk. The command will look like this: *236*4*1#. To deactivate the "Internet L" option, you must use the *236*00# command or send a message with the text "stop" to the number 05009124. In the contact center or communication salon, specialists can activate the option you need using the program. They have the ability to perform all the necessary operations with your number, from replenishing the balance and ending with the activation of the promised payment.


To connect the Internet option you have chosen, the user will have to pay a subscription fee up front. For example, the number has a balance of 700 rubles and a service is activated, for which 1.5 rubles are deducted from the user daily. After that, the subscriber independently or with the help of specialists from the contact center activated the “Internet L” option. According to the description of this service, it is clear that the money from the user will be deducted immediately. In this case, nothing will remain on the account. With a zero balance, this option, unfortunately, will not work. You can try to replenish the balance by 1 ruble and use this option. But the next day, a subscription fee of 1.5 rubles will be debited from your balance, and the balance will become negative. Internet access with financial blocking will be impossible. The same is true when using the selected option outside the home region.

Promised payment

If there are not enough funds on your balance, you can activate "Internet L" with a special promised payment, which has nothing to do with the usual one. To connect the Internet option, an amount of up to 700 rubles can be provided when dialing a special command or sending SMS. It is impossible to connect a credit of trust or a simple promised payment in this way. For example, if a subscriber wants the Internet L service to be activated on his phone, but at the same time he has 200 rubles on his balance, then he can send a request to activate the option.

At the same time, he will receive a message stating that there are not enough funds on the balance sheet and an offer to use the promised payment. The command that must be typed to connect the promised connection will also be presented here. The Internet will be activated, and 1 ruble will remain on the subscriber's balance. The promised payment must be paid within 7 days. When connected through a specialist, activation is carried out in the same way using the program installed on the computer in the call center or communication salon.

You should also remember about additional services with a subscription fee. If, after connecting the promised payment, a certain amount is debited from the user's account the next day, then the balance will have to be replenished by the amount of the promised payment and the fee to exit the negative balance. It is also worth considering that if there is a promised payment, any amount deposited on the balance will go towards repayment. To get out of this situation, you can use the activation of rubles for points or a transfer from a Megafon subscriber. When the balance becomes positive, you will be able to use the "Internet L" option again.

Description of payment features

For services using the Internet, the subscription fee is deducted every month. Options are automatically extended. Therefore, if you want to use another option after the previous one expires, you will need to disable the old one and activate the new one. Otherwise, when depositing money into the account, you will extend the validity period of the previously connected option. If this still happens, call the contact center. At the same time, in no case should you go online so that you do not start spending traffic. The specialist will be able to cancel the unsuccessful connection only if you have not started using the option. It is also better to immediately check with a specialist how you can turn off "Internet L" if the user has forgotten the command.


Quite often, situations arise when the gigabytes provided for a month are not enough for the user, and it is still a long time before the next write-off. In this case, there are special additional services, such as “Extend speed. With this service, it will be possible to supplement Internet L traffic. For example, you can connect "Extend the speed of 5 GB" at a cost of 230 rubles. In this case, the Internet speed will be restored. However, it should be borne in mind that this service is directly related to the main one. If there are not enough funds on the account to charge the subscription fee, the option will be disabled. Together with it, “Extend speed” will also turn off. The traffic will just go down.

More often, mobile operators are trying to offer customers tariffs with packaged Internet. But among the existing plans there are those that involve payment for each megabyte of traffic used. It is for such offers that additional Internet options are developed, which are provided by the Internet package. Consider the option "Internet L" from Megafon.

What is the option "Internet L" Megafon suitable for

The volume of traffic on the service will be enough to use instant messengers and an electronic mailbox, search engines, social networks, download images, listen to music and watch videos and movies.

For smartphones, the operator offers an Internet package for any purpose. For other devices, the option involves not only data transfer, but also additional services that operate unlimitedly. After activating the option in the tablet, in addition to traffic, subscribers receive unlimited use Email, social networks, storage of files in the cloud, listening to music and watching videos, navigation. The operation of the service in a modem will also allow customers to use the traffic package and save the necessary files in the cloud.

The exact list of unlimited services can be found on the website of the Megafon operator on the option description page.

Description of the service "Internet L" Megafon 2018

For the entire billing period, users have access to 20 GB of traffic, which can be used for any purpose. When it is completely used up, access to data transfer is blocked. You can resume the ability to access the network using the functions of the Extend Internet line. The package will also be updated with the beginning of a new month.

Unused traffic balances are not transferred to the next billing period and are not compensated.

The first session in each calendar month is rounded up to 1024 Kb. For all subsequent accesses to the network, rounding up takes place up to 250 Kb.

Internet L users, when activated, have access to watching mobile TV. The subscriber receives 50 TV channels as part of the MegaFon. TV” and in addition to this 4 films monthly.

To view Megafon.TV channels, you need to register on the megafon.tv website or in the mobile application of the same name.

The service covers the territory of the entire Russian Federation, with the exception of several regions: the Republics of Crimea and Sakha, the Magadan and Sakhalin regions, the Kamchatka Territory, the Taimyr municipal area, the cities of Sevastopol and Norilsk, Chukotka Autonomous Region. In these subjects, mobile Internet operates at basic rates and the terms of the tariff plan.

20 GB of traffic are activated at the time of debiting the monthly payment and are available for the next 30 days. The duration of the option is not limited, and its operation stops only at the moment of deactivation.

The cost of the "Internet L" service

For using the additional function, 900 rubles are charged from the subscriber's personal account every month.

The information is relevant for the Moscow region and may vary depending on the subscriber's home region.

For the first time, the mandatory amount is debited from the SIM card on the day of service activation. Further withdrawals occur monthly on the same date corresponding to the connection number. If at the time of debiting the subscriber's balance does not have the necessary amount of funds, then the withdrawal of money is not carried out. In this case, access to the network becomes impossible. You can resume the work of the “Internet L” option after replenishing the account with an amount that will be enough to charge the subscription fee in full.

For each subject of Russia, the operator sets its own prices for the same function. Consider the amount of mandatory payment for several regions:

Region Subscription fee, rub. Internet package, GB
Moscow 900 20
Leningradskaya 650 20
Samara 620 25
Voronezh 500 25
Novosibirsk 700 25
Krasnodar 700 25

Among the subjects under consideration, only in the Leningrad and Moscow regions is provided 20 GB of traffic each. In all other subscribers receive 25 GB. With a larger package, the amount of the monthly payment, on the contrary, becomes smaller. The most favorable conditions are in the Voronezh region, since for 25 GB per month you need to pay only 500 rubles there.

How to connect "Internet L" Megaphone

You can activate the service on any day of the calendar month. This is done using:

  1. ussd portal. From the phone you need to send a request *236*4# .
  2. or smartphone app. You can connect the option in the section " Services» in the tab « All available».
  3. Shop MegaFon. Contact the consultants of the sales office with a passport and after identifying the subscriber, any operations will be available to you.
  4. SMS message. To connect "Internet L" Megafon you need to send sms to service number 05009124. Follow the instructions to complete the activation.
  5. Call to the call center. To resolve any issues, you can contact the operator at 0500.

How to disable the option

To disable "Internet L" Megafon, you need to call the operator, send an SMS message or ussd request, use the site / mobile application, contact Megafon service offices in person.

To cancel the service, the SMS will contain the word STOP, and the ussd combination will look like *236*00#.

Combined action with other options

The function is not compatible with all tariff offers.

You can find out if activation is available on your connected tariff plan in your personal profile on the operator’s website or in the Megafon Personal Account application.

The service does not work together with those options that change the rates for mobile data transmission. The only exceptions are 2 functions - "Extend the Internet" and "Be at home".

How to find out the remaining traffic on Megafon

To check unspent balances for service packages for all plans and functions, a single ussd command *558# is provided. After sending, a system notification will appear on the screen stating that the request has been accepted and the information has been sent to your number. In a few seconds, you will receive a message indicating all current discounts and balances for the current date.

The remaining gigabytes, minutes and sms can be seen on the main page in the corresponding section.

For those who use the mobile application, widget settings are available. This method will allow you not to enter the application specifically, but to see the remains on the smartphone screen all the time.

The widget is installed through the smartphone settings.

To use this option, the Megafon application must be saved in the device's memory. If the service is located on the memory card, then you will not be able to configure the widget.

"Internet L" is perfect for a tablet. This option is one of the most profitable Internet options of all Russian mobile operators. The specified volume will be enough even for the most active Internet users, even for watching feature films and TV shows. If every month you have too much unused Internet, then it makes sense to connect a less voluminous option from the same category of services, and not overpay for what you do not use.

Date: 11 Feb 2018

"Internet L"- package mobile internet from Megafon, which connects to your tariff on a phone, tablet or modem. First of all, this package is suitable for modems and routers, therefore it is posted on the official website of Megafon in the appropriate section.

If you don’t look at the option in detail, then you might think that for 890 rubles a month we get 36 GB.

This is not entirely true. Traffic is divided into night and day traffic - 50% each. That is, we get 18 GB of daytime traffic (from 07:00 to 00:59) and 18 GB of night traffic (from 01:00 to 06:59). And this is a completely different story. In addition to the fact that Megafon deliberately hid an important aspect of the service provided, the option becomes not so attractive.

For example, at MTS you can connect "Internet-MAXI" - 15 GB during the day and night unlimited for 800 rubles a month, while the night starts at 00:00, and not from 01:00. True, for trips around Russia, the MTS option is much worse (an additional 50 rubles per day).

By the way, even on the page with a description of the “Internet L” option, information about the division of traffic into night and day is hidden behind the “More” link. Well, Megafon does not want to inform customers that the options are not so good. On the one hand, it really turns out 36 GB per month, and on the other hand, these are not full-fledged 36 GB, since 50% of them can only be spent at night.

Unlike the same MTS, Megafon's option is valid throughout Russia at no additional cost. But a mobile operator would not be a mobile operator if all of Russia really was all of Russia. The option is valid throughout the Russian Federation except for: Magadan, Sakhalin regions, the Republic of Yakutia, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Kamchatka Territory, the city of Norilsk and the Taimyr Region, as well as the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. In these regions, the Internet L mobile Internet package is not spent - instead, traffic is paid - 9.9 rubles per 1 megabyte. This is for you to understand, 10137 rubles for 1 GB.

Do you think that this important information Megaphone put on display? Not! Even on a separate page, you need to click on the “More” link to find out that “all of Russia” does not mean “All of Russia”.

This option is clearly not the most profitable among mobile operators - if you use the Internet exclusively in your home region. If we are talking about trips around Russia, then the option is quite competitive.

Although, personally, after considering this option, Megafon left an extremely unpleasant aftertaste. Perhaps they were hiding something else? It is also worth mentioning that in detailed description the pdf file says that "the cost of the option may change". Quite an interesting statement, because the cost of options changes quite often. Or does Megafon mean that it can change the cost of an option already connected to the tariff? I wouldn't be surprised if so.

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How to connect the "Internet L" option on Megaphone?

If, after all of the above, you still decide to connect the option to yourself, then know that you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Personal account Megafon
  • Short command *236*4#
  • SMS with the text "YES" to the number 05009124

How to disable the "Internet L" option on Megaphone?

If you have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the option, and decided to disable it, then you can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Personal account Megafon
  • Short command *236*00#
  • SMS with the text "stop" to the number 05009124

What to do if the installed access to the Internet network from a smartphone, phone or PC is not needed now? Connected options should be disabled, and this should be done in advance, before the expiration of the period for which the payment has already been made. If the user pays for using the Internet with a megabyte counter, you can block Internet access from the phone when changing the settings. Otherwise, the formation and accumulation of debts is possible. How to disable the Internet in MegaFon if the Internet is already connected to the client number?

How to disable Internet XS on Megaphone

The option is intended for users of smartphones and phones. It provides customers with Internet traffic in the amount of 70 Mb per day. The monthly fee is charged daily, which is very convenient. However, you will need to pay 210 rubles for its connection at the same time - this is a monthly fee for the first month. Starting next month, funds for this service will be charged daily. To quickly disable the Internet service on Megafon with the Internet XS option connected, you need to dial the USSD code *236*00#. The option will be disabled, and the subscription fee will stop.

It is also convenient to send an SMS with the short text “STOP” to special number 05009121 to turn off “Internet XS” or use Megafon's Personal Account.

How to disable Internet S on Megaphone

The Internet S tariff was created for the most active clients. It is easy to use both from any smartphone and from your tablet. The option provides for 3 GB of traffic per calendar month with the maximum provided and possible speed access. The subscription fee is charged on a monthly basis. There are several ways to turn it off:

  • SMS with the word "STOP" to a special number 05009122
  • Megafon personal account
  • USSD special code *236*00# and call button;

You can find out detailed information about tariffs in your region by the free Megafon special number.

How to disable Internet M on Megafon

The option is suitable for those who want to enjoy social networking, surfing and listening to music online. For a month, 16 GB of traffic is provided at the highest possible speed. Commands to turn off the Internet:

  • USSD code *236*00# and call button
  • Personal account Megafon
  • SMS with the word "stop" to special number 05009123;

How to turn off Internet L on Megaphone

The Internet L tariff will be useful to all customers accessing the Internet from any tablets, desktop PCs or laptops. It provides 36 GB of Internet traffic for one month, which is enough for all purposes, including watching videos online and listening to the radio. There are 3 options to disable universal access with Internet L billing:

  • SMS message with the text "stop" to special number 05009124
  • Personal account Megafon
  • USSD special code *236*00# and call button

How to turn off Internet XL on Megafon

The best option for the most active customers of mobile Internet access from MegaFon. The amount of traffic included here is not limited at all, the speed is maximum. In addition, it is easy to install a SIM card with a phone number and connected to the service in a router, which will provide simultaneous Internet access for several clients. To disable Internet XL, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Dial USSD code *236*00# and call key
  • Disable the service in the Personal Account Megafon
  • Send an SMS message with the text "stop" to the number 05009125.

How to turn off the Internet for a day with MegaFon

Some customers do not always need Internet access, but only occasionally. Tariffs have been created for them, which provide for the provision of daily access to the network.

In this case, the established subscription fee is written off exclusively for those specific days in which there was a connection to the Internet. The period for which the report is carried out is considered a day. If during this period there were no connections to the Internet network on the given day, the subscription service fee is not taken.