Gemini zodiac sign for October

What does October 2017 have in store for the Gemini Man?

Representatives of this sign will go through some trials in October. They will need to gather all their willpower and be patient. Mistakes, then correcting them and listening to the dissatisfaction of colleagues regarding this will act depressingly and annoyingly on Gemini. Lonely men of the air element, due to their frivolous behavior, will not start a relationship, and family representatives will be completely disappointed in their marriage.

Love horoscope for Gemini Man

Representatives without a partner will become very proactive. After meeting several girls, they will try to start several romances at the same time. The stars will not like this behavior, so everything will be limited to flirting and communication.

The relationship of married men will hang by a thread. They will constantly doubt their choice regarding their spouse, and frequent skirmishes and constant misunderstandings will only increase this feeling. The meeting with a long-standing love will also add fuel to the fire, which will literally turn their thoughts around.

Love horoscope for October 2017: Gemini A man will feel that this month he should not make serious plans for a relationship with one of his acquaintances.

Finance and work

Intensive work is not expected this month. In professional activities, the strong half of the Gemini sign will make many mistakes, which will cause confusion in work. Their incidents will lead to a deterioration in relations with colleagues. The horoscope does not recommend making enemies among colleagues, thereby creating more more problems. Try to find a compromise and with dignity to admit your mistakes. In order to increase their material wealth, Gemini men need to trust their inner voice. He will tell you where it is most profitable to invest money.

Health and recreation

In October, representatives of the air element will be prone to colds and heart diseases. There may also be problems with the digestive tract. If they suddenly feel painful, unpleasant sensations, then you should not wait until the disease worsens. Contact your doctor and start taking the necessary medications. The stars recommend this month to switch to proper nutrition. The twins never aspired to this, but it’s better for them to try to wean themselves from fast foods and junk food, because this does not benefit health, but on the contrary, it harms.

  • Auspicious days for Gemini men - 11, 12, 27
  • Not auspicious days for Gemini men - 6, 17, 23, 25
Published: 2017-09-07 , Modified: 2018-10-22 ,

This month, vigorous action with a reasonable amount of risk can bring success. Ahead is the time for changes and they will do you good.

Work, career. Gemini October 2017

During the whole month, it is better not to take active actions, remaining a diligent team player. At work, everything goes on as usual, "without joy, but without sadness." Entrepreneurs and bosses are busy with insignificant current affairs, and in this they will be greatly assisted by loyal subordinates. An employee can count on the support of colleagues. His relationship with his superiors will improve significantly, but with one of his friends or with a person occupying a high position in society, they may not work out. Perhaps we will talk about debts or some other financial obligations. It will not be possible to resolve the situation this month, most likely, it will continue in the future.

Money. Gemini October 2017

The financial situation is unstable, and the point is not that there will be no money, but that the costs will be high. In one case, they are connected with personal life, and in the other - with business.

Love, family. Gemini October 2017

This month, many will have to deal with a number of personal problems. Family people will closely take care of children who bring a lot of trouble. It is for the needs of the younger generation that a substantial amount can go from the family budget. Many families will have children or grandchildren. Relationships between lovers are complicated, and the proverb “From love to hate is one step” this time will be relevant. The stars are advised not to be too demanding of a loved one and, if possible, not to make an elephant out of a fly. If you keep emotions under control, then October will be much calmer. People who are single this month can hope for a romantic meeting. Stars recommend not to miss parties and pay attention to outfits.

Today, a variety of information and contacts will help Aries avoid fixation on their own person. This is a great day to start studying (including learning foreign languages). It is good for negotiation, mediation, literary, advertising activities, for work in the field of consulting, teaching, programming. There are excellent conditions for short trips, searches for information, and partnership work. You may meet again an authoritative person whom you once lost sight of.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Taurus

On this day, for Taurus to succeed, sociability, curiosity, and a willingness to learn are vital. Representatives of this sign will become richer due to sociability, erudition, awareness. This is the right time to purchase textbooks, guides, computer programs and applications, information media, communications. It makes sense to turn again to a forgotten piggy bank of useful knowledge (for example, look into an old abstract, a reference book, a list of recipes, an address book, a database).

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Gemini

On this day, Gemini is in the spotlight, the stars promise them stable luck. This is a great moment to resume your studies, as well as to transfer knowledge to other people. Perhaps it is you who will provide those around you with information and authoritative advice. You will be able to successfully act as a teacher, translator, commentator, secretary, reporter, consultant or mediator. There is a high probability of creative inspiration or a happy turn of events in your personal life. You may have new ideas or new secrets.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Cancer

The day is favorable for study and reflection. It is possible to renew contact with a teacher, curator, spiritual mentor. A craving for other people's secrets and forgotten sources of knowledge is not ruled out. Many Cancers will want to re-read an interesting book, watch a good movie, visit familiar places, meet travel buddies or school friends. This is a good time for in-depth work on the Internet (search for information, mailing letters, account recovery, correspondence with remote correspondents).

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Leo

Lions today need contacts with like-minded people and can readily use virtual communication for this purpose. On this day, you can safely plan a meeting of classmates, search for friends of interest, holding a scientific conference or a trade presentation. It is possible that the right people will find you themselves. Now it is worth looking at a site that you have not been to for a long time. Do not disregard your own network resource (forum, chat): messages from long-silent participants may reappear on it.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Virgo

Fate is ready to give Virgo everything they wanted. They can count on the favor of the authorities, on the help of the family, on someone's patronage. But although this day opens up long-awaited opportunities for you, you may decide to reconsider your attitude towards them. Perhaps you will be promised something that you have long dreamed of (for example, a job in a foreign company). Agree to a tempting offer only if it is in line with your new interests, otherwise you will soon be disappointed.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Libra

Today, Libra is among the favorites of fortune, use this. Whatever you have in mind, you will quickly gain credibility, receive informational and moral support. It will not be difficult for you to acquire the necessary knowledge and authoritative patrons. This is a great time to develop a suspended large-scale project. You will be successful in matters related to higher education, tourism, jurisprudence, mediation, transportation, publishing business, religion, organization of international and mass events.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Scorpio

On this day, any Scorpio can safely walk along the edge of the abyss: at the right moment, fate will lend a helping hand to him. To further protect yourself, do not move away from the team. Partner and friendly contacts, as well as sociability, mobility, and erudition are the key to your security. Maintain old connections with representatives of the public, the press, science, travel and publishing companies, with employees of educational, insurance, tax, legal or transport structures.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Sagittarius

The day contributes to the public activities of Sagittarius, creates conditions for the growth of their fame and popularity. This is a great time for community service and speaking to a wide audience. It is also suitable for strengthening partnerships, including marriage. A successful dissertation defense, a bright theatrical or political debut is possible. To make the most favorable impression, appear everywhere accompanied by friends (admirers, students, voters) or a faithful like-minded person.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Capricorn

The day is favorable for the provision of information services. Sociability and education will raise Capricorns in the eyes of the boss, clients, subordinates. Do not forget that studying, negotiating, exchanging information is an integral part of your career. You may have to advise colleagues, draw up (study) office instructions, train (examine) inexperienced employees. You may need a flawless communication tool or a stable Internet connection to complete your current tasks.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Aquarius

It is better for Aquarius to build plans for the weekend today. These days are conducive to creative intellectual pursuits and a pleasant stay in good company. You can call friends, send out invitations, consider a personal date program. Any of your original ideas will find a good use. The day is good for an informal event, including with the participation of children. The evening is suitable for a friendly meeting, a corporate party, a collective walk, a visit to a crowded club party.

Horoscope for October 5, 2017 Pisces

Today, your loved ones are eloquent, sociable, sentimental, hospitable. Perhaps it is from them that you will learn the most interesting news. Your home may have a TV on all the time or a phone ringing. The general atmosphere of these days is conducive to balance of emotions and fairness of judgments. For many Pisces, it becomes possible to resume an important conversation related to moving, exchanging housing, studying, family traditions. This is the right time to expand your personal living space.

Lunar calendar for October 5, 2017

15-16 lunar day
Moon in Aries
Full moon at 21:38
Day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Give support to those who need it. On this day, you can improve a lot in human relations, turn life for the better.
Haircut - do not cut your hair, otherwise you can get into trouble.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - nails will grow back quickly.
Facial care - try not to use cosmetics.
Body care is a good time to start losing weight.

Name day October 5

Alexander, Jonah, Isaac, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor, Feofan, Foka.

Folk calendar October 5

Foka Windmill.
Foka is revered by the people as a protector from fires and as a helper to drowning people.
Deciduous. Most of the rain falls on the ground on this day.

Signs October 5

If a leaf has not fallen from a birch by this day, the snow will fall late.
If the snow falls in due time, then in late January - early February there will be a long thaw.
Fixed clouds have appeared where the wind blows - soon the wind will stop.
Field mice stocked up on food more than usual - for a snowy and severe winter.

In order not to indulge in the autumn blues to all representatives zodiac sign Gemini, in October 2017, the horoscope recommended spending more time communicating with children. Kids will become a source of inspiration for you and instantly cheer you up. The heavenly bodies give a special forecast to those people who already have their own children. The offspring, for sure, need increased attention from you, even if they do not talk about it. Do not deprive the younger generation of your affection and love.

Horoscope work and finance Gemini for October 2017

October 2017 is a great time to finish some old projects. It is better not to take on the implementation of new tasks now, if there are any “tails”. You run the risk of not having time, as it should, to cope not with the first or the second. Don't try to do everything at once. Focus on the quality, not the quantity, of the work done.

The most favorable for the majority, as the stars say, will be the second half of October. Right now, the chances of getting a higher position, finding a new job (if you aspire to this) and having the most productive dialogues with business partners are increasing. So it is better to splash out the main energy in professional terms after the 15th. The Gemini man will be able to attract new capital and expand his business.

The financial astro forecast promises Gemini a pleasant state of affairs. For some it will be an increase wages, someone will receive a one-time, but significant replenishment of the wallet in the form of a bonus. There is also a high probability of receiving expensive gifts and finding sponsors who will help bring projects that are important to you to life. In any case - do not hesitate, you cannot do without gifts of fate.

Love horoscope Gemini for October 2017

Horoscope for October 2017 for representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini, shows that you will be upset because of the uncertainty in a romantic connection. If something does not suit you, do not wait until everything is out of your control, but talk to the chosen one. Don't be afraid to ask direct questions. If the existing relationship is really dear to you, according to the prediction of the stars, only clarity can save them.

For those Gemini who are still single, the stars recommend not to behave intrusively. If you like someone, of course, you can show attention, but here it’s better, as they say, not to “put the squeeze on” than to overdo it. Respect the opinions and feelings of others. The main thing is to stay optimistic, and life in the near future promises to sparkle with rainbow colors.

Health Horoscope Gemini for October 2017

Especially careful attitude in October 2017 will require the nervous system of representatives zodiac sign Gemini. Otherwise, you can get a nervous breakdown. If insomnia or irritable moods have become frequent guests, do not wait until they settle in your life for a long time. Don't neglect natural sedatives like herbal gulls and relaxing incense. Try to avoid people after communication with whom you feel bad. They feed on your energy.

Auspicious and Unfavorable Days October 2017 Gemini

Auspicious days Gemini October 2017– October 3, October 6, October 11, October 22, October 24, October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days Gemini October 2017-October 2, October 9, October 18, October 28, 2017.

Natalia Rodionova

In October 2017, the Gemini will live in an anti-logical way, absolutely honestly not understanding why people do not understand them ...

Gemini horoscope October 2017.

In October 2017, the Gemini will live in an anti-logical way, absolutely honestly not understanding why people do not understand them, and sometimes they are even offended. As in the situation when HE called Dasha at one in the morning, and she was sleeping ... And Dasha yelled at him ... but then she calmed down, thought, and at three in the morning she called him back to apologize ... That's about the same, quite logically, the Gemini will do in October 2017. And the Gemini men.

You used to live according to some kind of separate twin logic. But in October 2017, you will surpass yourself and live in some kind of Lobachevsky geometry, and cross not only parallel lines, but also right angles. And although, in fact, parallel lines cannot intersect (in any geometry) by the definition of parallelism. Lobachevsky's geometry is close to Gemini precisely in that it is possible to draw in it through a point that does not lie on a given line, infinitely many lines that do not intersect with it. This point (very often lying on someone's line), and through which an infinite number of other lines intersect, will be Gemini. What is not very clear? Do you think to others that your logic of actions is easier to understand?

In addition, judging by the horoscope, working and adult Gemini, in October 2017, will try to combine the incompatible - personal life and work. Gemini, if you have such an irresistible desire, try to make sure that one does not interfere with the other. If you manage to allocate time correctly, then in October 2017 you will be able to get here and there, if not an orgasm, then at least pleasure. As the horoscope shows, next month you will have only this one problem. In addition to the above, from time to time you will be haunted by a desire to become a little dull in order to joyfully and happily rejoice for no reason. Since there will not be many real reasons to rejoice. But, this desire to become a little dumb and smile for no reason can save you from autumn depressions. True, the need to “turn on your brains” at work will bring you back to reality. Therefore, try to learn to rejoice without turning off not only the brain, but also a carefree smile. In other words, in October 2017 Gemini should be able to correctly formulate their thoughts, regardless of their presence! And considering that it is much easier to do this than feigning an orgasm, or the presence of money, in their complete absence, then this will already solve half of your problems. Well, at least with orgasms. By the way, male Gemini, the issue of orgasms in October 2017 may also concern you. If not yours, then the orgasms of your significant other. Especially if she has problems with orgasms, no, but you are at home at this time too.

But, in principle, the horoscope for October 2017 for Gemini does not predict any special problems for you. True, it is likely that your old friend, Len, will crawl under your covers again, affectionately hugging your neck. And autumn laziness is especially sweet. And if she kisses and hugs tightly, then it is difficult for her to refuse. And yet, try to pay less attention to her in October 2017, leaving her time only for the weekend, and then in the company of her loved ones. Indeed, in fact, Laziness is a fence behind which your dream is located. And in October 2017, you can become much closer to her, so don't miss the favorable period!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini favorable days - 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 24, 25 and 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini unfavorable days - in fact, in most cases, unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who just need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini work, career and business. The main obstacle to the success of Gemini in October 2017 is yourself. Your doubts or long hesitation (well, where are Gemini without them) can lead to mistakes. Do not look for contradictions in the solutions - just choose the right ones! Life is full of contradictions, but most often simple solutions are the most correct! For example, you can’t drink tap water - it’s dirty, but vegetables and fruits can be washed with tap water - they will be clean! So do not look for logical solutions - look for the right ones.

And try to do work at work in October 2017, and not as usual - “I’m sitting, working. It turns out that you cannot open more than 91 windows of the Windows "calculator" at the same time! And this applies even to those Gemini who do not have a computer at work, but, for example, only have a steering wheel or a shovel. Although it is quite difficult to imagine Gemini with a shovel. But with the wheel you can.

The main thing to remember is that in October 2017 no one will particularly urge and stimulate you, much will depend only on you. You want so much money so that you can hide books in them, and not as usual, then do not hide from work and bosses in October 2017 - this month they will not do anything bad to you!

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini Finance. There are 3 simple ways cheer yourself up: 1. Good music or favorite song 2. Chocolate or alcohol 3. Money. In October 2017, the Gemini will choose the third option, which they can even happily inform their superiors or loved ones about.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Gemini. Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini Love. Gemini, happiness is when your happiness is happy next to you, and not somewhere out there ... on the Internet. In October 2017, even lonely Gemini will feel it, happily rejoicing in their reflection. Well, some family Gemini in October 2017 will find out that how much, it turns out, interesting things can be found around if you stupidly “score” on the Internet, on your experiences and start living. That is why you are likely to try to change something in your personal Life or relationships. But no matter what happens in them, you will not leave the feeling that everything is going for the best. So much so that you will readily say, thank you to those people who entered your life and made it beautiful! And also, thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better!

In any case, October 2017 is a favorable period for Gemini to work on their personal lives and relationships. The horoscope for October 2017 for Gemini in the amorous sphere repeats the same advice as in professional affairs - the main obstacle to your success is yourself. Your doubts or long hesitation can lead to mistakes. Do not look for contradictions in decisions, and most importantly, do not look for logic in people's actions. And certainly do not look for logic in your actions. Just choose the right solutions! And do not think about someone else's opinion, who will think what - formulate your own. Try to do what children do - they quickly distinguish the bad from the good. As a child, no one cares about someone else's opinion. You just don’t give a damn, sprinkled the “freak” in the sandbox with sand and that’s it, and then let the adults swear and find out whose child is brought up worse.

Single Gemini in October should pay special attention to the second half of October. It is during this period that Fate can bring you together with a new interesting person. And you will have a chance to be amazed once again, how with the arrival of one new person in your life, you can change your musical taste, behavior and even way of thinking.

So Gemini - live in October according to your anti-logic, and run away from the autumn depression with your head held high. Especially Gemini women. After all, every girl should always walk with her head held high ... And if she lowers her head down, then only to admire her new boots!